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Clever Microsoft ad

mgittle says...

You guys are missing the point. People don't buy things because of what they are, they buy them because of WHY (or why they think) the company made them. People buy Apple products because they know Apple strives to make their products easy to use, innovative, and stylish. That's why people buy an ipod and not a friggin creative zen.

Microsoft's ad is good because it's telling people WHY their design is different. They don't have to convince everyone, and plenty of people won't be persuaded by their ad/design. But, you can be sure there are PLENTY of people out there who don't like their iphone/droid/whatever and are open to checking out something new.

How To Untangle MP3 Earphones

How To Untangle MP3 Earphones

Compression and the Loudness War in Mastering

ulysses1904 says...

He has some good points. On a somewhat related note, anyone familiar with the phenomenon of Out of Phase Stereo (OOPS)? I discovered it by accident years ago when my Walkman headphones used to short out. It amounts to rearranging the 4 wires of the left and right speaker channels so that any audio elements that were mixed to be only heard on the left or right channel are heard very prominently. Like if a piano was mixed to only come out the left speaker you would hear it very clearly when listening to the song with OOPS. It usually results in a dull mono mix of most songs with the vocals way off in the background but occasionally you will hear an instrument track that you never really noticed was there. I can achieve this effect by pulling my iPod headphones partway. Google "out of phase stereo" for a website that talks more about it.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

dbot2006 says...

My pleasure! I carry this around on my ipod. Good energy!

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
I just listened to this six times, seventh playing.

What a serious piece of work. I've got a new favorite band.

Fun to listen to and watch.

Crazy japanese. Crazy cool.


In reply to this comment by dbot2006:
Take a peek at this now that I have fixed the embed on the sift..
It gets me going every time!

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

iPhone 4: The Dark Side of the Force

syncron says...

Translation from Mandarin Chinese:

The 4th gen iPhone continues to stir debate, Jobs is busy putting out the fire.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs helped his company earn several billion dollars, thanks to the popularity of the iPod and iPhone.

The size of Apple now exceeds that of Microsoft. Jobs has become the most important figure in the field of technology. However, some people claim that the more business Jobs does, the more evil he is becoming.

When the iPhone 4 prototype was obtained by Gizmodo, Jobs ordered police to raid the house of Jason Chen, forcing him to relinquish the prototype.

There were recent reports that certain Apple-contracted factories are abusing employees. Some people think Apple was too cold-hearted when handling the situation.

Many users do not like being forced into an AT&T service contract when purchasing iPhone and have banded together to report Apple. The latest issue is the reception issue with the iPhone. Jobs claims the fault is not with Apple, but the consumer blocking the antenna with his/her hands, causing weak reception. As long as users do not block the antenna there are no issues. However, when Consumer Reports denied recommendation of the iPhone 4, Jobs realized that his charade was over. Jobs held a press conference to explain the issue. Jobs claimed that the iPhone 4 did have antenna issues, but other smartphones had the same problems as well. If users are still unsatisfied, Apple will send out free bumpers to alleviate the issue.

iPod Converter Suite Review - The best review of iPod Conver (News Talk Post)

Original iPhone Commercial Updated (Parody)

Deano says...

But you did start this off by saying you weren't into "hardwired buttons" because Windows isn't as solid as the OS on an ipod Touch.
I just don't think that makes any sense - what's the point of comparing them when they are so different?

The fact that phones use haptics suggests to me that the feedback from physical buttons is something that we all need and miss with touch devices. Personally I would like a real keyboard on my phone but getting that bigger screen seems like a fair trade-off. Maybe a slide-out keyboard is a future option for me.

>> ^jmd:

I wasn't refering to keyboards, neither the droids nore the iphones have a hardware keyboard. The majority of their interface use is not by typing either. I was concentrating more on the visual user interface..the windows themselves. The majority of Windows naggles are related to the operating systems upkeep of its internals and overhead, and how it handles application launches and such. The OS simply priorities the UI with the rest of the program, and that falls apart when under windows rules "It is acceptable to use most or even all cpu cycles for another program or windows upkeep process". Comparatively, the iphones/itouches put a bigger emphasis on making sure applications startup, run, and exit smoothly, and that video (interface visuals) does not lag or stutter while you are trying to use the touch screen to touch and move things.
Exiting 3d games has always been one of the most uggliest things in windows as a residual black window is left on the desktop for a second or more and the OS thrashes as swap memory of the windows that just became viewable is loaded into the freed memory. On the iphone on the other hand, while playing a 3d game, if I hit the home button the screen scales out and fades smoothly, and the audio slowly fades out. No black sudden sound cut outs. It is extremely graceful. But that is enough of me rambling.

Original iPhone Commercial Updated (Parody)

Deano says...

