thinker247 SE

Member Profile

Real Name: Vernichtung
Birthdate: June 30th, 1980 (44 years old)

Member Since: September 15, 2007
Last Power Points used: April 10, 2011
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Comments to thinker247

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Unhobbled. Please don't go apeshit and start busting stuff up - which I know - is a natural instinct when the cuffs come off.

thinker247 says...

If I had the key to my shackles, I'd gladly leave them behind. It's too bad I'm a slave to the whims of a VideoSifting hierarchy bent on hegemonic disenfranchisement of the minions. Trampled under foot, I am.

I smell cottage cheese.

>> ^peggedbea:
sugar toots,
you can't keep those cuffs on this long...
they're fun when the lights go down and stuff, but all day everyday, its just fucking weird.
and besides they're chaffing your wrists raw, which is gonna be bad news for you after you pull your fists out of my yeast-frothing vagina.

peggedbea says...

sugar toots,
you can't keep those cuffs on this long...
they're fun when the lights go down and stuff, but all day everyday, its just fucking weird.
and besides they're chaffing your wrists raw, which is gonna be bad news for you after you pull your fists out of my yeast-frothing vagina.

peggedbea says...

alright, but if you have to put it in my butt again, lets not get the spicy pizza rolls.

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
I didn't give you the clap, that was brain. I gave you diarrhea and a prolapsed rectum, remember?

I was thinking we'd get some pizza rolls and watch Hot Shots: Part Deux.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
did you make enough sandwiches to afford a movie?
and have you finished your round of antibiotics? i dont want to catch the clap again like last time.

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
So do you want dinner and a movie, or do you just want me to bone you tonight? XOXO

silvercord says...

Thank you for the illumination. I have redacted my playlist based on this. By way of explanation, the playlist had little to do with Brain and much to do with those not listening to Dag, choggie, shepppard, me, et al.

Also, forgive me for the offense of what was meant to be a humorous observation based on your decision to return the vid to the front page and Brain's promote of that video in light of Dag's request to not do so.


In reply to this comment by thinker247:
That it is, sir.

In reply to this comment by silvercord:
I did what I did because I didn't see dag's post about not returning the video. I just thought it would be funny, in the middle of the silly back and forth, to return the video and upvote it (it had 9 votes at the time,) and then promote it. It was just a goofy idea for a laugh and I stand by my right to use the invocations I am allowed as I see fit. However, if I had seen dag's post about not returning the video because of sponsor issues, I wouldn't have stirred the shit.

Is that really true?

thinker247 says...

If I said it, it's true.

>> ^silvercord:
I did what I did because I didn't see dag's post about not returning the video. I just thought it would be funny, in the middle of the silly back and forth, to return the video and upvote it (it had 9 votes at the time,) and then promote it. It was just a goofy idea for a laugh and I stand by my right to use the invocations I am allowed as I see fit. However, if I had seen dag's post about not returning the video because of sponsor issues, I wouldn't have stirred the shit.

Is that really true?

silvercord says...

I did what I did because I didn't see dag's post about not returning the video. I just thought it would be funny, in the middle of the silly back and forth, to return the video and upvote it (it had 9 votes at the time,) and then promote it. It was just a goofy idea for a laugh and I stand by my right to use the invocations I am allowed as I see fit. However, if I had seen dag's post about not returning the video because of sponsor issues, I wouldn't have stirred the shit.

Is that really true?

Shepppard says...

Both taken from the post you sent back from discussion. It was staying there because there's no advertisements and therefore in a form of "Limbo". The sponsors names aren't associated with anything to do in sift talk, and therefore cannot pull their funding. You, therefore, decided to not return it to vote, but then doublepromote to put it straight up on front page. After dag said it's staying in sift talk.

>> ^dag:
Yes. Censorship. Let's go there. You might as well invoke Hitler too- it seems that's the direction your hyperbole is heading.
In fact, the fate of this group masturbation video may validate or destroy Democracy in the western world as we know it. We must choose wisely!
Anywhooo ... I've offered to leave this in Sift Talk where you can visit it as much as you want - tell your friends, too! Post it to Facebook- we can't cover up this awesome masterpiece of video journalism. Power to the people and keep up the good fight against wicked censorship ... my liberty loving brothers and sisters.

>> ^dag:
I'm not sure on your definition of "most people". Your sample size might be a bit small.
Yes, I do think sponsors will object to this post- it's hurt us before:
It's great to take a moral stand- but I'd like to continue to be able to pay the server bills- and consistently uphold the guidelines for this site that have been in place since February of 2006.

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