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gwiz665 (Member Profile)

marinara says...

nice comment buddy!

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Heh clicked through now to look for some more stuff like this, and found a lengthy description.

"This is a half-scale, all CG simulation of the 'elevator of blood' from The Shining that I did just for amusement in spare hours. I never expected it to look exactly like the real thing. The RealFlow fluid sim uses only about 1.6 million particles and therefore appears thicker and 'blobbyer' than an actual water-like liquid at this scale. I think at least ten million particles would begin to look convincing, but since this took about a month to calculate and render on on I-7, 3.2gh quad core, it isnt practical to attempt more particles without a far more powerful and prohibitively expensive computer.

I rendered, and modeled the hallway and furniture in Lightwave 9.6. Post processing was applied in Fusion 6.

In my work as a CG artist, I am often expected to integrate CG into photographic plates without any practical information from set such as what lens was used, the camera height and inclination, or the location and type of lights used. I have become rather proficient at 'eyeballing' these things. To come up with the dimensions of the set, I studied each shot in The Shining of the various hallways and fixtures. I settled on a 50mm lens, and my guess is that it was a half scale miniature since Kubrick was a perfectionist and smaller scale liquids look progressively less realistic and blobby (it is also more RealFlow friendly). The angles of the wall panels and lines on the floor indicated that the camera is not centered but was placed a few feet to the right and panned left to appear centered. Most viewers do not notice there are actually 3 different angles of this scene shown in the movie. This leads me to suspect there may have been another camera centered on the miniature set but the footage was not used.

I arrived at the 140fps frame speed by using Fusion to speed up the slow motion shot from the film until it appeared to move at a realistic speed which was x6. Six times 24fps is 140. To save time, I began RealFlow simulations at 24fps. When I sped up the resulting render x6, the CG blood turned out to hit the walls and run out of frame on close to the same frames as in the real shot, so this affirmed the rate of 140fps and the dimensions of the set as being somewhat accurate. When they shot the miniature scene, the actual event would have taken place in about four seconds.

The overhead render was an afterthought where some flaws are more apparent.

I started thinking about rendering this after viewing a YT video titled 'THE SHINING - SOMETHING IN THE RIVER OF BLOOD' where the author presents a lengthy assertion that there are some obscure shapes viewable within the blood near the elevator that Kubrick intended as a sublminal representation of a corpse or something suggesting 'Tony' inside Danny's mouth. The seemingly mysterious shapes present a Rorschach image for commentors' to offer up a myriad of odd things they believe 'it' to be. It was apparent to me that the shapes are merely reflections of the set and I emailed a simple CG still to the author demonstrating that fact but he defends the presence of mysterious objects.

I thought it would be interesting to see what ReaFlow might do, and was surprised to find that no one else had attempted a Shining-blood-elevator sim that I could find. Oddly enough, very similar 'shapes' turn up in this CG render as in the movie since they are simply distorted reflections of the elevator door itself and surrounding frame and wall. But people prefer a mystery."

Computer Animates Famous Scene From Kubrick's "The Shining"

gwiz665 says...

Heh clicked through now to look for some more stuff like this, and found a lengthy description.

"This is a half-scale, all CG simulation of the 'elevator of blood' from The Shining that I did just for amusement in spare hours. I never expected it to look exactly like the real thing. The RealFlow fluid sim uses only about 1.6 million particles and therefore appears thicker and 'blobbyer' than an actual water-like liquid at this scale. I think at least ten million particles would begin to look convincing, but since this took about a month to calculate and render on on I-7, 3.2gh quad core, it isnt practical to attempt more particles without a far more powerful and prohibitively expensive computer.

I rendered, and modeled the hallway and furniture in Lightwave 9.6. Post processing was applied in Fusion 6.

In my work as a CG artist, I am often expected to integrate CG into photographic plates without any practical information from set such as what lens was used, the camera height and inclination, or the location and type of lights used. I have become rather proficient at 'eyeballing' these things. To come up with the dimensions of the set, I studied each shot in The Shining of the various hallways and fixtures. I settled on a 50mm lens, and my guess is that it was a half scale miniature since Kubrick was a perfectionist and smaller scale liquids look progressively less realistic and blobby (it is also more RealFlow friendly). The angles of the wall panels and lines on the floor indicated that the camera is not centered but was placed a few feet to the right and panned left to appear centered. Most viewers do not notice there are actually 3 different angles of this scene shown in the movie. This leads me to suspect there may have been another camera centered on the miniature set but the footage was not used.

I arrived at the 140fps frame speed by using Fusion to speed up the slow motion shot from the film until it appeared to move at a realistic speed which was x6. Six times 24fps is 140. To save time, I began RealFlow simulations at 24fps. When I sped up the resulting render x6, the CG blood turned out to hit the walls and run out of frame on close to the same frames as in the real shot, so this affirmed the rate of 140fps and the dimensions of the set as being somewhat accurate. When they shot the miniature scene, the actual event would have taken place in about four seconds.

