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Man uses Bugzapper on self--over, and over, and...

Thylan says...

This should be marked as not British, but Australian instead, however I cant remember how to do it.

Been a LONG time.

It's probably just a star in front of the Not or something wasn't it.

Ropes, Tattoos and a woman (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

What is your drug of choice? (User Poll by Throbbin)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Thylan says...

Yeah, i'm fine, but semi busy, and just doing other things. Not cheating on VS, just not watching any vids atall. infact, youtube dosent play in my browser atm (and some other possible oddities with google too) and I just havent been bothered enough to fix it. toyed with dropping charter simply because it seems odd to subscribe to a site i dont use any more... but couldn't bring myself too. my backlog of good vids will be silly

what's your excuse for the hiatus? been having too much fun? i spotted your post about revealing stuff, but couldn't think of anything appropriate. or at least, short... poke me if you ever want the long version of things, heh.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
I've been away a bit, but not as long as you! What's up sugar, you ok?

In reply to this comment by Thylan:

<re hides>

Everybody loves alien_concept - Now with a 500 Diamond (British Talk Post)

Should We Restore JUST Vote Counts to ALL Videos? (User Poll by lucky760)

Thylan says...

As ox pointed out, the votes ARE the information that is this site. the votes are "it".
All the vids arent even here, they are elsewhere. this is a repository of links. But links and votes.
Yes, any last few days voting will increase vote counts, but a true restoration to pre crash is best, and i'd vote for it, but i cant see the poll.

I wouldnt ask that the last few days revotes be removed from the resulting count increase, as they could be redone post this anyway and would be a pain to do.

A few vids with a few more votes than they should have is a tiny price to pay for all vids having atleast the count they should have.

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

Thylan says...

I appear to have lost charter membership. I assume this is glich fallout rather than my paypal simultaneously lapsing or something...

Roy from The IT Crowd pretends to be disabled

Doug Stanhope - Sex and Shame

Get that out of Siftbot's Girlfriend's Mouth!

Haldaug is Gold100 - Evil Skull Planning Doom (Videogames Talk Post)

Two Hot Girls in a Shower for Valentine's Day

Starcraft IRL

Starcraft IRL

EDD goes Gold100 - Life, motorcycle taken (Rocknroll Talk Post)

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