Updated: 6 years 6 months 1 week ago
Views: 2,803
Bicycle enthusiasts unite here!:)

Bat for Lashes is the stage name of Natasha Khan (born 25 October 1979), a Brighton-based songwriter. Born to the eminent Pakistani family of squash-playing Khans, her early life was spent travelling... continue reading
posted by Farhad2000

Turn your audio down, you're not going to get much more other than wind noise, and a few bike horns and bells. Same videographer as in the other clip I sifted up - and better quality than some of the other... continue reading
posted by Krupo
This little promo clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bDBuGl9_4g - does a neat little job of explaining why two of Toronto's main downtown highways were shut down all morning. Almost 15,000 cyclists,... continue reading
posted by Krupo
So close, yet so hilariously far away...
posted by karaidl
Wow,that's really drunk.
posted by mlx
"Murata Boy is a bicycle riding ROBOT with these key components: * Gyro Sensor for position detection * Gyro Sensor for slant detection * Ultrasonic Sensor * Shock Sensor * MTC Module"
posted by thesnipe
contestants try to cycle along a bridge of plastic water containers over water, with varying degrees of failure.
posted by randeepsamra
China bicyclist, lucky to be alive. Another car missed by inches and pedestrian spared also.
posted by Zifnab
Biker stands on bike, and rides dangerously close to the edge of a 10-15 story building.
posted by eric3579

Normal men + tiny trike + miniature track = fun
posted by thesnipe
Amsterdam has created a bicycle friendly city that promotes a healthier, more active lifestyle for its residents. With people meeting face to face instead of bumper to bumper, the city challenges us to... continue reading
posted by cybrbeast
Shes got skills
posted by eric3579
Big gaps, high walls, bollards, railings. No tricks really though, just really tough obstacles. There is a pause at the end and a couple of bloopers after that.
posted by obscenesimian 1 decade 7 years 11 months 3 weeks ago • 2,020 views
A compilation of freeride mountain biking footage from various videos. Lots of big stuff here. Wait for the impressive stunt at the end....oh, and "ouch".
posted by bigbikeman