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Fire Ants 3D Documentary [Official Trailer]

"The Invisible War" Trailer: Rape in the US Military

Fire Ants 3D Documentary [Official Trailer]

House of the Undying scene in GoT S01E10 - disappointing (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

Ornthoron says...

Caution: Spoilers galore.

I found the House of the Undying scene to have a fittingly creepy mood, even though it was changed a lot. The scene with Drogo seemed to me to be stolen directly from the Accepted tests that Aes Sedai novices go through in The Wheel of Time, but it was a powerful scene nonetheless. I think they missed an opportunity when Dany exited north of the wall to show her a glimpse of the dangers coming from the north. What I missed most compared to the book was the vision Dany has of Rhaegar playing the harp and talking to some woman about his son, which is an important scene for a certain popular fan theory.

What annoyed me most in this season was how the story of Jon Snow and Qhorin Halfhand played out. You didn't really get to see how Qhorin became an important mentor to Jon Snow. Even worse: It was not pointed out clear enough that Qhorin practically ordered Jon to kill him in order to be able to infiltrate the wildlings. Instead it looked like Jon just killed him out of self-defense.

But there were more things I liked than disliked. Theon's battle speech scene was hilarious, and they pulled off Jaqen's face-changing really well. I also liked Luwin's demise; it shocked me how he was just stabbed out of hand, even though I knew he would die. I fear it might be a bit cryptic to non-book readers why Winterfell was suddenly burned down, though. There was also some brilliant acting from Sophie Turner as Sansa when she learns she doesn't have to marry Joffrey after all.

All in all, I liked most of the changes in this season. Some of them even made the story better than in the book, at least for the TV medium.

Turkish Football Hooligans Riot with Police on the Pitch

messenger says...

The movie "Cass" is based on a true story and has similar themes.>> ^chingalera:

There's a book by Bill Buford called, "Among the Thugs" which is his personal account of his infiltration of the seedy world of football thuggery in the UK in the early nineties-These Brits would attend matches throughout Europe with the purpose of inciting riot in order to commit crimes like looting, shoplifting, etc. Cause a panic at a match, take it out into the streets and the city is ours was the plan. Great read.

Turkish Football Hooligans Riot with Police on the Pitch

chingalera says...

There's a book by Bill Buford called, "Among the Thugs" which is his personal account of his infiltration of the seedy world of football thuggery in the UK in the early nineties-These Brits would attend matches throughout Europe with the purpose of inciting riot in order to commit crimes like looting, shoplifting, etc. Cause a panic at a match, take it out into the streets and the city is ours was the plan. Great read.

Michael Moore sings The Times They Are A-Changin'

Michael Moore sings The Times They Are A-Changin'

flameproof says...

It's just so much easier to lie, isn't it? Or at the very least to allow yourself to be taken in and believe a lie because it challenges your fast-held, dogmatic belief system, no?

FYI: The so-called "black bloc" of anarchists who perpetrate these acts of vandalism during peaceful protests are in no way, shape or from part of OWS. There is plenty of collected first-hand and anecdotal evidence now that the "black bloc" which sought to infiltrate and create an agenda within OWS was actually funded and promoted from without by the very same type of people who posted this video here on VS (ie, those who promote a rich, tax-enabled, elite class to rule over all other Americans).

The "black bloc" has since been ejected and disavowed by OWS to eliminate the presence of police/political agent provocateurs from causing further harm to the avowed peaceful intent of the OWS movement.

Don't be fooled and please keep your eyes open. Peace.

Watch OWS Infiltration by Unscrupulous Liars

How Did Mitt Romney Get So Obscenely Rich?

Porksandwich says...

Anymore if they can't plainly explain how something works or how they gain profits, which they will have you believe are their "secrets", just assume they are gaming you or someone else and it's all a house of cards waiting to fall.

Earning money doing nothing productive is crazy that should not be supported, yet the government actively helps pass laws to make these things legitimate......hell it looks like something the mafia would do. Except sometimes the mafia takes as little as 1/20th out of it.....these guys are taking 20% and basically crippling everything systematically and infiltrating the government while they hide all their "donations".


jonny (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

The gist of it is the hosts we currently allow provide iframes so they can serve videos without Flash because they use HTML5 instead (except if the user's browser is incapable of using anything but Flash).

