surfingyt US

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Real Name: surfingyt
Birthdate: January 1st
A little about me...
trump lost and his bootlickers cry harder

Member Since: March 13, 2012
Last Power Points used: February 4, 2013
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Comments to surfingyt

newtboy says...

Mea culpa.
>$4.5 trillion last year alone, and Trump’s insistence that he could spend as much as he liked and just print more for 4 years guarantees high inflation as long as the economy grows…there was a delay thanks to the 2020 economic stagnation but we’re seeing the effects now.

surfingyt said:

you forgot another thing. that idiot trump printed up so much money that over 40% of all circulating dollars were created during his presidency. inflation is the silent tax-and trump is the biggest inflation-creator in american history. bewb has no idea cpi is a lagging indicator LOL another moron republicant.

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahaha!!!!!! You have got to be fucking kidding me!!!! ROTFLMFAHS!!!!!

Yeah....just walked off....directly into Leavenworth!!! Who is so dumb that they think a soldier can just walk away if they aren't happy!?

@Anom212325 you ignorant troll. Posting some internet stupidity that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic, or reality, that anyone with two brain cells functioning could tell is plain nonsense. You really must be a world class moron and just a young ignorant kid to believe that stupidity.

surfingyt said:

some dipshit pretending to be in the know says some F-22 pilots "walked off the job" because of the vaccine mandate ordered by DoD looooooool

newtboy says...

I really didn't bother clicking it, what does the link claim?

Yep...who would have guessed that when you abandon reason, logic, fact, truth, and civility you end up being wrong most of the time!?

surfingyt said:

2 things... #1 if this were true this would make him AWOL and he'd end up in a brig (aka military prison) then eventually dishonorably discharged. #2 its not true. already been thoroughly debunked.

Take another L trumptards hahahaha
yall some of the stupidest gullible morons out there

newtboy says...

Cry it out...lie it out....never let the truth get out.
So sad people like him get the same voice and same voting choice as honest adults.

surfingyt said:

bob's motto: when in doubt, cry it out.

newtboy says...

Yes, I see that.
My point being the training masks don't do a thing for covid beyond training the body to operate with air resistance. It's a big issue, people who don't care about safety ignoring reality to "comply" with mask mandates by wearing fishnet masks or other non filtered front discharge masks, then pretending they don't understand the difference.

I doubt these kids had trained with them anyway, they're more for high level athletes, so in this case they were not especially prepared to compete wearing effective covid masks....but likely neither had their competitors.

surfingyt said:

this mask isnt for stopping the spread of infection. its for training in low oxygen environments or at altitude, so you perform better when surrounded by more oxygen.

surfingyt says...

this mask isnt for stopping the spread of infection. its for training in low oxygen environments or at altitude, so you perform better when surrounded by more oxygen.

newtboy said:

unfortunately they all have front mounted discharge valves, allowing spit and phlegm to spray out at face level when you breath hard, cough, or sneeze, almost like there's no mask at all. These masks are useless to stop the spread and should be labeled clearly indicating that. It's similar to the idiots who wear mesh masks pretend they're functional.
For a mask to work against covid spreading, it must filter exhalation of all droplets, those with exhaust ports do nothing.

newtboy says...

unfortunately they all have front mounted discharge valves, allowing spit and phlegm to spray out at face level when you breath hard, cough, or sneeze, almost like there's no mask at all. These masks are useless to stop the spread and should be labeled clearly indicating that. It's similar to the idiots who wear mesh masks pretend they're functional.
For a mask to work against covid spreading, it must filter exhalation of all droplets, those with exhaust ports do nothing.

surfingyt said:

There are training masks already people use for that exact purpose.

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