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Kid Tries to Throw Backpack Down Hallway, Misses

Kid Tries to Throw Backpack Down Hallway, Misses

Stonebreaker (Member Profile)

Minecraft Biome Test

dag says...

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Ah, a spawning chamber - good idea.>> ^RFlagg:

I built away from my spawn, but eventually, after dying a few times at night thanks to my spawn point having bad guys all around it, I built a thing up around it then connected it via a long hallway/tunnel to my main structure.
>> ^dag:
That's why you should build near your spawn point - if you get too lost, you can jump off a cliff or present yourself to the zombies, and you'll respawn near your house.
>> ^blankfist:
I got lost in my world and can't find my way back to my stockpile.

Minecraft Biome Test

RFlagg says...

I built away from my spawn, but eventually, after dying a few times at night thanks to my spawn point having bad guys all around it, I built a thing up around it then connected it via a long hallway/tunnel to my main structure.

>> ^dag:

That's why you should build near your spawn point - if you get too lost, you can jump off a cliff or present yourself to the zombies, and you'll respawn near your house.
>> ^blankfist:
I got lost in my world and can't find my way back to my stockpile.

The Most Terrifying Video Game Ever

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Shepppard:
We went in not knowing anything about the game.

This is the key to making a game scary, IMO. It's also why I haven't truly been scared by a game since the 1990s. By the time you get your hands on a game nowadays, you already know everything about it.

The original Doom is still the scariest game I've ever played and it was mostly because I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know the monsters; I didn't know the weapons; I didn't know what the engine itself was capable of. My first encounter with a pinky was quite memorable. I had heard it growling in the distance for several minutes. The sound was a new one; I had only seen zombies and imps up to that point; so I was cautiously creeping around trying to pin it down. I finally came face to face with it as I came around a corner in a very tight hallway; the ideal location to fight 500lbs of teeth and muscle.

XCom 2 is my other noteworthy game for being scary, though it was more of a nervous tension than outright fear.

Since then, games have startled me with "boo!" tactics, but none of them have really been scary.

Pacific Sun Cruise Liner in Heavy Seas - CCTV Footage

Drachen_Jager says...

>> ^cybrbeast:

I don't understand why the people in the big room don't run for the hallways or smaller rooms, there's a lot less stuff sliding around in the hallway. You even see people in the back room still sitting.

You're forgetting one very important thing about human nature which is especially true of those folks who enjoy cruises.

People are stupid.

Pacific Sun Cruise Liner in Heavy Seas - CCTV Footage

cybrbeast says...

I don't understand why the people in the big room don't run for the hallways or smaller rooms, there's a lot less stuff sliding around in the hallway. You even see people in the back room still sitting.

Pacific Sun Cruise Liner in Heavy Seas - CCTV Footage

curiousity says...

My first boat in the Navy was a cruiser. A bunch of us showed up around the same time just before going underway for 5 months. We hit some rough waters in the North Cali/Southern Oregon region that tossed around good. Everything is bolted down, but strings had to be tied to the table to keep the salt, pepper, napkins, etc on the table.

It was interesting. When walking down a p-way (hallway), you would be walking normally with the exception that you were walking on the floor, then the right wall, floor, left wall, 'rinse and repeat'.

Just the normal vertical change could be quite drastic. We were taught to walk through doors and not jump despite the urge (most doors were water tight hatches that had a good foot lip on the bottom.) One of the new people jumped through one... the ship when down... and he knocked himself with the forehead/steel contact. But it was fun too. If you jumped at the right time and aimed a little, you could shoot up a floor (through hatch) as the boat went down and you hung in the air. Had to be a little careful having wide shoulders, but still fun.

Star Trek TNG - DJO - My Grandma Rides a Skateboard

Inception Characters Don't Understand Inception

Old Dude Beats Down 5 Subway Hoodlums (Wait for it)

mxxcon says...

the way they all are stumbling around i think they all are drunk.
and that doesn't look like "old dude". look at 2min mark, think he's really muscular.
furthermore, that doesn't look like a subway but rather a hallway in some building...

The best Iron Man cosplay you will see today

Alright, I'm done. If this is cool, i'm out.

Malcolm X and the FBI, A hitherto secret recording

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