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Member Since: May 19, 2007
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Comments to Stormsinger

enoch says...

i knew i liked you for a reason!
i too have walked away from opportunity if it meant stepping on anothers face to make some cash.
i turned down an offer to work for merk as a pharma rep.huge money but fuck that.
not worth it in my opinion.
and i also see your point...i feel it is all related and not in a good way.
till next time.

enoch says...

then i think dilemma is an apt word.
let me clarify:
the institution of prisons in america being run by private corporations seeks only to get bigger,which means more funding and hence..more inmates.this will lead to incarcerations based on laws lobbied by the prison system which will translate to more jailable offenses.
this will not bode well for american society,nor for someone who finds themselves facing longer and longer prison terms.
on the other hand it will create more and more fairly decent jobs.the infrastructure that supports these institutions is massive.from the janitors to food service,linens,landscaping etc etc.

now if we decrease the sentencing of non-violent offenders i.e:pot smokers,shoplifting,driving under a suspended license etc etc.we may reduce the prison population but we create the new problem of unemployment.and there are communities (especially in texas,florida and alabama) who are totally reliant on these federal prisons.lose a prison and the community is basically wiped out.

so while i find the prison industrial complex reprehensible in its efforts to fill its cells by way of lobbying legislature to enact stricter laws,how do you take away a families ability to pay its bills?
see what im saying?
no easy answer.

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
I don't see a dilemma here. What you describe is the reason it will be hard or impossible to change this abomination of a system (as long as we have legal bribery for those running this country), but it's not a dilemma.

>> ^enoch:
if we legalize weed and change it from a type A narcotic to a mush lesser class we would effectively diminish the prison population on a massive scale.this means lost revenue for corporate run prisons and means major unemployment which could devastate entire communities.
this is the dilemma and to me it is a moral one but there is no easy answer.

is that not the very definition of dilemma?
would there be a better word used to describe the situation?
in either case i agree with your sentiment.

shagen454 says...

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
I hate to be snarky (well, not really, but I -am- trying not to be so, in this case)...but what talent, skill, or ability is this supposed to be demonstrating?

Hehe, I think you're on point. The actual purpose is the fact that it does not actually require any talent whatsoever. This sort of thing is punk taken to the furthest sci-fi extent of anti-music there is and that is just exactly the point for better or worse.

BoneRemake says...

that is true, even if he would of punched her in self defence, as she did have a pretty admirable weapon, even to subdue the situation becuase children where present, he would probably get shafted for assault. THe oh so tuff male in me says punch the fucker. the law says bow down and let her shit all over me.

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Looks sadly familiar...out-of-control rage is not a terribly uncommon behavior among bipolar sufferers.

And dropping her with one punch sounds oh so tough, but if you didn't notice, she's got a golf club. The smart thing to do is stay back and let the cops deal with it. If you "drop" her, guess who gets charged with assault?

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