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TYT: Palin A 'National Embarrassment' on Fox News

quantumushroom says...

Sigh. Do you really want to go toe-to-toe, STINK?

Here's Barack, the clown YOUR sycophantic media elected.

Palin said "Squirmish?" Got it. Izzat anything like BHO's CORPSE-MAN?

“Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.” --BHO

“Thank you, Sioux City. … I said it wrong. I’ve been in Iowa for too long. I’m sorry.” -- said in front of Sioux Falls, SOUTH DAKOTA audience

“In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.”

---May 2007 speech. Actual death toll: 12.

A "few" other gaffes here.

"In their first meeting, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown gave Obama a carved ornamental penholder from the timbers of the anti-slavery ship HMS Gannet. Obama’s gift in return: 25 DVDs that don't work in Europe. His gift a month later to Queen Elizabeth doesn’t quite make up for the snub, either: an iPod full of his own speeches."

"The Chicago Tribune reported this little-noticed nugget about a fake autobiographical detail in Obama’s Dreams from My Father: 'Then, there’s the copy of Life magazine that Obama presents as his racial awakening at age 9. In it, he wrote, was an article and two accompanying photographs of an African-American man physically and mentally scarred by his efforts to lighten his skin. In fact, the Life article and the photographs don’t exist, say the magazine’s own historians.”

Minus the fibs, I couldn't care less if Barack steps on his Telepromptongue now and again. It's the whole inexperienced-total-failure-as-President part that bothers me.


Solar Screens May Make Phone Chargers Obsolete

rottenseed says...

You're all dumb...phones stay in our pockets/purses and usually charge at night time. Very little light in my pocket. Very little light around here during the night time. What they should do is make sunglasses with photovoltaic lenses that charge your ipod/phone/vibrating butt plug...

Pink Floyd - Cluster One

Varying Bullet Caliber Damage

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Smugglarn:

That bothers me to no end. People seem to think that the Nazi swastika is terribly offensive, but somehow the Communist hammer and sickle aren't.
My guess is that if he wore that shirt in, say any Baltic country, he would be severely beaten, and rightly so.>> ^quantumushroom:
Why is he wearing a Russian swastika? Does he not know 60 million people were murdered by the hammer and sickle?

Swastika smastika. I love swastikas. I wear them whenever I go out. Get with the times, gramps, kids of all ethnicities are over it. We listen to our ipods and discuss the relevance of important symbols in human society. We troll forums and bide our time before we can download our minds into computers, build a base on the moon, and enslave the human race.

Lewis Black - Queers

Zero Punctuation: Dead Space 2

dystopianfuturetoday says...

This game was a disaster. What a waste of $60. Stupid story, no genuine terror aside from jump scares, sluggish controls, poor collision detection, terrible facial animation, linear, lacking in variety, lacking in bosses... The formula of the game is 1) enter a room 2) fight off 3-5 waves of enemies 3) wait 10 seconds for the door to the next room to open 4) yawn 5) repeat.

Unlike Yahtzee, I really dug DS1. It was scary because you were alone and underpowered. In this game, you are Rambo and there are NPC's everywhere. In the first game, the sound design gave you subtle distant growls to let you know monsters may strike at any moment. In this game, a bombastic soundtrack beats you over the head any time a monster is about to strike. I actually played a good portion of the game without sound, listening to my ipod. In the first game, you are this Gordon Freeman style silent, solitary figure who only reveals his face at the end. In this one, your annoying character talks and shows his poorly animated face constantly.

The multiplayer is also a mess. It's a hackneyed, poorly thought out rip off of Left 4 Dead. (Valve really should make a Left 4 Dead in space game) Not only is the multiplayer horrible, but you need an EA license to play it, which means that whoever buys my used copy is going to have to pony up even more money to EA. Fuckers.

What will define the 2010 decade? (Politics Talk Post)

srd says...

>> ^blankfist:

