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Comments to MINK

imstellar28 says...

you don't think an apple is designed to be eaten?

In reply to this comment by MINK:
dude, so wrong.

the hype every year for the "must have" toy is designed well in advance by the industry, including of course the stores, especially stores with the buying power of walmart. as i understand it, you are trying to argue an extreme version of "caveat emptor".

they know they will sell more if they create hype, panic, false shortages, blanket advertising. so they do that. if only one employee gets killed by the lack of security guards and barriers... well.... that's efficiency in action!

In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
a store sale "causes" excitement like the smell of food "causes" appetite.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
the stores cause this false excitement and stampede. they should take care of their customers better by actually having crowd control that makes a stampede impossible (but... it would be less exciting, eh?)

imstellar28 says...

a store sale "causes" excitement like the smell of food "causes" appetite.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
the stores cause this false excitement and stampede. they should take care of their customers better by actually having crowd control that makes a stampede impossible (but... it would be less exciting, eh?)

nibiyabi says...

Whoa whoa, I never said socialism can't work. Just using scandinavia as an example because it's the most leftist region of which I'm aware. I'd love if we could run things as efficiently as the scandinavians.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
yeah fucking scandinavia, what a dump! you want america to be like THAT? *shudder*

rgroom1 says...

I know that this comment is old, but i have something to say.
Ron paul is against net neutrality regulation. Another word for net neutrality regulation is the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine requires that holders of broadcast licenses present controversial issues of public importance and do so in a manner that was honest, equitable, and balanced. Key word: REQUIRES
Ron Paul, it would seem, is overwhelmingly consistent in his views on minimal government regulation.
Excellent use of quotations to skew the true meaning.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
you're not all wrong there, qm. also don't forget ron paul is against "net neutrality" regulation, but the same people upvoting his videos also upvote "SAVE THE INTERNET!!!!" crap too. it's called kneejerking. or circlejerking.

but QM, your attitude to the principles of international law and sovereignty is also unacceptable, your assessment of the dangers of Iraq taking over the world in 45 minutes was wildly inaccurate, the amount of money spent on the war is completely unjustifiable, the corruption involved outweighs any good intentions on the part of the protagonists, and it is laughable that you would criticise a libertarian for "not leading enough" lolololol. just lololol. kthxbye.

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