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Member Since: April 7, 2007
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Comments to thesnipe

gorgonheap says...

I never really got into Eureka 7. It's a fun concept but it hasn't really hooked me. Maybe I need to give it another shot. After all I used to feel the same way about Cowboy Bebop, it just seamed really slow but then I eventually got into it.

In reply to this comment by thesnipe:
Yeah! I'm beginning to love Eureka 7 and thankfully I can catch the beginning episodes on On Demand and record them from there! It's a great series, have you given it a try?

MycroftHomlz says...

Yo Anthony!

Hey man. The deadline for the NIST SURF program is sneaking up. Let me know if you are still interested. If you are, send me your CV. Also, I can help you get your application ready.


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