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Member Since: July 17, 2008
Last Power Points used: January 2, 2016
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Comments to Asmo

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Mother berated at Target by customer over her breastfeeding has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Lions Licking Water From A Tent Screen Inches Away has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

This achievement has earned you your "Silver Tongue" Level 3 Badge!

Payback says...

Nox is too narcissistic to realize our point and never will...

Asmo said:

You're one of those "all the rights of free speech with none of the responsibility" types...

You threw the first stone with your ridiculous complaint about being too close to the screen (cos POV on a TV works so well 11 feet away and LCD's cook eyes like CRT's /eyeroll...). So it's okay for you to have a bitch about what is a very cool (and somewhat physically intensive) fun thing that a dad did for his kid, but it's not okay for people to point out that you're an ass..? Two way street mate, don't throw punches if you're too chickenshit to cop one back. = )

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, How Gun Control Made Australia Safer Than America, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 1 Badge!

Asmo says...

Amen (And I say that as an agnostic... =)

You cannot change someones mind by shouting at them or turning off their ability to speak, you can only try and bring something to the table to convince them.

Reminds me of that ex-KKK guy who harassed a black preacher for so long that the black preacher eventually outlasted him with peace and love and the KKK guy actually came up to him and asked to sit down and talk. Eventually he studied under the guy and talk over his role when he passed away iirc.

And you're right about the awful implications of trial by public opinion. History has born out that mob rule = no justice for all.

enoch said:

hey man,
thanks for addressing the distinctions between the two videos.

and i can agree with your assertions,but i fear the larger implications.

i have been down the rabbit hole for a few days now in regards to "intersective third wave" feminism,and wow..juuust wow.

the deeper i go,the more disturbing and horrific it becomes.

so yeah,
turdnugget losing his job does not really bother me as much as how easily i see social media being used to control speech,opinions and attitudes.i guess i saw a tactic that could easily,and quickly be abused.which was mainly due to what was happening to greg elliot and the targeted prosecution by the SJW third wave feminists.

now maybe i conflated the two,but i think my concerns are not specious.

you know me.
i am ultra anti-authoritarian.
i am prefer a free market of ideas,which translates to zero censorship..none.
anything goes...
lets put it all out there,so we can weed out the bad ideas.

so turdnugget losing his job?
not that big a deal,and lets be honest..he was grotesque,but how easily would it be to fabricate a situation? edit? how many examples do we need to see that just the act of accusing can have devastating effects upon the accused with little or no evidence?

and that is where my concern lies,not some idiotic racist who was too dumb to shut up in front of a camera.

enoch says...

hey man,
thanks for addressing the distinctions between the two videos.

and i can agree with your assertions,but i fear the larger implications.

i have been down the rabbit hole for a few days now in regards to "intersective third wave" feminism,and wow..juuust wow.

the deeper i go,the more disturbing and horrific it becomes.

so yeah,
turdnugget losing his job does not really bother me as much as how easily i see social media being used to control speech,opinions and attitudes.i guess i saw a tactic that could easily,and quickly be abused.which was mainly due to what was happening to greg elliot and the targeted prosecution by the SJW third wave feminists.

now maybe i conflated the two,but i think my concerns are not specious.

you know me.
i am ultra anti-authoritarian.
i am prefer a free market of ideas,which translates to zero censorship..none.
anything goes...
lets put it all out there,so we can weed out the bad ideas.

so turdnugget losing his job?
not that big a deal,and lets be honest..he was grotesque,but how easily would it be to fabricate a situation? edit? how many examples do we need to see that just the act of accusing can have devastating effects upon the accused with little or no evidence?

and that is where my concern lies,not some idiotic racist who was too dumb to shut up in front of a camera.

Asmo says...

Heh, should have ticked the sarcasm box. ; )

From the look of it, it's a very small town hospital so I'm guessing that it's probably a bit rough and ready. Probably have the triage nurse on the desk and one doc out the back so any mess get's left for the next morning.

newtboy said:

OK, but that doesn't mean you can just let the floor be covered in crap, right? ...or do gurneys and doctors both hover down under? ...Or is that an Aussie method of strengthening immune systems by giving them something to fight off?

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