schlub CA

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Member Since: September 10, 2009
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Comments to schlub

oritteropo says...

Certainly a lot of people making these claims come across as crackpots, and one of the people (Price) I cited in my comment on that page certainly really was a crackpot... that said though, the population studies of Londoners before/during/after WWII rationing, the Nurses Study, and the non-crackpot analysis of Price's data all come to similar conclusions... eating too much processed food, fat, salt, sugar, and highly refined carbohydrates will essentially poison you. If you stop poisoning yourself in this way, the human body has a remarkable ability to heal itself. I don't know if stop poisoning yourself to reduce symptoms of poisoning really counts as a cure, but the end result is still healthier.

Exercise helps too, but diet is a good starting point.

Watching that vid, I did wonder what agenda the guy was pushing, but decided there was nothing really false in what he was saying and upvoted.

schlub said:

Interesting vid, but billing plant-based diet as the "cure" is a bit strong. There's no denying the benefits of proper diet and exercise but, saying all you have to do is switch to a "plant based diet" to "cure" it seems a little irresponsible to me... certainly makes it sound like an agenda being pushed.

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oritteropo says...

I can't stand to watch the show myself, for exactly that reason, it's just too painful!!!

I could reply that it's sending up the (apparently lower!) middle class copying the upper classes, particularly the same ones sent up by Monty Python in the election special sketch (it's spelled Raymond Luxury Ya-ch-t, but it pronounced Throat Wobbler Mangrove), but I think that's getting a bit far from the original point... so I won't

Anyway you could well argue that, as an Antipodean, what the heck would I know about England? And you'd have a pretty darn good point.
In reply to this comment by schlub:
I think in Hyacinth's case, she's just being an obnoxious twit. I don't think it's just an English thing
>> ^oritteropo:

The main character is named Hyacinth Bucket, but insists it's pronounced "Bouquet".

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