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Member Since: December 5, 2006
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I noticed your quote on an expert. The joke I heard once was that an expert:
ex is a has been
spert is a drip under pressure
I´ll keep trying then, my fellow silver...
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
It's on a new server, the hosting is probably doing something with it. It was up this morning.
In reply to this comment by neuralnoise:
is it up?
it gives me an
The requested URL could not be retrieved
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
If someone provides the hosting and domain, sure, I'll throw one up. forum or live chat?
Here's karkarlee and I's blog: http://definekkl.heliohost.org/
is it up?
it gives me an
The requested URL could not be retrieved
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
If someone provides the hosting and domain, sure, I'll throw one up. forum or live chat?
Here's karkarlee and I's blog: http://definekkl.heliohost.org/
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
I just sent this to dag:
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
My sub-Gold spies inform me that they can't embed Vimeo videos:
Not just karkarlee has this issue, because I asked a couple of others and they reported the same problem. You and the ninja may want to look into it. Maybe the same problem we had just recently with MySpace videos?
I Love Your Page looks very nice
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Wow - that looks quite good and clean actually. Hurry up and grab 250 so you can do us a channel.
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
Just finished my custom CSS. How does she look?
he nice profile - i should get off my ass and do one too
Awesome CSS hun
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
A philanthrosifter has gifted you a 20 day charter membership! Don't ask who it was, I've been sworn to secrecy on pain of a thousand paper cuts.
Invite to your party
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
That's disgusting. It ordered the Fish Filet! That cat should get it's money back.
Hahaha! LMFAHS @ ^
Instaban can only be done once every 2 days.
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
Self link. Instabant?
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