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Comments to ahimsa

newtboy says...

Again, not interested in propaganda from a vegan site called "freefromharm.org"

But OK, maybe you've read and they can answer, why don't you attack dogs for eating meat then? They, like humans, are omnivores, and clearly benefit from eating meat as part of their diet, just like humans, but can survive without it, just like humans. (granted, humans often make meat a main stay of their diet, which is not healthy, but that's not the same as 'it's bad for you', that's 'too much is bad for you', which is true of anything.)

ahimsa said:

carnivores, unlike humans (who eat flesh, dairy and eggs for reasons of pleasure) require flesh to live. if you check out the article i posted along wit h this one, they will greatly increase your awareness about these issues:


newtboy jokingly says...

No thanks. Not interested in silly Veganist propaganda.

Besides, I can see from the title that it makes the mistaken assumption that people's pets shouldn't be eaten. Maybe I wouldn't eat my dog, but if someone else wants it's carcass, they're welcome to it. Eating it is FAR better than letting it rot, or burning it.

ahimsa said:


newtboy says...

Really, what actual peer reviewed studies of brain activity during death are you quoting whey you say that? I'm not disagreeing, I'm just pointing out that you're totally buying into the myths and lies of the vegan movement rather than any actual evidence.
I hate to tell you, but I'm probably more educated about veganism than you, as I've been exposed to it for about 40 years through my aunts family, and can see it from the outside, so being part of the 'movement' doesn't cloud my perception like it does to vegans. Also, my brain doesn't suffer from a lack of proteins and fats.

Also, to comment on your other post, not all animals are factory farmed, or executed by the methods you decry. It's incredibly annoying to try to discuss this issue with people who want to portray the entire meat industry as the worst examples possible, then tell people how to act based on that misrepresentation. There's a problem with factory farming, not all animal farming is factory farming, or factory harvesting. Please make a note of it.

ahimsa said:

of course in some ways they are different but when it comes to suffering and death, a cow is a pig is a chicken is a dog.

if you wish to become educated on this subject rather than buying into the myths and lies of our culture and society, i suggest you read this short essay:
[url redacted]

ahimsa says...


ahimsa said:

carnivores, unlike humans (who eat flesh, dairy and eggs for reasons of pleasure) require flesh to live. if you check out the article i posted along wit h this one, they will greatly increase your awareness about these issues:

[url redacted]

newtboy jokingly says...

Why is it that Vegans never attack carnivores the way they attack omnivores? Carnivores eat only other animals, usually eating them ALIVE, shouldn't they be your target?

ahimsa said:

veganism is about social justice and non-violence. the only difference between the dogs you love and the cows, chickens and pigs you eat is your perception. vegans get ridiculed due to people's lack of awareness and false perceptions- just as anti-slavery activists were ridiculed in the antebellum south for suggesting the moral equivalence between white people and black people. i believe Arthur Schopenhauer said it best:
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

newtboy says...

So you HATE President Carter then, eh? If all animals are equally important, sentient, intelligent, and emotional, it must simply kill you that he's trying to eradicate an entire species, right?

Social Justice Warriors are invariably self centered ignorant asshats. Don't be one.

Please take a biology class, then try again.
Vegans get ridiculed because they make ridiculous statements like "the only difference between the dogs you love and the cows, chickens and pigs you eat is your perception".
...or are YOU only as intelligent as a gnat? Because if all animals are the same, that's what you're saying. ;-)

The thing about "truth" is, it has to be true. Your statement is simply insane. Animals are different from other different animals.

ahimsa said:

veganism is about social justice and non-violence. the only difference between the dogs you love and the cows, chickens and pigs you eat is your perception. vegans get ridiculed due to people's lack of awareness and false perceptions- just as anti-slavery activists were ridiculed in the antebellum south for suggesting the moral equivalence between white people and black people. i believe Arthur Schopenhauer said it best:
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

lucky760 says...

Apologies, @ahimsa. The system has a ton of automatic anti-spammer measures in place and something in your comment triggered it.

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