
Member Profile

Real Name: Drax
A little about me...
I'm out. It's been fun (till that last part)

Member Since: November 16, 2008
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Comments to Drax

AlphaPrimeCW says...

Me and the other Cybertronian Warriors will be waiting for this,
it looks really good yet most 'leaked' videos are just to gain fan reaction and gameplay is rarely anything like the film. we'll see.

In reply to this comment by Drax:
Have you played it very recently? It's incredibly easy to jump on a custom map now.. it's pretty much like TF2 in that regard.

And yes the chance based randomness of it just makes it more fun to me, but I can see how some might feel it's unfair at times. The game's like a hand of poker, you have to do the best with what you're dealt.

Anyways, I'm constantly going in and out of L4D phases. I never leave frustrated and completely enjoy when I jump back into it. The game has a certain doom like simplicity to it... also in terms of the amount of bodies you get to pump shotgun shells into >: D

videosiftbannedme says...

Yes, have got the PC version. I'm meaning to download some of the mods, but didn't even install the DLC stuff yet. I was originally going to wait until my Windows 7 got here to install the game, but...well, you know how that goes. So I've just been roaming around the Wastes, knocking over bandits and such. Once I get Windows 7 installed, I'll re-install, restore my saved game, and then probably go mod crazy. I think I had like 30-40 different tweaks running on Oblivion back when I was playing it.

I just wish Bethesda would make a zombie apocalypse game using there engine. Now THAT would be tight.

In reply to this comment by Drax:

And indeed VSBM, Fallout is freaking awesome. I highly recommend the wanderer's edition mod and some of Arwen's Tweaks (if nothing else her AI tweak module is WELL worth using. Some of her other tweak modules conflict with Wanderer's edition) if you're playing on PC. Those two mods alone up the immersion greatly and makes the game MUCH more balanced and challenging, but in no way unfair.

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