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Special Comment, Occupy Violence

Sayja says...

The false dichotomy is in Olbermann's call for Jean Quan to resign. It has nothing to do with the tactics that OPD employed.
You misunderstand me if you think I'm in support of Quan and the Police's actions. I simply think that overblown rhetoric doesn't make for good journalism. The debate would better be served by reason and reporting than by appeals to emotion. I don't need Keith Olbermann to tell me how I'm supposed to feel about violence. Perhaps it's a radical thought, but I trust people to be able to make up their own minds.
>> ^rougy:

>> ^Sayja:
"Provocative attention grabbing sentence. Patronizing set up. Shame on you. Hyperbole. Shame on you. False analogy. Outrage. Ad hominem! False Dilemma!"
Fuck this. As a resident of Oakland, I deplore seeing more violence in a city already plagued by violence. I would much rather see the city act in support its citizen's right to speak out against injustice. However, I'm fed up with seeing Olbermann and the clowns he left at MSNBC abuse such childish tactics. I refuse to pat someone on the back simply because they've become a yelling head for our side. Is the intended implication that we're not smart enough to make our own judgements in reaction to this footage?
The way I see it, Olbermann is left with only one false dichotomy: learn how to practice journalism and contribute to the meaningful debate that our country needs or resign.

A false dichotomy? I don't see where that equates to riot gear cops shooting people with rubber bullets and lobbing shock grenades into the crowd.
I think you're on the wrong side here, boy.

Special Comment, Occupy Violence

Sayja says...

"Provocative attention grabbing sentence. Patronizing set up. Shame on you. Hyperbole. Shame on you. False analogy. Outrage. Ad hominem! False Dilemma!"

Fuck this. As a resident of Oakland, I deplore seeing more violence in a city already plagued by violence. I would much rather see the city act in support its citizen's right to speak out against injustice. However, I'm fed up with seeing Olbermann and the clowns he left at MSNBC abuse such childish tactics. I refuse to pat someone on the back simply because they've become a yelling head for our side. Is the intended implication that we're not smart enough to make our own judgements in reaction to this footage?

The way I see it, Olbermann is left with only one false dichotomy: learn how to practice journalism and contribute to the meaningful debate that our country needs or resign.

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Sayja says...

Awkward editing in of the room mic for laughter after the comment about congress working in the interest of people. Though the laughter is certainly warranted .

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