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The Hangover (movie trailer)

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

Dragging Some Fun Back To The Sift, Kickin' and Bitchin'! (History Talk Post)

videosiftbannedme says...

You mean I finally get to do my first *quality? Woohoo! Drinks are on me.

Ok, so this was years ago, and I was at a friend's birthday party. I had lost a significant amount of weight because I would bicycle everywhere, and I hadn't been out drinking. So I decide, damnit man, ahm Scah-ish, and I'm goun ta drink meh ancestor's drink! So I get a fifth of Cutty Sark and start doing shots. Now, not having ever tried Scotch but once prior to that night, I have to tell ya. It's liquid peat moss. Or maybe just Cutty Sark is. I don't know. But as with any liquor, once you get the first few shots down, you don't even taste or care anymore. So I proceed to drink about more than 1/2 the bottle, as well as a few beers...

So let me lay the scene for you here. We've got a small 1 bedroom apartment crowded with about 30 people. The stereo is up high, and after about 3 hours, I've made it to a chair at the dining room table. I start to get dizzy, so I put my elbows on the table, interlock my fingers and rest my chin in my hands, as I'm looking out into the room. And EVERYTHING is going up and down, in and out, and swirly. You know, like a merry-go-round? I can also hear every word at each of the conversations which were taking place around the room, as well as in whatever song was playing at the time. I don't even remember who eventually was around me but people were saying stuff like "Oh man, look how white he is!" "Dude, you need to go to the bathroom..." And I'm going "No, it's ok. I'm not gonna puke...I'm not gonna"

The last thing I saw was vomit shooting through my interlaced fingers.

So what do you do? Just put yourself there for a minute. Your that fucked up and you just start throwing up. Yup, I cupped my hands together to lean forward and make a bowl with my hands.

Now, physics was the LAST thing on my mind at this point. I forgot a critical variable: volume. Needless to say, I got. it. everywhere. All over the cake, in the ashtrays, people's cigarettes, in people's drinks, on people. Someone told me later I looked like a fire hydrant with an obstruction in the way. Luckily almost everyone there was a friend, so I survived a potential beating. (But at the cost of the ribbing I still take to this day )

So they throw me in the bathroom. Now, I'm conscious enough to know that I don't want someone pissing next to my face as I bow before the Porcelain God, so I lock the door. And promptly pass out. Eventually I finally wake up enough to open the door, and am promptly hauled out passed the line that formed, and am unceremoniously dumped on the bed. The only recollection I have of the rest of the night, is waking up several times lying face down, my hands and arms in the "goalpost" formation, and my head to pointing to the left. Have you ever gotten tired of lying in one position? I lifted my head, just to turn it to the right and got the whole Ferris Wheel action from before. So I kept passing out unable to turn my head.

Next morning, incredibly, I had no hangover. However, that is the only night in my life where I have no recollection of events. You could say I blew the dog and I'd have to take your word on it.

Ah's good for a laugh.

My highly sophisticated vote recovery plan (Blog Entry by kronosposeidon)

Lame-ass British anti-marijuana ad

dannym3141 says...

I considered phoning up and complaining about this. Maybe if a lot of people did it, they'd sort their shit out.

Few things such as:
Many of the "problems" of marijuana you've depicted are factually spurious, there's little and often no real evidence to show that marijuana does these things to people. And in the cases where people do feel that way, they're outliers. You might as well warn people against the addictive and dangerous drug "coca cola" because certain children, when they over indulge in the caffeine and sugar, exhibit manic behaviour.

You also neglected to show that marijuana is a legal drug in a european country, a successful and peaceful european country, showing quite clearly that regulated marijuana use is both possible and (on evidence) doesn't seem to affect a population in a negative way.

Thirdly, the (spurious) negative aspects of marijuana that you depicted are less traumatising than the negative aspects of alcohol. Addiction rate is arguably higher for alcohol than marijuana (though it's hard to tell when marijuana users are forced to keep a low profile). Why not show us a similar advert showing us an alcohol user's many faces? A party attended by liver failure, over-confidence, violent behaviour, hangover, dizzyness and vomiting? Of course not, because these dangers are largely the domain of habitual over-indulgers, as is ALSO the case with marijuana.

Fourthly, perhaps you should add a disclaimer to the end of the advert below the information that "marijuana has been upgraded to a class B drug". Along the lines of "... against the advice of the government-requested inquiry." Because the inquiry found and advised the government that elevating the class of the drug would be a bad idea, and they did it anyway.

Finally, of course, no mention of the medicinal properties and uses of marijuana. No mention that marijuana is a medically endorsed drug for certain illnesses.

Might actually phone in or write in.. this advert is misinformation shown in a biased way.

Ray Kurzweil on the future of technology

Deano says...

