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Apartment Complex Covers "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

Let's hope this comment has no sequels. >> ^blankfist:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
Let's hope this video has no sequels.>> ^blankfist:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
Damn, that hallway is longer than the Indiana Jones warehouse. Let's hope this video has no sequels.

Technically Temple of Doom was a prequel.

I guess you weren't conflating your "Let's hope this video has no sequels" comment to the Indiana Jones reference. My bad. Just so we're clear though: technically Temple of Doom was a prequel.

I'm holding out for the trilogy.

Apartment Complex Covers "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

kronosposeidon says...

Let's hope this comment has no sequels. >> ^blankfist:

>> ^kronosposeidon:
Let's hope this video has no sequels.>> ^blankfist:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
Damn, that hallway is longer than the Indiana Jones warehouse. Let's hope this video has no sequels.

Technically Temple of Doom was a prequel.

I guess you weren't conflating your "Let's hope this video has no sequels" comment to the Indiana Jones reference. My bad. Just so we're clear though: technically Temple of Doom was a prequel.

Apartment Complex Covers "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

blankfist says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

Let's hope this video has no sequels.>> ^blankfist:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
Damn, that hallway is longer than the Indiana Jones warehouse. Let's hope this video has no sequels.

Technically Temple of Doom was a prequel.

I guess you weren't conflating your "Let's hope this video has no sequels" comment to the Indiana Jones reference. My bad. Just so we're clear though: technically Temple of Doom was a prequel.

Apartment Complex Covers "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

Apartment Complex Covers "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

Apartment Complex Covers "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

The Injured Stormtrooper

Hawken Trailer (Work In Progress) - Amazing Indie Game

Zonbie says...

Nah, you can quite easily make open space with Unreal, doesn't bloody occlude though, but hey!looks pretty Be interesting to see what they do with this >> ^kceaton1:

I hope this is a HEAVILY modified Unreal tech, because unfortunately their engine is a large hallway or open room with really pretty sky boxes.
Which again, I'd rather have Crysis (Crytek engine)...

Hawken Trailer (Work In Progress) - Amazing Indie Game

kceaton1 says...

I hope this is a HEAVILY modified Unreal tech, because unfortunately their engine is a large hallway or open room with really pretty sky boxes.

Which again, I'd rather have Crysis (Crytek engine)...

Scary little girl scares people in a hotel corridor

Texting Fountain lady, Suing mall for her own dumb actions

Porksandwich says...

Most establishments have video surveillance in use signs up. And it's common sense that you "watch where you are going", but perhaps they need a sign up for that too.

But let's do a little common practices and expectations when it comes to workplace conduct. Most businesses don't mind if you use your phone sparingly, but they will be pissed if you text while driving or handling machinery or putting yourself in dangerous situations by doing so. So they probably have a clause that says no cell phone use while on their time or unless it's company related.

I mean this is along the lines of thinking for activities such as driving without your prescription glasses, doing possibly dangerous or strenuous activities when you just started taking a new medication, carrying something that obstructs your vision on uneven or uncleared terrain, etc, etc. Things you can get away with sometimes doing, but you know you shouldn't be doing it. It's just more convenient to risk it than it is to take the time to do it in a safer way. And when things go wrong and it doesn't work out for you, the fault falls on you.

If she had been doing that and walked into traffic and got drilled by a car and the video caught her doing this.....I'd be thanking my lucky stars if I was the driver of that car. Because it was clearly her fault for not heeding right of way/jaywalking/whatever. Just like it would have been my fault if I was texting and driving and drilled her with my vehicle while she was legally crossing at a crosswalk.

The biggest crime here is that she hasn't learned that she bears responsibility for the consequences of her actions. If she had realized this and stepped to the side to quickly type her message and move on, there would be no video to be shown. People SHOPPING at malls would be shocked if they weren't being filmed nearly their whole time on the premises, so I highly doubt an employee could expect otherwise.

