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Member Since: April 20, 2007
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Comments to smibbo

dotdude says...

A Snipe Hunt

A hunting party, lead by CaptWillard, will depart at 9:00 pm EDT on 4/3/08. The destination is a remote part of the Sift Forest near New Jersey. So practice your snipe mating call and stock up on paper bags.

Click here for further details.


dystopianfuturetoday says...

You went to High School with Ru Paul?

In reply to this comment by smibbo:
I went to high school with Ru Paul. Trust me, he's gay and not at all closeted about it. Sweet guy.

In reply to this comment by raven:
I didn't think it was particularly gay... I mean, Elton John is pretty out about his sexuality, but I don't know if Ru is gay or not, and I've always found it to be rather presumptuous to simply assume that a female impersonator is gay.

But we can *gay it up if you want.

Issykitty says...

Nicely done, smibbo! LOL!!!

In reply to this comment by smibbo:
aaaaaaaaand the DIS-toh-peon man axe for postins widdout substance n kith and kin cain't cuz its nuffin to pay attention to, wot?
its clear all you chowderheads only piss and moan when there's lower'nyou abouts fer eating all the cake, but we ALL know the cake izza lie leastways that's what I been hearing rumblin down the way btu that's allllll the way rumbling from me belly bcuz listening to all the privelledged whine about about anything ceptin politicky days make me noggin go flat. yer all sheeply and I know it best cuz


dystopianfuturetoday says...

I'm cool with this not being on her channel. I will certainly reserve the right to boot shit I don't like out of my channel.

In reply to this comment by smibbo:
I agree with persephone; what in this video exemplifies or elucidates any information about sexuality? it's titillating; big whoop so are about a zillion pr0n vids and any vid showing boobies. I like boobies as much as any guy but I'm not realy interested in just seeing them for the sake of seeing them. It's boring.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
/\ This video is bawdy and lowbrow, but if it isn't sexuality, I don't know what is.

qruel says...

since you'all are talking about suspense/horror flicks... I thought I'd share a few that I was involved in and see what you'all think (be gentle:-)

The Evil Inside - (inspired by Audition & Brian De Palma)


In reply to this comment by smibbo:
holy cow i forgot the movie i saw at midnight showing every time it came around... the first movie I ever bought shwag for (T-shirt and poster) the first movie I owned the sundtrack to...


holy smokes I loved that movie...

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