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Andy Sutton interviews a reporter with Douche-itis

highdileeho says...

^ agree, from an outside perspective. I don't know this guy, but I have to say that it was the player that acted douchy. The journalist asked him the question "you didn't know that your elbow came up and hit him in the head"? the question implies that the incident might have just been a mistake and wasn't intentional. Sutton got all defensive and whiny. If it wasn't intentional say it wasn't intentional, if it was then be a man and own up to your decision. Don't stomp around and whine like a pampered baby.

I think sutten assumed that the question was condesending, but if he used the three seconds it would take to dissect the question, he would understand that he was probably just misundertanding the phrasing of the question.

Interview with a true Martial Artist

I Love Me Some Amerrrica - Sure enough Is!

The Real News: Why Change Will Make Our Money Fail

Aisha Tyler No Ass at All

Sen Dodd (D-Conn.) Differentiates Bailouts and Talking Point

Ban Textbook for Dismissing Creationism as Biblical Myth?

highdileeho says...

Creationism is an unfounded theory. I think the book should be banned for two reasons. It mentions a topic (creationism), that should be marginalized and never discussed in school within any context. Every time that sentence is read, i'm sure the entire day in class is wasted with political rehtoric and back and forth about the creationist/evolutionist theories. Instead they should be spending their time discussing things that are important, like science for example.

secondly at the end of the day, none of those students will have a different opinion, and almost all don't give a shit in the first place. You could set them all on fire and douce the ashes with baby tears and it wouldn't matter one fucking bit. This story isn't at all about kids, it's about internet nerds and dumb parents who can't get enough bashing and controlling. So fucking what, what are you going to do about it, type angerly? That's the only outcome I see in this discussion.

Obama Admits Government is Monopoly on Violence

highdileeho says...

If he feels this way, then why has he done nothing about it?! I hate how he could be so wise, but when it comes down to it, he has no real policies, or policices that are comprimised to the point of being worthless. Just an another example of him compromising his integrity for unseen reasons.

Puscifer - Momma Sed

TYT: Collateral Murder

highdileeho says...

he was too soft on them. if you step out of line and do what's right you are the brave one. the ones who go along, crack jokes, and pretend to have a bloodlust are the cowards. those are the ones who are just following the status quo. I hated them so much, they were the ones crying themselves to sleep because when it was just them alone at night they would have to face the fact that they acted like fools at the expense of innocent people. I have no remorse for what I had to do. don't vote on this comment i hate seeing my war stuff on my profile.

Milton Friedman about getting Congress to do as they should

highdileeho says...

There's a good book called the shock doctrine. The first half of it covers Freidman style economic principles, and how powerful they were in the 70's and 80's. Basicly he bankrupts countries, propigates corporate corruption, and his cherry on top is social indoctonation. Then when the countries have completly imploded, he has been asked, why did your economic philosophies fail? His response: because they haven't been excecuted to completion yet.
Aparenty starvation, police states, and genocide are all normal aspects of his ideology, but in the end it's worth it, because you will have economic stability.

this guy's a joke. He is right about people foolishly electing nice guys, when in the end they are more interested in special interests. What we need to do is make it more in their interest to care about the people of this country and not so much about the corporate interest. There are very real ways to go about doing that. Unfortunatly we have become complacent and accepting in the idea that it is they who make all the tough decisions. For us to even give thought to political discourse is a worthless excersise that in the end will be of no consequence. <-that idea is killing america right now.

No, CNN, Homosexuality Is NOT a Problem in Need For a Cure

highdileeho says...

@ yogi, I don't have an answer, it would be arrogant to assume anyone does. I believe that the 'homosexual=genetic" idea has no real scientific basis YET. I don't think that it isn't true, or that it's a big consiparcy. I just think that without empirical evidence, people should not just accept this theory. Based on the evidence that supports the theory of genetics=homosexuality, it can simply be refuted with this theory. If homosexuality is genetic, why is it that these genes are not only being passed on, but that these genes seem to be increasing? Logic tells me that if your homosexual, then you are removing yourself from the gene pool, with a few exceptions like the douche in this story. Certianly over thousands of years we would likely see at least a reduction of this charctaristic. We can see a dying off of the red haired and left handed gene, but not the homosexual one? My point is that there isn't enough information to support one argument or the other, and we shouldn't be quick to accept either as being true or false without further scientific understanding. And yes, I have read the studies that suggest the genetic argument, but they are using social sciences as the basis for their research (hair whorlds and left handedness) and not the more scientificlly sound, human genome as evidence.

The woman was right, the language and intent of this law holds negative connotations and assumes that homosexuality is something to be cured, it is shamefull.

Does the Media have a Double Standard on Israel?

highdileeho says...

>> ^highdileeho:
I rembemer seeing an article in the NY times. I skimmed through it, but it was about the racial tension in the region. The picture that was attached told me all I neede to know. A jewish boy spitting, and at the same time doucing wine at an elderly palestine woman as she walked down the street.
As for the attack on MSNBC that duude talks about. I think the dems have a big enough fight in our country, and have been rightfully dealing with issues in america rather than global ones. 2 people can only be expected to do so much in the political arena.

I am not trying to suggest that the racial bigotry is one sided. I also have no idea what it's like be in that situation, which is why I applaud Bloomenthal's efforts to shed A perspective.

Does the Media have a Double Standard on Israel?

highdileeho says...

I rembemer seeing an article in the NY times. I skimmed through it, but it was about the racial tension in the region. The picture that was attached told me all I neede to know. A jewish boy spitting, and at the same time doucing wine at an elderly palestine woman as she walked down the street.

As for the attack on MSNBC that duude talks about. I think the dems have a big enough fight in our country, and have been rightfully dealing with issues in america rather than global ones. 2 people can only be expected to do so much in the political arena.

Grenade throwing fail by Chinese Army rookie

highdileeho says...

That's a pretty elaborate grenade station. In ft.knox all we had was 5by5 foot stacked cinderblocks. there were two corprals sitting on crates, between them was a giant open box of grenades. One of them was smoking a stoggie like in the movies. They tossed one up at me without too much concern. I was nervous as hell, pulled the pin and threw that fucker. I'm a tall sonofabitch so i could see it land and detonate. It landed on target, in a recessed concrete sand box looking thing about 20 yards away. They laughed about how nervous I was when I was walking away.

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