The overhead render was an afterthought where some flaws are more apparent.

I started thinking about rendering this after viewing a YT video titled 'THE SHINING - SOMETHING IN THE RIVER OF BLOOD' where the author presents a lengthy assertion that there are some obscure shapes viewable within the blood near the elevator that Kubrick intended as a sublminal representation of a corpse or something suggesting 'Tony' inside Danny's mouth. The seemingly mysterious shapes present a Rorschach image for commentors' to offer up a myriad of odd things they believe 'it' to be. It was apparent to me that the shapes are merely reflections of the set and I emailed a simple CG still to the author demonstrating that fact but he defends the presence of mysterious objects.

I thought it would be interesting to see what ReaFlow might do, and was surprised to find that no one else had attempted a Shining-blood-elevator sim that I could find. Oddly enough, very similar 'shapes' turn up in this CG render as in the movie since they are simply distorted reflections of the elevator door itself and surrounding frame and wall. But people prefer a mystery."

Girl Freaking The Hell Out Of People Walking Into A Building

Roommate gets ballooned

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

ctrlaltbleach says...

I adore women so I help them when I can. On the other hand I hold the doors open for men and women alike. I also stop and turn my back to the wall for any person needing to get through a cramped hallway. If I forget I usually apologize or feel bad for not doing so. I don't call it Chivalry I call it being polite. Oh and I'm not trying to imply that you guys are not polite just giving my two cents on the matter. To equal me out a little I don't always do the same for my wife because we are close and I tend to forget to be polite to her without intention.

Glass door fail hilarity

Psychologic says...

A friend of mine had a mirror at the end of a hallway in his house that covered the entire wall (or rather, it was the wall). People would walk right into it, even with the reflection.

The best was watching a 7 y/o kid hit it at full speed holding a plastic cup full of pepsi. The kid was fine, but most of the drink ended up on the ceiling.

TSA Security Theater

GeeSussFreeK says...

You make 3 points. One, someone filming in a PUBLIC area is not only NOT suspect of wrong doing, it should be expected...even mores o in this day and age of gadgets. Furthermore, their own policy states that filming them is not warrant of any internal scrutiny.

Secondly, he did no inquiring about their procedures, THEY approached HIM and attempted to trap HIM into answering questions that would MAKE him appear suspect of wrong doing. He was a dude, a dude with a camera, a dude with a camera filming the goings on at an airport...that should of been the end of it.

The waste is on the TSA officials which blew a completely harmless situation WAY out of proportion. What he didn't do, which you seem to try and frame it like, is to go around filming sensitive security information that isn't in view of the public eye. Going around opening up closed doors and prying up the innards of some scanning machine to surrender its mysteries! He filmed people doing stuff in hallways, doing their normal thing. This is about as much of a security risk as a dude doing the same thing with his eye balls and a note pad...or just his eyeballs and a good memory.

While I think his child pron angle isn't completely on base, it isn't completely off base either. A person, of which has done nothing wrong being subjected to a violation of their personal body for nothing other than the chance they might catch someone trying to bring contraband on a plane is lunacy. I made a joke earlier this month about what we "really need" too keep us safe is to be strip searched as we leave our house...this is just one step closer to that Orwellian state. There is no such thing as perfect safety. The more control you give the government the less safe you are. Because not only are you being sold the illusion of safety, you also now must endure the oppression of the state. You are less safe from the police then you are a terrorist; what I mean is you are more likely going to get in trouble with the police far sooner than get blown up by a terrorist, and this should alarm you.

The Best Fight Scene EVAR!

Drachen_Jager says...

I like how the cars at the end explode for no reason whatsoever and how the hallways in the store just have glass panes in the middle of them, sitting right on top of the carpet where people would obviously normally walk.

Robin Williams Talking About Getting Owned in COD

spawnflagger says...

Jimmy Fallon:
  Got the job because he was in the same building. Conan left and they just looked in the hallway and saw Fallon walking around and said "hey kid, you want your own show?"

Robin Williams:
  Cocaine's a hell of a drug.
But seriously- he is genuinely talented, just too over-the-top.

Lock Detects Secret Knock

joel_eb says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:
What an awesome invention.
However, what happens when I program a new knock while drunk and am never able to enter my apartment again?

im afraid you'll have to spend the remainder of your existence in the hallway!

Texas Implements RFID Manditory Bracelets

Sagemind says...

I just ran a bunch of simple searches for more info on this, and there is tons of info out there on this... BUT...

Every single site that is running the story, and in great depth, mind you, is either a conspiracy site or is quoting the same video that is embedded here. Not one official quote by anyone important, Not one official news story and so on.

Now, if you are into believing this kind of stuff, the reasons to keep on believing this are:
1). Big Media is being controlled by "The Man," so they are keeping it all a secret.
2). Officials haven't confirmed this method is actually going to take place, even if it is on the books - It's a contingency plan.
3). No media outlet out there wants to spread hearsay and be held accountable for inciting panic or riots.

