How to see your own DNA.

This really works on *any* tissue, especially those organisms that have a lot of DNA (that are polyploid) such as strawberries (octoploid) and bananas (septoploid).

>> ^soulmonarch:

You know, if all I wanted is to see white strings and clumps of my own DNA, there is a much faster method...

I did this a few weeks ago in my Genetics I have a little heart shaped vial of my DNA...which looks like snot in water. Pretty cool idea, not a stunning visual.


>> ^rychan:

That can't really be very pure DNA, though, right? DNA is a pretty tiny fraction of your cells by volume / weight, and the soap might dissolve some parts of the cell but not all of it.

No, it's not pure DNA. It's DNA + histones (the proteins associated with DNA).

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