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Member Since: November 18, 2007
Last Power Points used: September 11, 2010
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Comments to Crosswords

jonny says...

Just a suggestion, but you can make your own playlist on youtube to combine the transgenic mice vids into a single embeddable object. It would tie them together here and make it easier to watch. It's not considered self-linking, since the underlying vids are not yours.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

We have a boycott on ComedyCentral in place. You might want to read this recent discussion:

In reply to this comment by Crosswords:
Posting comedy central stuff must require some kind of privilege. There's one I've wanted to post for a few weeks now, and still a no go. That or I'm doing it all wrong! I have a hard time seeing any benefit to the region blocking, I can only imagine some pencil pushing tight asses at viacom broke too many vessels in their brain when someone suggested they put footage from old episodes up on the web for free.

The last part makes the video.

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