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Real Name: JohnnyFurious
A little about me...
Following bokanovskification, I was decanted at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. Shortly thereafter, I was predestined and conditioned, and made ready for the world. Epsilon Semi-Moron and Proud of it!

Member Since: May 27, 2007
Last Power Points used: April 11, 2009
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Comments to ObsidianStorm

JAPR says...

Haha, do it! And a great first post, by the way. I was raised by a Mormon family, so I find that kind of thing both hilarious and sad, as I remember a time when I was among the brainwashed people who went blindly on the beliefs that were force-fed to them.

In reply to this comment by ObsidianStorm:
Thanks for the vote! My first post.

Yeah I came across this on youtube and thought it was hilariously bad. I mean, like, unbelievably bad. But I have another one that I think I'm gonna put up that makes this look like fuckin' Fellini...

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
rofl. Sweet post by the way. I lol'd pretty hard at how blatantly mindwashing it was meant to be.

In reply to this comment by ObsidianStorm:
Dude - I am so sorry.

but you're right.

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