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Mac Geek - Dag finally comes to his senses

Razor says...

>> ^dag:
But seriously, almost all of these things are non-issues now-a-days. To make it fair, you have to compare the Mac to its contemporaneous counterpart - Windows 98, or Windows ME.

>> ^xxovercastxx:
To be fair, this was from the Mac OS 8 days. Things were pretty ugly in Macland back then.

The Apple "Switch" ads this parody were based on came out in 2002. OS X Cheetah and Windows XP were both released in 2001.

I think it's safe to say this guy was comparing OS X to it's contemporaneous counterpart, Windows XP... not an older version of Mac OS to 98 or ME.

What to do if a cheetah and a hyena are fighting over you

What to do if a cheetah and a hyena are fighting over you

What to do if a cheetah and a hyena are fighting over you

What to do if a cheetah and a hyena are fighting over you

kymbos (Member Profile)

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dotdude says...

Release dates of Mac OS X and their feline names:

Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah March 24, 2001
Mac OS X 10.1 Puma September 25, 2001
Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar August 24, 2002
Mac OS X 10.3 Panther October 24, 2003
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger April 29, 2005
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard October 26, 2007
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard August 28, 2009

For more detailed information about each release and changes made in each one:

The transition from Power PC to Intel processors:

liberty (Politics Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^imstellar28:
Thats what tyranny is, a group of people oppressing others by forcing their opinions on them via the threat of harsh punishments.

Hey, I hear you have a motorcycle. I think I'll take it for a spin.

You think that you have a right to deny that to me? Don't force your group opinion on me with the threat of harsh punishments!

Just because you agree with it doesn't mean it's not horribly tyrannical!

Seriously, all these concepts are about finding a way to live together harmoniously in groups.

Part of that includes giving up the right to do whatever the hell you want at all times, especially if you want to travel using a heavy vehicle made of metal that moves faster than a cheetah in proximity to where other people or other people's property is.

It's not like motorcycles are new, and it's not as if we haven't had to deal with millions, if not billions, of asshats who confidently feel that they are the safest or simply best driver in the world, and therefore don't have to pay attention to safety laws, because they're meant for less skilled or -- let's face it -- dumber people.

I'm guilty of that kind of thinking on occasion, but it's always a threat to myself and others when I fall into that kind of egotism while behind the wheel.

The cop did what he was supposed to do by reminding you that you're not a god, and that sometimes overconfidence will not only get you killed, it could get innocent people killed too.

He had every right to do that, whether you think he did or not.

If he beat the crap out of you, or spit in your face, or took your bike, or something actually egregious and unwarranted, and when you tried to get justice the cops "protected their own", and made sure you lost the case due to a biased judge, and that was upheld by appellate and supreme courts...then maybe you'd have a case for a tyrannical system (see Guantanamo).

Getting issued a warning by a traffic cop isn't tyrannical or oppressive, it's just annoying and embarrassing.

The Colbert Report: Better Know a District - Wyoming

pigeon (Member Profile)

Airplane Birdstrike Filmed by Passenger

Slicing Decades of Video for New Life on the Web (1sttube Talk Post)

Eklek says...

Discovery channel's preditors discover their ad-hungry Killer Clips (a.k.a. "Animal faces of death") - a series of highly popular 30- to 40-second clips of animal takedowns featuring a.o. "cheetahs killing gazelles the same way they did (just to be on the safe side) 3000 years ago" - in their deep digitized video vaults..

It *could* just be coincidence

jonny says...

>> ^Grimm:
How can you say "The weirder the event, the less likely someone is to have dreamed it."?

By having worked in a sleep lab as a research programmer for 5 years. That good enough? Trust me, I'm not just making this shit up as I go along. There are indeed very distinct patterns in human dreams. But in any case, I never claimed it was impossible for someone to have dreamed of an airliner flying into a skyscraper. Only that it was highly improbable that someone would dream that prior to 9/11 and that the dream would include so many specific details of the incident. Given your decades old example, I suppose I should have qualified that to anyone who is currently under the age of say 40. Got me there.

No doubt dreams can be weird. In fact, one theory of why humans (mammals) dream is in fact to remove the statistically irrelevant correlations that build up during daily experience. The theory goes that the weird shit you see in your dreams (e.g., a cheetah driving a car) is the activation of neural pathways being pared that were inappropriately strengthened in the process of learning some other bit of information.

see above for the rest.

Cheetah and a Puppy Wrastle

Best moments of Batman the Movie 1966

ChosenOne says...

After watching that, sharing a few laughs, a single tear rolls down my cheek at the eventual loss of brain matter. Even Chester cheetah can't handle this much cheesiness.

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