
Member Profile

Real Name: Chris H.
Birthdate: November 14th, 1981 (42 years old)

Member Since: December 4, 2007
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Comments to uhohzombies

K0MMIE says...

I know! I saw my old orc rogue decked out in tier 2 at the beginning of the video! I was like awww... I miss you Prendaku!

In reply to this comment by uhohzombies:
Hi, my name is UhOhZombies and I'm a recovering WoW addict. Lvl 70 rogue, dual warglaives of azzinoth, ex-member of a top-30 in the USA raiding guild, played since release. I've been sober for 3 months now.

Watching this is like laying out a line of coke in front of a recovering druggie. I hate you for it, but I laughed at the same time, so I'm not gonna downvote like I originally planned to.

Now pardon me while I go distract myself any way possible so I can stop thinking about how Sunwell released yesterday.

blankfist says...

We'll put it to poll.

In reply to this comment by uhohzombies:
oh, bummer. it's a different context at least, being shown on its own in a shorter period of time so i'm going to leave it. if someone else discards it, then oh well. thanks for letting me know though.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:

*dupe uh-oh... It's the last clip shown here: http://www.videosift.com/video/Worst-Movies-Ever

Sorry, but at least you got your star.

schmawy says...

Oh, you gotta make 'em. Here's how...


In reply to this comment by uhohzombies:
Thanks! I agree, I'd prefer the long version in this case, I just didn't see it there when I was digging around last night.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Hey UhohZ. Here's a playlist for that Lucky video if you want to post it complete. Some people don't like to because you usually get fewer votes for the LONG subs, but I like it because you can watch the whole thing without leaving the Sift...

schmawy says...

Hey UhohZ. Here's a playlist for that Lucky video if you want to post it complete. Some people don't like to because you usually get fewer votes for the LONG subs, but I like it because you can watch the whole thing without leaving the Sift...

schmawy says...

You have my heartiest endorsement, good sir. You'll probably be Gold100 before I am! I really wouldn't put it past you.

In reply to this comment by uhohzombies:
lol! yeah, siftbot mouthing off to me caught me off-guard, but I bet it's Dag or Lucky having a bit of fun with it.

i have a collection of Fallout line art that I've cropped to use as avatars in the future. don't sue me, but i planned to borrow a bit of your thematic mojo this weekend and submit vintage and modern gangster/mafia related content to match the avatar. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, sir.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Where are these avatars coming from UhohZ? I like them. Good continuity.

And what's with SiftyBot cranking you off? Haha!

siftbot says...

I don't understand.

I assume you are talking about: phonograph records, the vinyl disks used for playing music.

because: a record, as in a file or evidence- in most cases cannot be scratched.

Please try submitting your question in a form that I can more readily understand. Alternatively, please go away - as my capacity is better utilized managing the intricacies of this community than replying to nonsensical comments.

In reply to this comment by uhohzombies:
I will not buy this record! It is scratched!

EDD says...

Your "For the lulz" playlist is an excellent source of lulz. I love it!
And of course, let me congratulate you for making it to Gold in such a short time. You're my new rolemodel

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