Not quite sure what you're saying there. You can't compare a mobile device (which has an OS that's tuned to the hardware) with a Windows PC which has to support a huge variety of configurations. The keyboard issue is irrelevant.

>> ^jmd:

>> ^Deano:
Ha! Let's face it real buttons are better.

I beg to differ. I am tired of hardwired buttons. The home button is fine.. but I am glad everything else is on-screen.
The above video is something I have heard about happening to some iphones and such that are upgraded to 4.0, so while not all iphones experience it, some infact do. However up until this point, the itouch/iphone has managed a great user interface (even better when jail broken) and never do I experience the problems often found with running a PC operating system where programs run choppy and take seconds for buttons to respond just because you happen to be trying to work at the same time the OS is doing file system maintenance, swapping to page files, clearing up memory, or what ever operating systems do that take cycles away from the main program. As someone who is not thrilled with apple and has always been an ipod hater, I love my (jailbroken) iTouch.

Original iPhone Commercial Updated (Parody)

jmd says...

>> ^Deano:

Ha! Let's face it real buttons are better.

I beg to differ. I am tired of hardwired buttons. The home button is fine.. but I am glad everything else is on-screen.

The above video is something I have heard about happening to some iphones and such that are upgraded to 4.0, so while not all iphones experience it, some infact do. However up until this point, the itouch/iphone has managed a great user interface (even better when jail broken) and never do I experience the problems often found with running a PC operating system where programs run choppy and take seconds for buttons to respond just because you happen to be trying to work at the same time the OS is doing file system maintenance, swapping to page files, clearing up memory, or what ever operating systems do that take cycles away from the main program. As someone who is not thrilled with apple and has always been an ipod hater, I love my (jailbroken) iTouch.

iPhone 4 Fail: Proof of Dropped Calls when Held in Left Hand

yellowc says...

Yes, I do know someone, myself. I had no intention of putting a case around the beautiful aesthetics of this phone. It is hardly "stupidity" to know you can care for a phone, my 3G has been uncased since I purchased it and there is not a single scratch on it.

My comment on a $1 price point, was merely trying to state that the price is not the issue, it is the attitude and behaviour of the manufacture.

Apple was well aware of the issues with phone antenas, as evident in their press release and knowing that every tiny piece of this phone would have gone through stringent approval processes. The location of the antena is no mistake and that makes it an issue. Apple's disregard for making what appears to be an intentional mistake (oxymoron but I'm not sure how to describe it) is what I believe is pissing people off. It is what is pissing me off anyway.

I can entirely agree that sensationalist stories are blowing it way way out and I will regret calling it "shoddy" as it is still one of the best phones ever made but I don't believe that excuses Apple or their "buy a case" solution, it is a level of arrogance that is even surprising out of Apple.

>> ^Mcboinkens:

>> ^yellowc:
Yes it is a big deal. It would be a big deal if it was a $1 phone, it's awful design and a shoddy product, from a company who does nothing but tout their superior design. It's an amazingly bad mistake for a very expensive phone.
If you look at my past comments, it will be no secret I love Apple. But this quite frankly is just too much and you can't possibly defend it.
Apple fucked up.
>> ^Mcboinkens:
Is this really that big of a deal? If you buy any sort of case for the phone this is not an issue. It would be idiotic not to buy a case for a 200 dollar phone anyway, especially with the back cover being glass inseat of plastic now.

You just restated my point. Do you know anyone that WON'T be buying some kind of case for a phone this expensive? If you do, they probably deserve to be smacked with their stupidity. I am not defending the design, it is obviously flawed and needs to be corrected. But seriously, it does not to be blown out of proportion like some people have. I don't even own any Apple products except my iPod, so I am fairly balanced on my opinion.
Also, your point about a $1 phone is invalid. A $1 phone would obciously have mistakes like this that would not make it a big deal. This one problem by no means makes the new iPhone an awful design and shoddy product. They crammed so much new technology into an even sleeker design.

iPhone 4 Fail: Proof of Dropped Calls when Held in Left Hand

iPhone 4 Fail: Proof of Dropped Calls when Held in Left Hand

EmptyFriend says...

>> ^Kevlar:

Aw, man, I thought I read you saying you hate seeing people like me saying Apple hates people of a certain handedness. I was going to make some kind of sweet Hate Recursion commentary, but then I realized I just can't read.

Yeah I probably could have used more punctuation...

Like logix said, if this turns out to be a really big issue, I bet Apple will give out bumpers, or at least drastically reduce the price of them. $30 is a little ridiculous. I saw packs of 2 ipod touch cases at Best Buy for $10. And they were from a real brand (Belkin), and came with a screen protector....

You're a PC (Blog Entry by dag)

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