VideoSift New Server Fund

We've just put up a ChipIn Applet on the sidebar of all Sift Talk pages. This has been recommended by a few people - so we're happy to give it a try.

We still have a bunch of T-shirts, so we'll be passing those out to Sifters who dig deep.

$1000 will give us a good start on our server configuration. What we want is another dual Xeon box as a second load-balanced server.

In front of that we've got our eye on a lower speced P4 to be the load balancer- round robining to the two massive web servers. I get sweaty just thinking about it.

Thank you for your support Sifters.

Update: If you are giving $30 or more - can you please put your size in the Paypal comment field, and indicate if the Paypal address is OK for shipping?

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