Glenn Beck, I have no idea who are you but your titles suck. I'm going to watch the rest of this and play the Kurzweil Drinking Game where you take a swig every time he says "exponential". I fear I may have a hangover tomorrow.

Has This Guy Never Seen a Pair of Shorts Before?

CrushBug says...

I will choose to downvote, simply because its an older person who grabbed the wrong clothing item and made a mistake. Most of us have the luxury of doing this in the privacy of our bedrooms on a morning with a hangover.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Ornthoron says...

1. I was both baptised and confirmed a Lutheran Protestant, but I have been an atheist and/or agnostic all my life.

2. I am a realist by mind and an optimist by heart.

3. I have a brown spot in one of my otherwise blue eyes.

4. I have flown a Vomit Comet.

5. I didn't vomit.

6. I played euphonium in the Norwegian military's Royal Guard's marching band.

7. I performed with them in front of several thousand spectators in a hockey venue in Halifax.

8. I have later switched to the jazz trombone.

9. I started singing in choirs when I was 20.

10. I was once mistaken for a girl at an airport in India, and got searched behind a curtain by two female customs officers instead of the burly male officer.

11. I have been humiliated in basketball in front of several million indian TV viewers.

12. I have never taken painkillers against a hangover, no matter how terrible.

13. I am very skinny, in spite of my exercise-free lifestyle.

14. I have two brothers who are remarkably similar to me in every conceivable way.

15. I wore braces into high school.

16. I consider myself a competent and safe driver.

17. I nearly crashed the car on the same day I got my driver's license.

18. I have never used a spellchecker.

19. I know a lot about quantum mechanics.

20. I have tried to learn string theory and failed miserably.

21. I have no idea what kind of job I want to make a living of.

22. I think I would be a good father.

23. I talk a more high class norwegian than my background should suggest.

24. When watching a movie, I am frequently the only person laughing. (Except if my brothers are there too.)

25. VideoSift is the internet community I have invested most emotionally in.

Numbers in Nicks. What's the Deal? (Sift Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

I'm with krono...etc in that it's a consistency thing. I was given the username way, way back in the days of university, it was generated using first, middle, last name and if someone had already had that combo you got a number.

So... spoco2 it was.

And, I have a crap memory and am signed up on Soooooooooooooooooooo many sites that the only way I can remember is to have the same username (I do have a handful of different passwords though).

So, yeah, it's a hangover, but I'm not going to change now dammit... not for anyone.

Robert Burns day 2009

2009 Presidential Inauguration Liveblog (Politics Talk Post)

kulpims says...

ah, fuck it. all this... it means nothing to me. words he spoke out, I've heard it all before, from the mouths of fallen heroes in a country that is no more. economic and social decline, hyperinflation, elitism, corruption, nationalism, patriotism, war, ...empty rhetoric; dictionaries exhausted of words to describe the depths of emotions that ran through them... all bullshit, as it turned out. lesson I got from it all was: you can always trust a politician to be exactly that. to have expectations beyond this simple fact, is just fucking with your own head. i don't feel elated by this show of last throes of The American Dream™. the most accurate short description of what I felt watching this is a kind of sorrow for what has happened to the american ideals, to the image the whole world (me included) was masturbating to for the past decades. i love you all, my american friends, but you're mostly blind to what is happening right now. i recommend a quick beer+jagermeister therapy at your favourite watering hole - nothing makes you see reality in higher definition than a bad hangover

More Top 15 Confusion (Sift Talk Post)

jonny says...

They eventually were awarded yesterday, but I know that this one, and I'm pretty sure this one and this one, among others, were in the Top 15 for over 8 hours without award on saturday night (pst).

But, since siftbot seems to have slept off his weekend hangover, I'm really more interested in the second part - how are ties resolved? Last voted on? Oldest? Most Views? Chance?

[edit] I just realized you didn't answer the first question - what is the criteria for Top 15 awards? Is there a time minimum? a vote min? luck of the draw when siftbot does his hourly rounds?

Southern California Sift-Up? (Sift Talk Post)

volumptuous says...

Oh shit, I just now found this post.

I live within stumbling distance from the Red Lion. I was there last night, and I have the hangover to prove it!

Count me in.

oh: Red Lion starts checking ID's around 7:00PM. So if there's any under-21's coming, you'll be fine as long as you're in before then.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

residue says...

whoa! Good thing we are all anonymous on the intarwebs... I really don't remember typing that, but I seem to have been in a good mood at least! Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I almost thought I made it through the holidays shame-free

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
since you were drunk, i just wanted to remind you of the comment you left...happy hangover!!!

In reply to this comment by residue:
beedebeedlebeeldebeelde, hey guys, I'm drunk and I didn;t watch this video bu I figured I wouldt ype a scomment, Happy holidays!

residue (Member Profile)

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