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Just what the hell is wrong with the Japanese?

calculadoru says...

The dude who keeps falling into the hot water and the other one with the stopwatch are a duo of comedians, they call themselves Ninety Nine and have their own show. They prank each other mercilessly, as you can see - this time the prank consists of making the shorter dude fall into tubs of very very hot water, and they time how many seconds he was able to take it; the water appears to be so hot that they thoughtfully place vats of crushed ice nearby, for a bit of relief. The particularly cruel side of this duo is that they will play the same (fairly violent/painful) prank on the same guy within the space of two minutes or so, sometimes they'll do it a third or fourth time until he gets really paranoid and afraid of everything from doors to manholes. Don't ask me why he was wearing a woman's bathing suit there, I haven't a clue, but it's in line with what they do. Their New Year's Eve shows go on for hours, are live and packed with a ridiculous amount of pranks. For further enlightenment, clicky:

David Agus: A new strategy in the war against cancer

Gabe_b says...

The systemic disruption idea is interesting. One of my best friends did Biomedical science during his time at uni and we flatted together for part of it. He had a habit of going on about whatever he'd been covering in his lectures to me regardless of my interest level. Most of it was just incomprehensible page long equations, but I figured talking about it was part of his studying method so I put up with it. Still there are things he told me that stick in my mind. One of them was a brake down of what an antibiotic really is. We are Biological, 'biotic' (not to be confused with the Mass Effect appropriation of the term). An antibiotic kills things that are biological. the strongest medically utilized antibiotics kill us when they're given, they just kill bacteria faster. Similarly, fevers are a biological game of chicken, where by the 'blind watch maker' hopes to kill any invading organism with an excess of heat before we dehydrate.
This 'disrupting a complex system' technique for cancer treatment makes me wonder if a lot of the existing drugs in our arsenal might have an potential effect in the efforts against cancer.

Put down the Pipe ... (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

^Sagemind, don't let lazy stop you-you have had the stamina and dedication to flattening your ass in that chair that got you to where you are today on the site-editing software I have and never use it-will one day, but you do not have time to be dilly-dallying with it now.

Take your inspiration for creation, and enroll in the Roger Corman school of film. "Cut, excellent, beautiful, move on to scenes 14-91." You have 10 days to give the producers a can of fertilizer for the premiere in Hoboken. One take wonders hit every 5th-7th time....just look at the kids who produced the ultimately unwatchable and highly successful, Blair Witch Project. Amazing what pot and fake butter can do to an audience. Take out your camera, write the script onna cocktail napkin and roll camera.

Here are a few tips to remember, elements that win every time with gullible audiences of freaks, geeks, tweaks, and the uni-dimensional meek, the latter being the ones that Frank Zappa reminded, will inherit nothing.

Nudity: Tasteful snippets of T&A (no P, unless it's a passing flash that keeps the audience wanting more or wondering if that was what they think it was), will distract an audience from content or lack of inherent talent...use sparingly, or folks may become jaded, dysfunctional social rejects.

Profanity: No film that has ever placed in the last 40 years is without it...use sparingly, do not use any of my contributions as an example.

Set: Provide the viewer with enough to occupy their feeble minds in the BACKGROUND, to distract them from the script that looked great yesterday, but stinks like foreign cheese after the drugs have worn off the next....litter the scene with props, gadgetry and eye-candy...try dumping a garbage can on the floor and re-arranging it a few times, perhaps....(HINT:most props are made of cardboard, plaster, or Styrofoam.)

Fire: Cheap and ever present, combustibles make for good cinema....think of all the chick flicks you have had to suffer, without smoke, there can be no flames.

Actors/Actresses-Optional elements of any film, these are like friends...-dime-a-dozen clutter which distract from the task at hand-employ the services of the homeless, have animals do your bidding, stack Barbies or plastic army men to the ceiling, and roll camera....insects work well too, they are always in character.

Hope this helped.

Should We Bring back the Siftquisition? (User Poll by dag)

choggie says...

