Wristwatch magazine Hodinkee visit watchmaker Roger Smith

YouTube description:

In July of this year, HODINKEE embarked on a 12-day journey around Great Britain to explore all things British horology – from the current state of watchmaking to the depths of timekeeping history. European Editor Arthur Touchot and Senior Digital Producer/videographer Will Holloway, along with drone specialist Mauro Bellanova, logged over 1,400 miles, heading north from London to the Isle of Man and back, with a handful of stops along the way. This was all made possible in part through the support of Bentley Motors, which generously lent us a Flying Spur W12 for the journey. This is the first episode in a five-part series. Enjoy. For more, go to hodinkee.com/articles/episode-1-roger-w-smith

(via digg, H/T @eric3579)

Hodinkee... is a mutilation of the Czech word for wristwatch. Just so you know. No idea what the back story to that is.

I never wear watches but watchmakers and watchmaking are as awesome as steam trains.


Their web site says:

The name, inspired by the Czech word “hodinky” “little watch”) reflects founder Benjamin Clymer’s desire to talk about watches in a casual way that is comfortable for all levels of readers.


Hodinkee... is a mutilation of the Czech word for wristwatch. Just so you know. No idea what the back story to that is.

I never wear watches but watchmakers and watchmaking are as awesome as steam trains.


Just the production output that he claims, and the number of people working for his workshop, give an estimated minimum labour cost of about $50,000 per watch.


In case anyone is wondering, these watches routinely go for £85,000 to £500,000 and current production under Roger's name sits around 50 units.

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