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Comments to 8727

westy says...

In reply to this comment by 8727:
i've always doubted this idea that people think in words, i don't feel like i do

just thought id msg u as i was watching an old clip and noticed u comment
i reply with this ,

" "8727" the thinking in words thing is not important as language just refers to the thought process , comunicatoin wether that be internal comunicatoin within your own brain of concepts you are aware of . ore wether that be the comunicatoin of those conspets in sounds, ore images."

from wiki

Language is a term most commonly used to refer to so called "natural languages" — the forms of communication considered peculiar to humankind. In linguistics the term is extended to refer to the type of human thought process which creates and uses language. Essential to both meanings is the systematic creation and usage of systems of symbols —each referring to linguistic concepts with semantic or logical or otherwise expressive meanings.


also as i understand it some people supposedly think in words and others in visuals. I'm undecided as to what i believe.

alien_concept says...

Well, the person who sent it to me said it was a mutated toad, but then i have a sort of hatred of them, so she was probably trying to freak me out haha. If you get any ideas on what it sees, let me know. Or actually, don't, i'll get bad dreams

xxovercastxx says...

That depends on who you ask, I guess. I've had a few people try to explain to me the meaning behind certain tool videos. I've never heard anything that makes sense. Usually I get the impression they're superimposing one of their own loony ideas onto the video. I've wondered on a few occasions if they're actually intended to do just that.

In reply to this comment by Johnald_Chaffinch:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
trying to push the weird or disturbing envelope as far as possible and nothing else. It's disappointing that such a great band has such shallow videos.

not very deep are you.

Zonbie says...

Well I have been playing Dawn of War with some friends, I played Necrons (The creatures in my avatar), unfortunately Necrons are "a bit unbalanced" so I have had to change to another army as Necron are boring for other people, impossible to kill LOL - so "No more LOLs for necrons"

In reply to this comment by Johnald_Chaffinch:
what's your avatar about?

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