I think it is possibly real, but in every situation, you have to plan for the extreme. I don’t believe a big conspiracy is going on, but contingencies are being made, supplies are being distributed, personnel are being trained and so on. I don’t think “anyone” wants this to go as far as the stories are suggesting, but I’d rather there was a plan in place, then us looking back at the dead and saying, “Why didn’t the government protect us, they knew it was coming.”

I see it a work as well ( a very large public college), Signs have been made, web pages have been put up, emails have gone out, all the soap dispensers have educative signs next to them, New alcohol/non-alcohol type dispensers have been put up in every hallway – The plans are being put in place – just look around!

Too long..., Sorry (- again, no conspiracy, just plans in place...??)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

You have been terribly hard done by my friend, the actions of the people in that thread absolutely disgusted me.

Whatever you did, that was not the way to fix it. It is clear there was a break down in communications and the rash and STUPID actions of some STUPID people have resulted in this horrible shit happening.

I had something similar occur to me once. I used to hang out with 2 gay girls, they were very close friends of mine but i never harboured anything further. I am far too much of a gentlemen to ever approach or attempt a move on a person in a relationship.

One night, we all got drunk and one stormed off into a side street to be alone and i had to follow her to make sure she was safe. I was the only sober person present. Whilst talking her back to her home, she told me she wanted to leave the girl and hated her but couldn't get away. So i told her "When you're sober, tell me the same thing again and i will help you, but i think this is the drink talking."

When we got in, i said to her in the hallway "Remember - if you say the same thing tomorrow, we'll do it." - i had to be cryptic as her girlfriend was in the front room and i didn't want everything to come out and cause an argument.

I was asked later what this cryptic comment meant and i said oh forget it, it's irrelevant. It looked odd but i said "You know you can trust me," and she could. Shortly after, i was deleted off facebook from both of them, ignored, friends of friends ignored me and shunned me.

It turns out that the girl had been asked what that cryptic comment meant. She didn't want to tell the ugly truth and had accused me of trying to kiss her and been pushed away, and told "Ask me tomorrow."

This story went round a lot of the people that i knew and hung out with and as a result i was completely ostracised due to this girl's lie. I actually could have completely exposed her for the liar she was early on, but i decided not to because i didn't want to ruin their relationship. I'm a martyr to my morals, and how ironic it is that my morals facilitate someone attempting to make me look immoral

Perhaps only similar in a small way, but i felt like sharing. I think you're alright, that disgusting behaviour hasn't affected my opinion of you at all. It's certainly made me think twice about my opinion of THEM, however.

Is She Pregnant?

Man With Assault Rifle At Pres. Obama event

Shepppard says...

Alright, this is my last post here, because I don't really want to spend another ten minutes arguing hypothetical situations with you. Neither of us is wrong, and neither of is are changing our minds about the issue.

I never said guns are illegal in Canada, but only roughly 26% own guns. When push comes to shove, America still has more gun related deaths then Canada. It could be due to the fact that 71% of Canadian gun owners only have rifles for hunting, and only 12% have handguns, mind you.

Now, try this out. Go to bed, set your alarm for 3 hours, and then wake up. If there's someone at the end of a dark hallway, odds are your vision is going to be blurred and you won't be able to make out any features other then potentially hair length.

As for a thrust having better range then a bat? Bullshit. If you've taken a stance, if they lunge at you, and you swing, I personally have about 5-6 feet worth of extension with a bat, and if you make contact with the center of mass, not only will you knock them if nothing else OVER, but you'll potentially crack a rib or break an arm. A 10 year old little league player can swing a 20 oz bat 60 mph., Strength is NOT an issue.

Also, I'd like to point out that baseball bats don't always need to be swung two handed. If you're able to weild it one handed, you've got an even GREATER reach then any knife, and can move just as easily, historically, clubs are better weapons.

In the show "Deadliest Warrior"
Every time there was a knife vs other weapon, The other weapon won all but once. And that's because the spetsnaz ballistic knife can shoot. The "Club" weapons however, almost always beat whatever it was up against.

This is the typical (real) case: someone carrying a (concealed) firearm is mugged or otherwise held up while doing something else (so as a matter of course, they were taken by surprise). The usual result of this scenario is the perpetrator running away, rarely being shot, rarer still winning a confrontation. On the other hand, if you are not armed and the perpetrator wants more than your money, then all you can do is file a police report afterward, assuming he has no interest in killing you.

I don't get it..this is your defence? my situation of "If they get the jump on you, a concealed weapon does you no good" is wrong, post a situation of the perpetrator getting the jump on you, and the concealed weapon doing you no good, as they get your money and run away, rarely being shot. Perhaps you stated that wrong.

I'd also like to add, that unless you've been hardcore trained to be able to find, draw, and shoot your weapon in a situation like that, you've got one HELL of a chance of fumbling around, and not even shooting it

Disgusting Procedure on Cow - With Hilarious Results

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