Let me try my top 21 predictions for the next decade! A lot of this will be US centric.
1. HDTV dimensions will increased from 1920x1080 to 3840x2160.
2. Screens will be increased to print pixel depths. 300dpi is only the beginning.
3. An affordable, flexible LCD material will change the tech and advertising world. Maybe the material can be cut to fit any size?
4. The war in Iraq will be over. But the occupation will last for decades. Other wars in the Middle East will continue.
5. Sarah Palin will never be President.
6. The US Deficit will grow to a historical high. As the Dollar and the Renminbi compete for world currency a new Cold War will be declared.
7. Top 40 music will suck.
8. The browser will be integrated as part of the OS and no longer treated as just software. Your work software (IDEs, Microsoft Word, Excel, etc.) will be treated as online plug-ins, savable (with versioning) in the cloud.
9. Electricity will be wireless.
10. Reality Shows will be the new sitcom. Again.
11. China's working class will stage small worker union revolts, but the scale and number will be dramatically inflated by the media.
12. Tommy Lee Jones, Adam Ant, Joel Coen, Matt Groening, Bill Clinton, Lorne Michaels, Sam Elliot, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Steve Jobs and Roy Scheider. One of them will probably pass away.
13. Google will acquire Facebook.
14. Apple's stock will drop if Jobs passes away. They'll try to embody the innovate spirit of Jobs, but they'll miss the mark and stick to just updating the current products like iPod, iPhone, Macbooks, etc.
15. There will be an assassination attempt on a Congressman. Congress will pass into law the Vigilant Act that declares DC to "be at war". As a result no civilians except current residents are permitted to enter. Under the Act any type of search and seizure in DC is legal. To counteract the bad press, the America Museum is opened in Virginia.
16. GM will file for bankruptcy.
17. Like the huge increase in gas prices as become part of day for the US, the people will grow accustomed to the high rate of unemployment. Politicians will no longer talk about gas prices or unemployment.
18. Marijuana is legalized in three states. It's legalized for medicinal use in seventeen states.
19. Autism is linked to the artificial sweetener, Aspartame.
20. Most internet enabled TVs and projectors become equipped with a'la carte system of channel ordering. So you only buy what channels you want streamed to your tv.
21. A new phone technology is developed that works a lot like bit torrent. The phone's signal piggy backs off other phones in the area, and the more phones in an area the better the signal. Most people, however, turn this feature off because it's rumored to be a security weakness.

To answer a select few points:

1. I thought 4k displays would be up next? (4096×3072; as a coder I hate widescreens. I need horizontal screen real estate).
3. This will happen sooner than we'd like
7. When did it not?
9. See 3.
Addendum to 21: We will see a surge of private networks, linked by VPNs and shared by friends; mostly done by people trying to run away from all the crass advertisements and data gathering schemes in the net today.

What will define the 2010 decade? (Politics Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Let me try my top 21 predictions for the next decade! A lot of this will be US centric.

1. HDTV dimensions will increased from 1920x1080 to 3840x2160.

2. Screens will be increased to print pixel depths. 300dpi is only the beginning.

3. An affordable, flexible LCD material will change the tech and advertising world. Maybe the material can be cut to fit any size?

4. The war in Iraq will be over. But the occupation will last for decades. Other wars in the Middle East will continue.

5. Sarah Palin will never be President.

6. The US Deficit will grow to a historical high. As the Dollar and the Renminbi compete for world currency a new Cold War will be declared.

7. Top 40 music will suck.

8. The browser will be integrated as part of the OS and no longer treated as just software. Your work software (IDEs, Microsoft Word, Excel, etc.) will be treated as online plug-ins, savable (with versioning) in the cloud.

9. Electricity will be wireless.

10. Reality Shows will be the new sitcom. Again.

11. China's working class will stage small worker union revolts, but the scale and number will be dramatically inflated by the media.

12. Tommy Lee Jones, Adam Ant, Joel Coen, Matt Groening, Bill Clinton, Lorne Michaels, Sam Elliot, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Steve Jobs and Roy Scheider. One of them will probably pass away.

13. Google will acquire Facebook.

14. Apple's stock will drop if Jobs passes away. They'll try to embody the innovate spirit of Jobs, but they'll miss the mark and stick to just updating the current products like iPod, iPhone, Macbooks, etc.

15. There will be an assassination attempt on a Congressman. Congress will pass into law the Vigilant Act that declares DC to "be at war". As a result no civilians except current residents are permitted to enter. Under the Act any type of search and seizure in DC is legal. To counteract the bad press, the America Museum is opened in Virginia.

16. GM will file for bankruptcy.

17. Like the huge increase in gas prices as become part of day for the US, the people will grow accustomed to the high rate of unemployment. Politicians will no longer talk about gas prices or unemployment.

18. Marijuana is legalized in three states. It's legalized for medicinal use in seventeen states.

19. Autism is linked to the artificial sweetener, Aspartame.

20. Most internet enabled TVs and projectors become equipped with a'la carte system of channel ordering. So you only buy what channels you want streamed to your tv.

21. A new phone technology is developed that works a lot like bit torrent. The phone's signal piggy backs off other phones in the area, and the more phones in an area the better the signal. Most people, however, turn this feature off because it's rumored to be a security weakness.

Morning in cities around the world

Enzoblue says...

Soooo glad they didn't even put a hint of a musical score in this. Each city has a sound scape, very much like the country has a land scape. You need to really let the sounds go through you to get the full affinity. I see tourist college kids walking around with ipod ear buds in and wanna slap them. The differences are so subtle sometimes and the sound quality of this vid is amazing.

Brian Williams on the NY Times' discovery of Brooklyn

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Yogi:

It's amazing how perceptive, funny, and intelligent Brian Williams can be...and yet still I couldn't watch his program without stabbing forks in my eyes. How can you be this way and not see that your own network...your own show is soo full of shit?

I think he's like this because of the people that surround him; how could you not be. I would also try to make many a joke that they don't understand unless they look up a turn of phrase--on their iPad (a glorified non-cellphone/unless you really need/want to spend that much money on one-"buggy and slow"-device).

