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Comments to pipp3355

rasch187 says...

Hahaha, that's good stuff

And the vid isn't embed blocked on reuters' website.

In reply to this comment by pipp3355:
howd you do that? I thought it was embed blocked, no? Btw, I see you like karl pilkington! That's funny cuz I just posted this in the pilkipedia forum:


In reply to this comment by rasch187:
I changed the embed to the reuters one, it was a bit better.

In reply to this comment by pipp3355:
In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Sifted that 20 hrs ago: http://www.videosift.com/video/Monkey-Man-Scales-High-Walls

nice. not exactly the same (different commentary and editing), but close enough.

videosiftbannedme says...

You know, I'm not sure. I imagine it might be out there, but there's not too much call for Candid Camera clips floating around the 'net, much less the "new" Candid Camera that aired in the 90's when I saw it.

In reply to this comment by pipp3355:
cool story there, i totally agree with the point. u don't happen to know if that clip is lying around anywhere on the interwebs? i'm just curious cuz i'd like to see it... wud probly sift well too..

In reply to this comment by videosiftbannedme:
I remember catching an episode of The New Candid Camera (late 1990's) and the setup was this: they had taken over an ice cream shop and put a sign on the register apologizing for not being able to give change. Then someone would come in, order two cones, hand them $5 and Allen Funt, Jr. would put the money in the till, shut the drawer and wait. As you can all see where this is going, people wanted their change and he kindly explained that they don't give change. And of course people were getting upset.

All except one guy.

He comes in, pays for his cone, doesn't get his money back and stands there calmly eating his cone. Funt Jr., not seeing any reaction, tries to assuage the guy by explaining that they don't give change. "Cool..." the guys says. Funt Jr. tries again to provoke a reaction. Nothing. So finally he breaks down, admits to the guy that it's Candid Camera, they caught him, yuk yuk yuk, etc. Intrested, Funt Jr. pursues the guy in his questioning, asking why he didn't get upset. And to this day, I'll never forget what the customer's answer was:

"Yeah, I don't let stuff like that rent space in my head." Fucking brilliant. Because that's what stuff like this does. It just rents space in your head. Until the next thing comes along.

Be smarter than the drama. Leave it on the stage where it belongs.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 51 stars, earning you status of Gold Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

11990 says...

In reply to this comment by pipp3355:
does that mean that technically its ok to try to kick the ball out of the goal keepers hands?

Negative. It's not legal to interfere with the goalkeeper while he has control of the ball. Once the ball is placed on the ground it's no longer in his control.

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