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DNA Molecular Biology Visualizations

"When Things Get Small" - Nanomagnets

Cronyx says...

I don't mean to be a kill joy, but does anyone else hate this kind of format for science shows? I always feel talked-down to from this format. It's trying to be far too affable at an expense of respectability. Yeah, yeah, I know the argument... it has to be "fun" or the layman couch potato wont watch it. But, honestly, so what if he doesn't? Let him watch his prime time sitcom, eat his tv dinner, and leave the thinking to the people who don't have to be coerced into doing so.

"If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor." -- Albert Einstein

Eric Drexler - Productive Nanosystems

Cronyx says...

I have seen them in other presentations; you're not missing much. Mostly slides of devices made out of lots and lots of spheres. Kind of like how you have to build things in Second Life

I'm kidding of course, they were interesting, but it doesn't take a lot away from the talk not to have them, though I agree it would have been better with.

Guy shooting 140 baskets per minute

Cafferty's Teleprompter Failure

3 PS3's

Cronyx says...

I hope, one day, to be as big of a tool as this man, my new hero. Not because of what he has, but because of how he reminds us of it. He's so smarmy, you can taste it!


Supersize Me Extra - "The Smoking Fry"

Cronyx says...

Sterility has absolutely nothing to do with it. None of the items were in hermetically sealed containers. The fact that aroma was escaping proves an air exchange, which means everything, including the McDonald's fries were exposed to the environment. What the demonstration was attempting to illistrate was the lack of a biodegradability quotient inherent in the McDonald's fries. To that end, the results were obvious and well illistrated. Microbes will not germinate if there is nothing for them to consume. In layman's terms, the unspoken question is: if mold wont even eat these fries, should you?

Douglas Hofstadter - Musing Rationally about the Singularity

Douglas Hofstadter - Musing Rationally about the Singularity

Cronyx says...

The Singularity is an obsurvation of accelerating trends in information technology, and an understanding of their ramifications, which represent a rupture in the fabric of human history.

"My Balls are Shaved my Pubes are Trimmed and...."

Wacky Waving Inflatable Arms Flailing Tube Man

Ron Paul on Tucker Carlson

Cronyx says...

Elections are won by such a small margin now that an organized minority can decide the future. An organized minority, like say for example, an internet meme in favor of Ron Paul. We've got two years left guys, don't give up hope.

Eric Drexler - Productive Nanosystems

Cronyx says...

Thanks for that, I submitted this, and then when I was in "step 2" where it is checked for duplicates, I noticed I hadn't associated it with any group, so I just hit the back button and tried again. Resubmitting failed because it found a dupe (this one), but with a Discarded tag on it. I really didn't know how to fix it

Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity: A Hard or Soft Takeoff?

War is Sell - Full Doc

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