Traditionally (meaning before HTML5 became accepted enough to be a widespread alternative to Flash), hosts that required you to use an iframe were just using Flash or sometimes even JavaScript. The fact is some (or maybe most) such hosts are still using those old methods.

The bottom line is regardless of host, *any* arbitrary code could be inserted into an iframe, including ads or malicious code. It wouldn't need to be something executed by the host directly; some hackers could infiltrate their system and silently inject bad code into their iframes. This would compromise any visitor who sees such an iframe in their browser everywhere on the Web.

It's not much at all an issue of liability I'm concerned about. I just don't want to play any part in helping people get screwed by baddies.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
I don't really know of any hosts in particular, other than NPR I guess, that I'd want supported. Is the host required to have a Flash embed for it to work at all? I thought that for the few hosts you mentioned below were supported "Flash free".

I don't know the details of the security issues with iframes, but it seems that at worst VideoSift itself would be a conduit (or host) for malicious code - your own servers wouldn't be liable to attack from any embed, would they? In any case, it has to be something malicious used as an embed (knowingly or not), so at the very least, you probably want to limit iframe submission to, I don't know, silver stars and up?

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
The reason we've been so willing to accept the iframe hosts we accept now is they can readily be converted between iframe and Flash embeds given just a video ID.

We can consider accepting more iframes, maybe as part of VideoSift 5. Maybe make your recommendations there for new iframe hosts we should accept.

I, personally, am always hesitant to add iframes because they open a gateway onto videosift through which demons and goblins may spew forth.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
Is there any chance of supporting more iframe hosts in the (near) future? I heard a great story about Igudesman & Joo tonight on NPR, and found a great video of them at the NPR studios performing, but it was iframe only (akaik).

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
There are more hosts than just YouTube that you can watch without Flash. In addition to YouTube and Vimeo, we support College Humor, Funny or Die, and Daily Motion.

Wolf mothers a tiny kitten (CUTE overloaded!)

Protesters Bust to Escape! Occupy Oakland Jail break!

marinara says...

>> ^marinara:

