Re-discovering Diablo II because of D2MultiRes
Some of you know I'm kind of a videogame nerd. But recently my nerditry reached new hieghts when my brother talked me into playing Diablo 2 again. He gave me the install CDs and I was pumped up - well I was until I first started up the game.
To my dismay it wouldn't run~!
I was left with a blank screen because my monitor (a 21" NEC Multisync) couldn't handle the Default 640x480 resolution because it was too damned small!!!
I began scouring the internets for a solution and soon came across this:
The results were spectacular. I was able to kick up the resolution to whatever I wished and after about 24 hours am now the happy owner of a lvl 24 soceress
Here are some sample screen shots
800x600 (640x480 default but 800x600 is available in the regular game I found out) - It's what I use because anything higher and you really start to notice the blank square sprites around the edge of the screen and it becomes obvious that the game wasn't designed for this kind of resolution
And Finally 1280x1024 - Just to let the program flex it's stuff. A host of other resolutions are possible (widescreen included) but I have a regular old CRT monitor so no widescreen here.
That's really neat. I shall have to try this... for now, the link to the file at the forum you gave wasn't working, so here is another...
- or -
if you're uncomfortable clicking directly on a zip file.
I wish someone would make this for Starcraft now!
Why not play something more modern of the same ilk like Sacred 2? I mean it's all click click on monsters and pick up lewts.
Sometimes playing an old videogame is like going back to a playground you used to run around at. I do the same thing with super mario brothers, fire up the emulator and run through SMB1 and usually SMB3 occasionally Super Mario World.
This is the first time i'll be running through a game this big again though. And I will never, ever, play world of warcraft again.
Haha, I didn't know you were a WoW recovery person too... I was there for years, finally kicked the habit about six months ago, haven't looked back.
As for D2, it was the shit. I definitely loved that game. I'm really hoping they don't mess too much with it in D3.
Never played Diablo2 myself. Played the original Diablo and had a blast, but by the time D2 came out, I was wrapped up in Half-Life/TFC. Had gotten bored with the click-click-click as well. Oh well, glad that someone out there loved the game enough to bring it up to modern technology. That's always good.
Whoa! Never knew they had a multires patch for D2. And all this time I've been playing it at 800x600...
>> ^JiggaJonson:

Sometimes playing an old videogame is like going back to a playground you used to run around at. I do the same thing with super mario brothers, fire up the emulator and run through SMB1 and usually SMB3 occasionally Super Mario World.
This is the first time i'll be running through a game this big again though. And I will never, ever, play world of warcraft again.
I suggest taking ecstasy and playing the Legend of Zelda: A link to the past.
or taking some acid and playing Super Mario World
Better graphics don't equal a better game, sometimes you just have to change your reference point
Crapsticks. my15minutes and I re-played D2 not too long ago.. wish I'd known about this!
There are a bunch of games I re-visit. Dozens in MAME alone, but others like Phantasy Star, Final Fantasy, SMB, Zelda, Metroid. Is anyone else on the sift a speedrun voyuer? I mean I don't do speedruns myself but I love watching them (tool-assisted or not -- both types are interesting).
I started Diablo again about a month ago, too, for the first time in years.. getting tired of it though. You leveled quick!
Any CS'ers? (Not Source, boo Source)
I loved this game. For a video game nerd I'm surprised you only recently heard about the resolution fixes. They've been around forever! Even before these fixes came out everyday programmers were hacking this game to extend the resolution past 800x600 as far back as 2004, but I guess this just makes it easier. I "officially" quit back at the end of 1.09d. I walked into a random game, wrote "FREE STUFF" and started dropping my enigmas, occy rings, etc etc. It was an odd feeling and looking back on it I should have sold it on ebay.
>> ^EndAll:
I started Diablo again about a month ago, too, for the first time in years.. getting tired of it though. You leveled quick!
Any CS'ers? (Not Source, boo Source)
Ex-hardcore CS player too. 1.6 FTW.
Dude, I would so re-install D2 if we got a sift group going.... anyone want to organize?
Ha, same exact thing for me. I recently got back into D2 after discovering the multi-rez patch as well. Though I can't take it up to my monitor's native rez, my LCD scales low rez'es really well, so it's nice just having the right ratio for the rez.
Another old classic that can be played wide screen now is System Shock 2. There's some nice texture packs, game tweaks and sound mods for that one out.
Great games never die... unless they're from the 80's.
>> ^Drax:
Ha, same exact thing for me. I recently got back into D2 after discovering the multi-rez patch as well. Though I can't take it up to my monitor's native rez, my LCD scales low rez'es really well, so it's nice just having the right ratio for the rez.
Another old classic that can be played wide screen now is System Shock 2. There's some nice texture packs, game tweaks and sound mods for that one out.
Great games never die... unless they're from the 80's.
BLASPHEMY. Super Mario Bros is a GREAT game that will NEVER die.
PAH, I didn't say ALL 80's games die.. I'm just not too eager to jump into a game of Asteroids or Centipede.. though Joust is immortal.
And btw, just in case someone hasn't discover the wonders of the new Blizzard Battlenet - All you need is the CD key to an old Blizz game and you can download the full game client. A Starcraft CD key will get you the game + expansions.
and the expansions?
Didn't do that for me with D2 :{
I wanted LoD.
Yeah, the StarCraft expansions didn't have serial keys.. so they just threw them in in that particular case.
HIGH RES D2... HOLY SHIT ... ahhh bummer... single player only
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