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Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

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Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

gwiz665 says...

These cheetahs raping everybody out here!
>> ^lucky760:

I hope this isn't taken the wrong way because I'm not making light of it nor am I trying to be funny, but this reminds me very much of Lara Logan in Egypt.

Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

EmptyFriend says...

cheetahs kick so much ass.

at first i figured they were all being scared by the camera crew that is with her, not just her. but it appears the crew mostly stayed back.

that girl has balls.

Cheetos commercial: "Site Party"

Cheetah attacks gazelle

Yogi says...

Cheetahs are the reason I like the theory of Persistence Hunting as a way humans evolved into what we are today. Cheetahs very fast but only in short bursts and then they get very tired because of the way their body a piston pumping air in and out of their lungs, makes them tired and they can't regulate their breathing like a human can running on two feet without their body crushing their lungs.

Which means that if we wanted to...we could catch a cheetah eventually by tying it out over a very long distance.

Conan visits the Warner Brothers animation building - Part 2

kronosposeidon says...

I'll grant you that early Wonder Woman comics often played up bondage themes, but I haven't seen that exploitation post-Crisis.

I can't speak for all DC superheroes, but I think several good writers have really given Wonder Woman a well-rounded personality. Conversely, some have made her flat as paper. Still, I admire the character. If she had consistently good writing and a few top-notch villains (Cheetah's good, but the others are somewhat lacking) she'd be a top seller every month.

For a while Joss Whedon was attached to a Wonder Woman live-action film, but he's not now. If they could get him back I'm sure it would be a great film, and Wonder Woman's popularity would skyrocket like Batman's did after the Nolan films. Unfortunately the WW film is still in development hell, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.>> ^xxovercastxx:

I was pretty much a Marvel-only type of kid; the two-dimensional DC characters could never hold my attention.
That said, early Wonder Woman stories were (in)famous for being riddled with bondage & domination themes. WW lost her powers when she was tied up, so she was constantly being chained, cuffed and restrained. It was no accident; her creator was very open about his intent and (confusingly) somehow felt that women being tied up was empowering them.
Power Girl was a parody of the over-sexualization of women in comics right from the get-go, but became very popular in spite of it.
>> ^kronosposeidon:
Superhero comics are pretty much where US comics started (the Golden Age). In the superhero genre I like Wonder Woman, but I'll be the first to admit that story quality has varied wildly over the years. That's what happens when you have a character who's almost 70 years old: You get good writers, and you get bad writers. Same goes for the artists. Maybe the whole superhero-type mythology ain't your bag, but that's cool. To each his own.
I don't see the softcore porn aspect that you mention, at least not in the superhero comics I've read, and I've read a lot of Wonder Woman, and a little Batman, Superman, and Green Lantern. (I stick to the DC universe. It's hard to keep up with just one universe of superheroes. Learning the Marvel characters would be too much for my poor brain.) You'll see some ample cleavage with some of the ladies (Wonder Woman and Power Girl, I'm looking at you), but never more than that, and no sexual body parts of either sex are ever grabbed or fondled. That's what I think of when you say "softcore."
I like other types of comics and graphic novels too, but I think I've established my nerd credentials by now.

Pathetic, Wet Kitten in a Cup

Dancer in tiger costume messes around during ballet recital

Unbreakable - Weight Lifting (deleted scene)

Mac Geek - Dag finally comes to his senses

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Razor:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
To be fair, this was from the Mac OS 8 days. Things were pretty ugly in Macland back then.

The Apple "Switch" ads this parody were based on came out in 2002. OS X Cheetah and Windows XP were both released in 2001.

Good point. I was basing my statement on the hardware being displayed in the video; the original iMac, in particular. I'm not sure it's safe to assume he's talking about any specific version(s) of Mac OS in light of your observation.

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