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Swat Team Completely Destroys Home Chasing Shoplifter

lantern53 says...

Genji, proving every day that the most intolerant person is a liberal.

Yeah, I'm the sociopath but Genji is the reasoned, nuanced liberal who wants me and my family to suffer the worst fate imaginable.

oooooookkkkkk then

Santa Ana Cops Behaving Badly

lantern53 says...

Since you all know I'm a cop (because I'm not afraid of admitting it), please list your occupations below so that I can find videos of people in your occupations misbehaving, so then we can all criticize and generalize about everyone in your profession.

thank you

Judge backs charges against cops in Tamir Rice killing

lantern53 says...

I"d have to disagree. There are more and more young people using real guns, there is quite a bit of video evidence, facebook posts, etc, showing quite young black children with real handguns.

As for the video, I agree that the cops drove up far too close which limited their options of dealing with this child.

police detaining a person for no reason

Swat Team Completely Destroys Home Chasing Shoplifter

lantern53 says...

I had a couple opportunities to shoot animals...well...two deer, but thank God there was always someone else willing to do it. I would rather shoot a person who was deserving than an animal.

But why is it that we only get one side of the story here. Was the guy shooting at people? You leave a gunman in a house and every house in that vicinity has to be abandoned until the bad guy gives up, which could take all week.

Gee, even Charlie Manson got to tell his side of the story, but here at videosift, you only get one side.

It's a kangaroo court with newtboy as the Lord High Executioner! lol

Here's the story:

So they got the guy out alive, which did take 20 hours. If the cops had shot the guy, I imagine you folks wouldn't be happy about that either.

'There's blood all over the walls, and some brain matter in the geraniums!'

How do you distinguish Americans?

police detaining a person for no reason

lantern53 says...

You remind me of the teacher who blew on his hands and the student asked 'teacher, why do you blow on your hands?' and the teacher said 'to warm them'.

Then, the teacher was seen blowing on his cup of coffee, and the student asked 'why do you blow on your cup?' and the teacher replied 'to cool it'.

The student then left the teacher in disgust because he was clearly doing the same thing for two opposite effects.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

LMAO. Wow the double-standard is strong with this one.

So you'll defend this - in your own words - victim, of police harassment..

And even openly question & scold the officer as WORTHLESS..

For trying to bring trumped up Trepassing charges against him..

However, in the Arizona Iced Tea scenario..

A scenario which is nearly almost precisely the same..

You'll take the exact OPPOSITE stance..

And defend the clearly UNCONSTITUTIONALLY wrong officer..

And deride the victim for his objection to an illegal detention, search & seizure and arrest?

Please explain yourself, Lantern

Please explain why you'd treat - basically the same situation - in two vastly different ways.

*grabs popcorn*

police detaining a person for no reason

police detaining a person for no reason

lantern53 says...

Well this is a very interesting video, because I'm trying to figure out wtf UTA stands for, I'm thinking it's Utah Transit Authority or something. So do they have a rule about not smoking on UTA property? That's got to be it.

I'm thinking these two male cops are thinking what a lot of male cops think, which is why the fuck did this little woman become a police officer.
But i got to cover her ass because she probably can't fight her way out of a wet paper bag. She probably needs to get into the DARE program so her biggest challenge is keeping 7 yr olds from putting boogers on her pantleg.

Of course, some women cops are pretty awesome, pretty fearless, and quite useful. Some, like I suspect this one, is pretty worthless.

I don't understand why they trespassed this guy from UTA property however. I just don't see how that's legal.

The whole interaction is quite irritating because I have to agree with the hoodie guy, nothing makes sense.

Which is fine as far as it goes, until he starts painting all cops are brainless gov't toads who sponge off the taxpayer etc etc etc. You lost me there, boss, because now you're insulting my avocation, in which I take a lot of pride.

Lemme give you an example of police work. Yesterday I helped a lady who had an auto accident, her brand new Mini Cooper got destroyed by some little juvenile driving a big ass Jeep Cherokee.

Today I assisted my Lt. with a neighbor complaint, some jerkoff who sounded like he had 18 Red Bulls for breakfast and wouldn't shut the fuck up had thrown a bunch of trash over a patio divider in an apt. complex because he thought his Latvian neighbor was making too much noise. Nobody got arrested, we were just there trying to resolve these two idiots from killing each other.

Then today I drove some old handicapped biddy 15 miles down the road so she could be with her husband who was having hip surgery. it took us a good 30 minutes to find out where the old codger was but we did it.

Two other officers responded to a family who called about their grown son who was off his meds and had a knife...we've been to this house dozens of times because the son is a fucking mental. I thought for sure this guy would get shot dead today, but turns out he was just arrested and transported to the PD for processing.

A couple of people got arrested for shoplifting, nobody got beat, they got a piece of paper with a court date on it.

etc etc etc

But no, this 'hispanic' dude has to jump to 15 conclusions about what ALL police officers do and it's total bullshit.

Dude, you're about as idiotic as these phony UTA cops.

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

lantern53 says...

Well, it appears to me that there has to be a better way of handling things than that two-striper decided.

I do know that people complain when outsiders crash their 'territory'.

I thought most of the black kids did do as they were told, which was to sit on the ground. Some of the black girls got mouthy or something which led to physical force.

Too many people now are being taught to disobey the cops, so the verbal escalates to the physical and everyone loses. White people do it too..."I know my constitutional rights!" etc etc etc

And Genji, I don't know if Bob was being racist to you, I'm sure you'll be the arbiter of that, regardless. If Bob wasn't being racist, then I'm sure you'll find someone who will, or has, or will be.

Bottom line is, the cop was suspended because he made a bad situation worse. The other cops don't like that shit either because they have to deal with it too.

But I'm not going to paint all cops as racist just because one might be, as opposed to you guys, who like to paint all cops as racist, just as I don't consider all black people to be troublemakers, just because a few are.

Also, not all black people consider themselves victims as GK does.

Update: the officer who pulled the gun has resigned.

The Future Of Corporate Policing (sci fi)

lantern53 says...


starrychloe said:

It's funny because they are better than the current NYPD because you can at least fire them. Consider that the family members of murdered NYPD victims are forced to pay the salary of the perpetrators.

The Daily Show - Brave New Girl

What Happens To The Few Good Cops

lantern53 says...

Probably belong to a big union. Democrats won't fight unions. Where I work, your ass would be grass.

also, newtboy still doesn't get it , re: his comment on police recruiting...cities don't hire bullies, it's the job that can turn you into a burned out wreck.

Claimed Police Brutality - What is your take?

lantern53 says...

My buddy Fred pulled over a car with 4 people in it, every one was wanted!

no shit

ah the good old days

(sorry, couldn't watch the whole thing with that howling going on)

As far as what he pulled her over don't have to tell the truth on that one. I once had a guy wanted on a felony drug offense, I told him I was arresting him for a parking violation. Once I had the cuffs on him, I told him what it was for...that way he's more likely to not resist since he thinks it's for something minor...safer for both of us, win-win!

What Happens To The Few Good Cops

lantern53 says...

Genji, that must be indian lingo for He Who Never Passes Up An Opportunity to Call Someone a Racist

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