Yes, I've used my Dad's. It certainly has some nifty features (which have all been invented or used already), but since it's Apple and it has the name i"x", it must be a game changing, revolutionary, cutting edge, never crashes, solves: world hunger, bi-polar, cancer, Fox News, heralds baby Jesus's return to Earth in North Western Missouri; and it has a shelf/I'm mean battery life of 30.62 days--or so I've heard.

It was semi-slow (that wasn't very surprising); slow in two departments: switching and starting between and new apps or processes. Second, the Wi-Fi connection was flaky (either not downloading or when downloading, even including the occasional burst speeds, it averaged 22 KBps (as I say below it should at least be going 100-200 KBps [this is still incredibly slow], as his connection has a download rate of 1.2-1.5 MBps). I'll play with that a bit more (as I think it may have been the wireless router as he has a 14-Megabit connection).

The games were fun and a few of the apps were great. But, I'd rather have a lightweight fully functional notebook PC with a 16:9 screen, atleast 720p, and a fully customizable network adapter. ...And to be blunt, I'd much rather have Windows 7 or even Vista (fully patched), as both have great functionality and support plus their 64-Bit support is great. Plus I can put in a full Blu-Ray drive that comes with PowerDVD.

Better applications, better games and support. Yes, this is an anti-apple rant as I think all of their once "highly revered" features: functionality, non-crashing, no hacking (hah!), graphical editing applications (which is a "contract" feature), sound editing applications (same as the last), and it's "ease-of-use" (which is now a completely moot point). Apple is still successful, because they find niche products that do well; like the Nintendo DS. The iPod (although the screens break a bit to early, my only complaint) and the iPhone are great products and fill a gap in a niche market. The iPad does the same thing, but from what I've tried it needed another year (plus some spec changes like a 16:9 screen going up to 720p (which is HD not this stupid licensing agreement so they can use the logo on a nice, but NOT HD screen (I think it's XGA or 1024x768), a connection port that could handle a multitude of devices: usb, 1394, ethernet, gamepads, speakers, etc I know it does some of this already, especially in the bluetooth department.

But, I feel that it should have come with the large flash/ssd drive, cell phone features (which they do have, it just costs an arm and a leg), more functionality for the "touch pen" (some mouse-like buttons etc...), FLASH & FULL browser SUPPORT (not having flash, plus other regular features "kills it" in a lot of ways)--Apple has to have their money/way though; I don't think they've got any clue when they shoot themselves in the foot), and a slightly faster (or duo-core) processor to help the experience feel more smooth; they have a: "1GHz Apple A4 custom-designed chip" were as a Intel Atom that has an nVidia extension may have been a better choice (I'm not to sure about battery usage for these guys, but from the devices it was used in it wasn't too bad).

So in the end (damn this was WAY longer than expected) I think they should have refined it for another year. Got some REAL user feedback; give it to people that don't work for the ass-kissing mainstream Apple press-core (yes, I'm talking about the likes of Engadget). Then, actually work on their gripes! People already seem willing to pay an arm and a leg for their stuff, so if the price goes up one-hundred, don't worry all your loyal'ii will still buy it. Anyway...this didn't happen, so I was left feeling underwhelmed by it and would instead by a nice laptop.

BTW, Brian Williams is the shit!

/This post may seem anti=Apple and in a lot of ways it is, but I would like them to make a good tablet (or awesome tablet--if they'd pull their collective heads out of their asses). It seems to me that any company, right now, that takes some time and makes a fast, reliable, easy-to-use, with 720p (and lots of video/codecs support)...will destroy Apple's iPad longterm (right now I just see Android tablets, but the ones I've seen are underwhelming).

//If someone has seen a good tablet coming out that has some of the features that I'm talking about, please throw in a reply.

Bill Maher on the Fallacy of 'Balance'

marinara says...

i found the clip at

i looked for the embed. Until my brain started saying... why do they need 1954 lines of code to pass a fucking url to a flash control.

<script type="text/javascript">
if (
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') > -1) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPad') > -1) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPod') > -1) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') > -1)
) {
$('mvp-media-player-insertion-1').innerHTML = '<video width="1660" height="838" src="/item/video/J3LRXR0RZDCY9CX9?link=" autoplay controls poster=""></video> '

what language is "$('mvp-media-player-insertion-1').innerHTML ="

Disguised man boards Air Canada:Caucasian To Asian

Cell Phones (Blog Entry by jwray)

jwray says...

One day there will be a device the size of a hearing aid, controlled by thinking, which works as a computer headset, hands-free cell phone, mp3 player, and digital radio, all in one.

They managed to control the new iPod shuffle with only 1 button, plus 2 for volume. Distinguishing between 3-4 different signals in a brain-computer interface is already old technology.

Bloodbath - Eaten Live at Wacken Open Air 2008

DCS: A-10C Warthog Game Mindblowingly Realistic

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