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Comments to Drachen_Jager

deedub81 says...

Obama has said he doesn't wear a Flag lapel pin on purpose. That's different than the other candidates showing up without one from time to time.

In reply to this comment by Drachen_Jager:
McCain doesn't wear a lapel flag. Huckabee didn't wear a flag pin. Clinton didn't wear a flag pin. Edwards didn't wear a flag pin. Romney didn't wear a flag pin. Why is this only an issue for Obama? When will an interviewer ask McCain why he doesn't wear a pin? Or at least Clinton!

jacksinmusicdotcom says...

The byproduct of drunksifting usually produces a few errors as I'm all fired up & stuff, but for the most part, what I say holds true.

"They have positive growth rate" I was referring to birthrate: global birthrate. The main countries with positive growth are African & Arab. You need to have a 20.00 to even sustain sustain a population, Europeans are all in the negative. Why reproduce when there's less pressing matters to attend to? Such as... ummm... gondolas?

Oh my bad, European military might pops in at #19 on the list

Europe's welfare system is supported by Europeans, not illegal immigrants. Roughly 30% of France is now Muslims. With a low "citizen" birthrate, who will pay for the aging Frenchmen? Sounds bulbous to me. Is that the right word? Probably not, but I do like it. Bulbous:)

In reply to your comment:
Whoa jacksinmusic... Do you have any clue what you're talking about? Europe is not a country for starters. Given that starting point it's not surprising that you got everything else wrong too. They have a positive growth rate, has a military only behind the US, Russia and China, and they are one of the most crucial players in world politics.

I have no idea what a pronoun like "bulbous" means when applied to an abstract like "welfare system". I'll assume that you're saying it's bad. Also false and stupid. Europe has a very low crime rate and proportionally low costs for crime prevention and imprisonment BECAUSE they take care of their needy and the needy don't turn to crime as often. On that scale the US system is less efficient because of the huge amount of money wasted on law enforcement.

Maher may not have brought up many facts but at least he didn't make stuff up to fit his argument.

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