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WILL TRADE!!! Looking to trade Pot and Ipod Touch for Ipad

WILL TRADE!!! Looking to trade Pot and Ipod Touch for Ipad

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'trade, ipod, touch, ipad, pot, marijuana, idiot' to 'trade, ipod, touch, ipad, pot, marijuana, idiot, jacob walker' - edited by kronosposeidon

Electronics Store Stampede In Brazil

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

volumptuous says...

btw: I'm currently Art Director for a very small video game company, and we're working on a new video game for... iPad! (and iPhone/iPod Touch)

The company is owned/run by a few ex EA guys, and we're estimating a pretty hefty return on sales. This has provided me a revenue stream that's well beyond what I've normally made the past few years, and we're already phasing in some R&D for the 2nd iteration.

This is all due to the overwhelming success of Apple's App store, and the millions of people who use these devices. I think Apple has some seriously shitty policies with their App store, but then again I've never worked for a company that I didn't hate, so what's the difference?

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

xxovercastxx says...

I don't universally scorn Apple, but they have been systematically tarnishing their own image for the last several years. I think the "vs" ads were the last positive thing they did in that regard.

Historically, Mac's bread and butter were the creative industries and now they're stifling the creativity of their users. They're driving off their faithful user base and now they're primarily left with the "snobby douchebag" market who only buys their stuff as a status symbol.

Then there's the lawsuits. They shut down Think Secret, went after Psystar and BluWiki, and most recently they've threatened Xiph. They're behaving like the RIAA.

Speaking of which, there's the DRM. They eventually caved and went DRM-free on their music, but not video content.

They're doing all these things as the free and open mindset is taking hold. They're fighting trends which are good for consumers and they still have the audacity to act like their shit don't stink. The iPad probably wouldn't be such a huge joke if they hadn't hyped it up like the Segway.

Just a few years ago they launched the iPod. MP3 players had been around for a while and other companies even had far superior products, but they marketed the iPod well and managed to become ubiquitous. They were the epitome of "hip"; now they look out of touch. The iPad unveiling reminds me of McCain's green screen speech.

>> ^dag:

Look, there is one very big mistake that Apple has made. They are losing the culture war. VideoSift skews a bit younger than me - I think the median age is about 29 - and the dislike and mistrust of Apple seems to be pretty universal among you all. We can blame the closed nature of the iPhone OS, those douchy "Mac vs. PC" ads, or maybe just that Apple is no longer the beleaguered, scrappy underdog. For whatever reason, hearts and minds are not with Apple at the moment.
e>> ^xxovercastxx:
Yes, because selling independent games was never profitable until Apple offered to play morality police and charge you 30% for the privilege.
>> ^dag:
And for all the squealing about Jobs' choke-hold on the platform - it's good to remember that Apple has empowered a whole generation of "little guy" developers to make good money from the app ecosystem - wresting power from the established game behemoths like EA. Good luck making a little game on other platforms - AND actually making dosh from it. The same kind of disruption-- upsetting the applecart of the big publishing companies-- appears to be in the works for self-published authors.

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

blankfist says...

The little lady has one. She's using it right now to look for apartments. It's pretty much what you expect: a large iPod Touch. But the touchscreen is extremely responsive and the battery life is insane.

Peter Paul & Mary - Puff the Magic Dragon

csnel3 says...

As a child of the 60's, I remember this as being one of the first songs I learned. I think "Happy birthday" and maybe "Twinkle Twinkle little star" came first. That being said, none of these are, or ever will be on my Ipod.

Monkey Island theme over the years

ForgedReality says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:

Eeesh. They could have used a better example for the Redbook audio. The orchestration they used for The Curse of Monkey Island is far superior. I've got that one on my iPod.

Then it wouldn't be the music of The Secret of Monkey Island. May as well just use different tunes for each example then. >_>

Monkey Island theme over the years

Charlie Brooker Reviews The iPad

MilkmanDan says...

I'm not a big fan of Apple personally. In the days of the first Macintoshes I preferred a PC because I could swap out bad drives, add RAM, etc. myself whereas the Macs were a very closed system. I never wanted an iPod because I don't want to mess with iTunes/DRM/etc.; just let me plug in the device as a USB drive and drag my MP3s to it. I don't want an iPhone because I don't want big brother telling me what software I can or cannot install. I don't really want an iPad; if I'm shelling out the cash I'd like to have Flash in my browser and have more control over software options in general.

So from the extremely narrow viewpoint of myself as an individual consumer, Apple has failed to ever make a compelling product that I personally wanted to spend my money on.

And yet, I'm a rather HUGE fan of Apple as a force, an impetus for change, and a contributor to competition and forward progress in IT and consumer electronics. I highly respect Apple as a producer of consumer goods to be purchased by people other than me. So many products and systems that I *do* like were pioneered, revolutionized, or popularized by Apple that I almost find it unfortunate that I have never personally purchased an Apple product in order to contribute to their coffers directly. So it goes.

Charlie Brooker Reviews The iPad

campionidelmondo says...

>> ^Shepppard:
I have an Ipod Touch, I've got tons of things on it, but my major gripe is the fact that it's a pain in the ass to hit the minor details on things.

You might need a special phone.

"Twat indicator" is dead on btw. Just the other day I saw a guy walking down the street with an iPad in his hand, earbuds attached, listening to music. That's why people buy an iPad: so they can say "Look at me, I have an iPad". Consumer whorism at its worst.

Charlie Brooker Reviews The iPad

Shepppard says...

I'd consider getting one if the 3G ones weren't absolutely rediculously expensive.

I have an Ipod Touch, I've got tons of things on it, but my major gripe is the fact that it's a pain in the ass to hit the minor details on things.

Surfing the web especially. Ever tried to use the search function on videosift on an iphone/touch? Damned near impossible.

It's light enough that reading a book on it would be a decent use, and being able to watch movies on it, hell that's still never a bad thing..

My only true issue with it is cost, if I'm spending that much money, why not spend a bit more to get a better laptop.

Feline Revenge - Cat Gets Even After Being Forced To Play

Retroboy says...

The problem here is that the title of the video got cut off. Here's the rest of its title:

Feline Revenge - Cat Gets Even After Being Forced To Play LADY GAGA ON INFINITE IPOD LOOP

Soundgarden - Rusty Cage

Soundgarden - Rusty Cage

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