Fletch CF

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Birthdate: March 31st

Member Since: August 9, 2006
Last Power Points used: June 29, 2013
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Comments to Fletch

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your dedication to keeping VideoSift clear of duplicate videos has earned you your "Super Duper" Level 2 Badge!

BicycleRepairMan says...

In reply to this comment by Fletch:
In reply to this comment by BicycleRepairMan:
I can relate and agree with this whole clip, except where he mentions "octomom", I dont know who that is, but if it is what it sounds like (8-lings??) , I think that serves as a good enough excuse not to know ANYTHING, other than the fact that you have 8 babies to take care of.

She actually has 14 children, all conceived in vitro. So... now you know. :

Thanks All I know is that I have one that takes up like 23,9 hours a day, so how she is going to have time to take care of 13 more and give a fuck about politics the rest of the day.. So.. fuck Bill Maher and his pothead life a little bit..

EvilDeathBee says...

That's ok, TYT took the video down already and dunno if there'd be another copy anyway. Besides, I dunno how to remove the backup, lol

In reply to this comment by Fletch:
I screwed up your Romney airplane window video. : The original embed was marked private, so I replaced with Burdturglers's video, not realizing the original was from TYT. I don't want to screw it up worse, as I often do when "fixing" something here, so could you please delete the backup for me. I'm not a heavy toad on the inner machinations of VS. Sorry. Feel free to berate me in the comments.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

So yeah, I asked both of you to stop this nicely yesterday. I note that you personally haven't stopped. I thought I was pretty clear. I'm suspending our account for two weeks.
In reply to this comment by Fletch:
In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
There's no evidence for your accusations, @<a rel="nofollow" href="http://fletch.videosift.com" title="member since August 9th, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#FF4500">Fletch, whereas evidence of your asshattery is available for all to see. Don't be a douche. I consider that to be way more pitiable than sifting videos.

Don't contact me on my profile again.
In reply to this comment by Fletch:
In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Wow, you are a complete ass. Noted.

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^pumkinandstorm:
I use reddit as well as probably 50 other sources to look for videos. I go through all these sites every day and spend hours looking for suitable videos.

Sorry, but that's just fucking sad.

Wow, you are a complete ADD-addled, shallow ignoramous. Noted.

I'm sorry, but demands for cessation of profile comments "must NOT include provocative comments, insults, name-calling, the putting on of airs, inane blather, witless repartee, or any other content that displays the cowardice and/or dementia of demander when considered in whole with said demand". It's called the "IssyKitty Clause", and has been in effect since 2009. I think @lucky760 is still working on a IKC2009 FAQ, but you can trust me for now.

Now that you know the law, and your improper demand notwithstanding, I would be happy to stop posting to your profile. However, I would still like to invite you to post to my profile whenever you please. You are always good for a chuckle. Just keep in mind that any comment WILL be answered unless it contains ONLY the following (IAW IKC2009)... "Stop commenting on my fucking profile!".

Fletch says...

>> ^UsesProzac:

There's no evidence for your accusations, @Fletch, whereas evidence of your asshattery is available for all to see. Don't be a douche. I consider that to be way more pitiable than sifting videos.
Don't contact me on my profile again.
In reply to this comment by Fletch:
In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Wow, you are a complete ass. Noted.
>> ^Fletch:
>> ^pumkinandstorm:
I use reddit as well as probably 50 other sources to look for videos. I go through all these sites every day and spend hours looking for suitable videos.

Sorry, but that's just fucking sad.

Wow, you are a complete ADD-addled, shallow ignoramous. Noted.

I'm sorry, but demands for cessation of profile comments "must NOT include provocative comments, insults, name-calling, the putting on of airs, inane blather, witless repartee, or any other content that displays the cowardice and/or dementia of demander when considered in whole with said demand". It's called the "IssyKitty Clause", and has been in effect since 2009. I think @lucky760 is still working on a IKC2009 FAQ, but you can trust me for now.

Now that you know the law, and your improper demand notwithstanding, I would be happy to stop posting to your profile. However, I would still like to invite you to post to my profile whenever you please. You are always good for a chuckle. Just keep in mind that any comment WILL be answered unless it contains ONLY the following (IAW IKC2009)... "Stop commenting on my fucking profile!".

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