And that she claims she's humiliated by this video, but comes forward to identify herself....give multiple interviews and hint at lawsuits. Rape victims have more difficulty doing this due to humiliation and public scrutiny and they are victims of an actual CRIME. This lady is a victim of her own stupidity.

I view the guards who filmed and released this video as an entirely different subject than what this woman's problem is. Their punishment should not be based on the content of the video but if they violated any policies, laws, or agreements made to not release video unless authorized. The content of the video could be an empty hallway or someone doing donuts in their vehicles in the parking lots, and it should be judged in the same manner.

The only caveat to this video existing is if someone took this video in a place where there was a reasonable expectation of privacy. In her house, in her yard surrounded by privacy fence, even a public restroom. But the corridors of a mall are in no way private and someone could have captured her stupidity on any recording device and released it.

If she's being harassed at work over this, that's yet another subject......but it probably doesn't fall any under illegal form...since I don't think your incompetence or stupidity is legally protected. She could quit, and if I were her employer I would hope she did...because she's a "work injury" claim waiting to happen.

kick ass-introduction to hit girl

gwiz665 says...

The scene with the car crusher was probably the only scene I would have cut. I think it felt too "real" and just made me uncomfortable - and I have pretty thick skin.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Much of the violence was cartoonish, like Hit Girl running down a hallway, killing 20 guys in a matter of seconds, but some of the violence seemed intent on being disturbing, like when Big Daddy and Hit Girl smash a guy in a car crusher and laugh about it, or when hit girl kills the woman in the red dress. I think these scenes were deliberately meant to mirror the scenes in which the villains torture people.
I think 'selective humanization' is more of a condition of our culture than anything else, and Matthew Vaughn is playing with this concept, pushing our buttons. I've got his commentary on a blu-ray, I should probably check it out for more insight.

10 Fully Armored Police vs. 1 Burnt Out Drug Addict...GO

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:
@<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since May 28th, 2007" href=""><STRONG style="COLOR: #0000cd">Shepppard Meh I had a shitty childhood so I wound up with a sadistic/dark/drydrydry sense of humor. Humor is one of my ways of dealing with things I find repulsive.
I'm still waiting for a more appropriate title suggestion b/c "Cops murder some poor schlep" doesn't sound appealing to me.
Also @<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since February 16th, 2006" href=""><STRONG style="COLOR: #008800">dag quotefail 2 posts up

So it is a comedy to you Jigga? And the others have the right to be a bit upset because you labeled it humorous, when to everyone else it is not? Then why argue so vehemently with Sheppard and Yogi at the their comments? Why say you clearly labeled its intent, when its intent to you is comedy?

How about the label "Ten Glocks versus Drug Suspect" or "Ten Thugs versus Unarmed Man."

And even the title now is numerically incorrect. It was one officer against one man--the others who came after never pulled their triggers. And though this seems nit picky, it is not. You could call it "One Premature Cop Unloads."

Last point Jigga, you state that only 3-5 seconds after the man goes limp that police could clearly be heard saying "get on the ground?" Well, I wasn't there, and cameras suck at transplanting real life on screen. I heard it loud and clear before the guy got shot (But still too late to be considered an adequate warning) and you know what? With the walls, hallways, noise and such, the suspect still may not have heard it. Or he may have. You, me, no one can know.

kick ass-introduction to hit girl

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Much of the violence was cartoonish, like Hit Girl running down a hallway, killing 20 guys in a matter of seconds, but some of the violence seemed intent on being disturbing, like when Big Daddy and Hit Girl smash a guy in a car crusher and laugh about it, or when hit girl kills the woman in the red dress. I think these scenes were deliberately meant to mirror the scenes in which the villains torture people.

I think 'selective humanization' is more of a condition of our culture than anything else, and Matthew Vaughn is playing with this concept, pushing our buttons. I've got his commentary on a blu-ray, I should probably check it out for more insight.

Kid Tries to Throw Backpack Down Hallway, Misses

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