First of all, I was privileged to be out there with a lot of brave and beautiful people. I'd like to give my own account of what happened on Saturday, because the mainstream coverage I've seen has been universally laughable, not that that's any surprise.
Folks were mostly gathered up in Oscar Grant Plaza by about noon, and the march started around 1 or 1:30. There were probably between one and two thousand marchers. There was a sound truck playing music, and the mood was festive and happy. Parents brought their children along, and the whole thing felt a bit like a roving dance party in the streets. There was also a bus following along which the police detained about halfway through the first part of the march on some minor infraction like people weren't all wearing their seat belts or something.
When the demonstrators reached the first target building, it was already heavily surrounded by riot cops, and people didn't even try to get near it. I don't think anyone was actually expecting the "secret" target to stay secret, given the open nature of the movement and the heavy infiltration. By this point police had begun targeted arrests against certain individuals which were evidently on their list of organizers or repeat "troublemakers". Nonetheless, the marchers were being quite peaceful and were prepared to just continue the march around the city. The police weren't having that though, and they fired a number of smoke grenades into the crowd, which caused a bit of a panic since many people initially thought it was teargas. Minor injuries were incurred amongst the marchers.
A number of older demonstrators as well as people with children decided that this was a good time to call it a day and headed away from the main police line and crowd. Police then rushed in and attempted to arrest some of the parents for endangering their children. I'm not sure exactly how this turned out, but I was told that a number of parents were able to get away with their children.
Police began to close on the demonstrators who decided to continue the march through the city. Soon after police began to deploy actual tear gas along with beanbag rounds and paint balls apparently intended to mark people for later arrest. Police claim that people were throwing things at them after this. I didn't witness demonstrators throwing anything, but it is possible. I don't find it to be a constructive activity, but I also can't blame people for being angry after a peaceful march was attacked. Medics responded to high numbers of chemical contamination and blunt force trauma cases.
As the march continued, police started to use a new tactic which recklessly endangered lives and led to many injuries. They would form up in a line behind the marchers and then on some signal charge towards the back of the march with their batons at the ready. Although attempts were made among the demonstrators to keep everyone calm, inevitably many people started running as a natural reaction to seeing a line of angry club-wielding police charging at them. Lots of people got knocked down in the press of bodies. People helped up whoever they could, but I have no idea how many people were injured during this or how badly. The police continued to use this tactic all the way back to Oscar Grant Plaza, charging forward for a block before stopping for a minute or two and then charging again. This charging tactic served absolutely no crowd control purpose, as they were pushing people in the direction the march was already going, and they could have just marched behind the demonstrators keeping pace, since nobody wanted to get within arm's reach of them anyways.
Anyways, people regrouped at OGP to rest, wash up, seek medical attention, and eat. After some time, a decision was made to march around downtown Oakland again. The march was somewhat smaller this time, but probably still around 1,000 people. Oaklanders don't give into police intimidation easily. The march eventually became a bit of a cat-and-mouse game as lines of police tried to surround the marchers and "kettle" them in for mass arrests. At one point fairly early on the police nearly succeeded, but a temporary chain link fence was pulled down allowing most or all of the marchers an escape route. Later on, a group of ~50-100 demonstrators did get blocked in on a section of Broadway without any side streets. Police then rushed in, jabbing, pushing, and beating people with batons until they were forced back into a corner near a YMCA building. Some people may have escaped through the YMCA building, and police used this to claim that the protesters were trying to take over the building, although I'm fairly certain this was never the plan since the YMCA was open and operational, not abandoned. Once the group of demonstrators was blocked in and completely surrounded, police announced that this was an unlawful assembly and ordered them to disperse. A few people tried to leave with their hands raised and were promptly thrown on the ground, beaten, and arrested. The police undoubtedly thought that they were quite clever with the Catch-22 situation they had constructed, but I doubt any of the subsequent arrest charges are going to stick as a result. Getting the charges to stick was probably not the point though.
The demonstrators were pinned into the corner like this for probably 40-60 minutes before enough police buses and vans showed up for mass arrests to begin. As the time approached, the police suddenly singled out on of the demonstrators and yanked him out of the crowd, threw him down and cuffed him. It is likely this was one of the people on their special list. A small bag of powder (possibly meth) was planted on him as he was dragged away. Given the fact that everyone knew they were going to be arrested for the past half hour or so, it is utterly illogical that this person wouldn't have ditched the drugs if they really were his. He was overheard to say that they weren't his, that he didn't do drugs, and was willing to take a drug test right then and there to prove it.
Police later arrested a large number of demonstrators near OGP using similar tactics. Apparently some demonstrators got into City Hall, although I'm not sure if any arrests were made in the building. Some people were taken to jail in Oakland, others to Santa Rita (a much nastier place) in Dublin. Some were cited and released the next day, others are still in police custody.
Given my impending court appearance, I don't want to discuss the exact involvement I may or may not have had in any of the above. I think, however, this provides a much more accurate picture of what went down than has been presented in the mainstream media, and I thank you for taking the time to hear the other side.

**I need to give attribution, this blog was posted on reddit by a so called street medic attached to occupy oakland

Protesters Bust to Escape! Occupy Oakland Jail break!

marinara says...

First of all, I was privileged to be out there with a lot of brave and beautiful people. I'd like to give my own account of what happened on Saturday, because the mainstream coverage I've seen has been universally laughable, not that that's any surprise.

Folks were mostly gathered up in Oscar Grant Plaza by about noon, and the march started around 1 or 1:30. There were probably between one and two thousand marchers. There was a sound truck playing music, and the mood was festive and happy. Parents brought their children along, and the whole thing felt a bit like a roving dance party in the streets. There was also a bus following along which the police detained about halfway through the first part of the march on some minor infraction like people weren't all wearing their seat belts or something.

When the demonstrators reached the first target building, it was already heavily surrounded by riot cops, and people didn't even try to get near it. I don't think anyone was actually expecting the "secret" target to stay secret, given the open nature of the movement and the heavy infiltration. By this point police had begun targeted arrests against certain individuals which were evidently on their list of organizers or repeat "troublemakers". Nonetheless, the marchers were being quite peaceful and were prepared to just continue the march around the city. The police weren't having that though, and they fired a number of smoke grenades into the crowd, which caused a bit of a panic since many people initially thought it was teargas. Minor injuries were incurred amongst the marchers.

A number of older demonstrators as well as people with children decided that this was a good time to call it a day and headed away from the main police line and crowd. Police then rushed in and attempted to arrest some of the parents for endangering their children. I'm not sure exactly how this turned out, but I was told that a number of parents were able to get away with their children.

Police began to close on the demonstrators who decided to continue the march through the city. Soon after police began to deploy actual tear gas along with beanbag rounds and paint balls apparently intended to mark people for later arrest. Police claim that people were throwing things at them after this. I didn't witness demonstrators throwing anything, but it is possible. I don't find it to be a constructive activity, but I also can't blame people for being angry after a peaceful march was attacked. Medics responded to high numbers of chemical contamination and blunt force trauma cases.

As the march continued, police started to use a new tactic which recklessly endangered lives and led to many injuries. They would form up in a line behind the marchers and then on some signal charge towards the back of the march with their batons at the ready. Although attempts were made among the demonstrators to keep everyone calm, inevitably many people started running as a natural reaction to seeing a line of angry club-wielding police charging at them. Lots of people got knocked down in the press of bodies. People helped up whoever they could, but I have no idea how many people were injured during this or how badly. The police continued to use this tactic all the way back to Oscar Grant Plaza, charging forward for a block before stopping for a minute or two and then charging again. This charging tactic served absolutely no crowd control purpose, as they were pushing people in the direction the march was already going, and they could have just marched behind the demonstrators keeping pace, since nobody wanted to get within arm's reach of them anyways.

Anyways, people regrouped at OGP to rest, wash up, seek medical attention, and eat. After some time, a decision was made to march around downtown Oakland again. The march was somewhat smaller this time, but probably still around 1,000 people. Oaklanders don't give into police intimidation easily. The march eventually became a bit of a cat-and-mouse game as lines of police tried to surround the marchers and "kettle" them in for mass arrests. At one point fairly early on the police nearly succeeded, but a temporary chain link fence was pulled down allowing most or all of the marchers an escape route. Later on, a group of ~50-100 demonstrators did get blocked in on a section of Broadway without any side streets. Police then rushed in, jabbing, pushing, and beating people with batons until they were forced back into a corner near a YMCA building. Some people may have escaped through the YMCA building, and police used this to claim that the protesters were trying to take over the building, although I'm fairly certain this was never the plan since the YMCA was open and operational, not abandoned. Once the group of demonstrators was blocked in and completely surrounded, police announced that this was an unlawful assembly and ordered them to disperse. A few people tried to leave with their hands raised and were promptly thrown on the ground, beaten, and arrested. The police undoubtedly thought that they were quite clever with the Catch-22 situation they had constructed, but I doubt any of the subsequent arrest charges are going to stick as a result. Getting the charges to stick was probably not the point though.

The demonstrators were pinned into the corner like this for probably 40-60 minutes before enough police buses and vans showed up for mass arrests to begin. As the time approached, the police suddenly singled out on of the demonstrators and yanked him out of the crowd, threw him down and cuffed him. It is likely this was one of the people on their special list. A small bag of powder (possibly meth) was planted on him as he was dragged away. Given the fact that everyone knew they were going to be arrested for the past half hour or so, it is utterly illogical that this person wouldn't have ditched the drugs if they really were his. He was overheard to say that they weren't his, that he didn't do drugs, and was willing to take a drug test right then and there to prove it.

Police later arrested a large number of demonstrators near OGP using similar tactics. Apparently some demonstrators got into City Hall, although I'm not sure if any arrests were made in the building. Some people were taken to jail in Oakland, others to Santa Rita (a much nastier place) in Dublin. Some were cited and released the next day, others are still in police custody.

Given my impending court appearance, I don't want to discuss the exact involvement I may or may not have had in any of the above. I think, however, this provides a much more accurate picture of what went down than has been presented in the mainstream media, and I thank you for taking the time to hear the other sid

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

shagen454 says...

Shows right-wing tactics are everywhere. By claiming a conspiracy that foreign puppet groups are hijacking the Canadian process she then goes on to claim that her non-profit being funded by pipeline is a conspiracy theory. The same manner in which the government and right-wingers dismiss leftist groups who claim being infiltrated by provocateurs as "nutty" and "conspiracy; when it happens all the time.

She doesn't even seem serious - she laughs and recites the same three lines that were bold and underlined in her pre-interview hot-sheet. It's like arguing with a fundamentalist.

Extremist Jews in Israel Target American Girl

entr0py says...

I'm pretty sure I spotted a handful of little girl infiltrators among the ranks of the ultra-Orthodox men. No wonder they're paranoid about the existence of females.

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