I simply hope this question is not being raised by the admins because of my actions(if it is then for fucking christ's sake, would someone simply admit that the motivation resides in that place that does not want to make ANYONE mad??...some people would kill their own children to avoid confrontation)

....I will down-vote what I would not like to be here on the sift, and those who will, vote them up-It IS about points and the status included with for some, and I am certain, that many here feel like any dissent whatsoever is a personal attack or a slap in the face. Sorry. Butch up and grow a fucking pair, life is not here to cater to you-Some of you spam a great deal of crappy content because you have a personal hard-on for the mundane and banal, or are otherwise inclined towards the uni-dimensional....gonna down-vote that shit with a velvet hammer!!

This site is not here to cater to anyone, but the whole...and to her creators, who may do as they will with the user's accounts.

Let us take this opportunity, to dispel the idea, that it was solely for want of another channel, that choggie bailed emulatorily-wrong, We had issue with a few folks and their attitudes, including dag...and was unwilling to or unable to make the bitch known and understood, through the written word...Whose failing??? Miner-niner. Working on it-may take 79864 lifetimes....get some popcorn and loosen yer belts.

Bring baaaaack the siftquisitions-loved em!....Sparked this place right the fuck up for some, gave the Junior-G-men something to feel important about, and yours hooey personally took part in several-though with a view to ultimate forgiveness, because after all-it takes all kinds to stir the shit, and some love to push envelopes in all that they do.

I wish to be the first to be Siftquisitioned, should the process be welcomed back with open arms.
This time-a one-sided conversation/cross-examination where the defendant is kept bound and gagged, will not be fucking tolerated, nor should it ever have been-neither should the rantings and emotions of a few rabid hooligans, flavour the arguments with such verbiage, as to overly influence the rest of the users to agree to such extreme measures, simply to shut them the fuck up from their childish strains....myself included...*rant *whine *pissing and moaning

Bout the only thing I can't tolerate are males being assholes to females. Otherwise, may I call you a fuckwad, fuckwad??

kymbos (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
I was sent to a private school, and as such we had no shortage of competent teachers, but I don't have a single example of a teacher who inspired me. It wasn't until uni that I met inspirational lecturers.

As for the 'what is history' question, I don't believe history is a set of dates and events. IMO, history is the critical interpretation and understanding of these events, and history teachers are probably best place to instill critical faculty in students.

are you flirting with me?
that got me all sweaty.
oh baby..
talk history to me.....
you rock man and you are spot on.
really great how it takes me a novella to write what you did in one sentence.

Most Schooling is Training for Stupidity and Conformity

kymbos says...

I was sent to a private school, and as such we had no shortage of competent teachers, but I don't have a single example of a teacher who inspired me. It wasn't until uni that I met inspirational lecturers.

As for the 'what is history' question, I don't believe history is a set of dates and events. IMO, history is the critical interpretation and understanding of these events, and history teachers are probably best place to instill critical faculty in students.

Chinese Man Throws Bicycle at Thieves

dannym3141 says...

My moment of heroism:

I was walking past my university main building on my way in to uni that morning. There's areas in england where the road connects to a bicycle path on the pavement (sidewalklol). It's marked in red and separated by a small kerbstone from the pedestrian part of the pavement. Cyclists are SUPPOSED to be carefull when joining these from the road to make sure they don't hit the peds and vice versa. It usually occurs around complicated roundabouts where bikes can get the shaft.

Ok, so there's a girl walking along, about to step into the red area, she's checked the road which was clear from her view. I saw a bike come out of a side street very fast, swing round and go straight onto the pavement colliding HARD with the girl.

So i stopped and waited to see if all was well, she got up and was clearly shocked but started walking away as the big guy on the bike started going "OI YOU, COME HERE. NO DON'T WALK AWAY, GET HERE NOW." This girl really wasn't sure what to do, she was so intimidated by this guy and she was caught between running away and standing still. This guy seemed really unhappy about hitting her and coming off his bike, he had no regard for if she was ok, just the fact that he wasn't ok and his bike wasn't ok.

So the second time he yelled "COME HERE!" I decided to get involved. I yelled at him "Leave her alone you idiot!" And marched right over to him (oh i can be quite brave when i'm annoyed at someone). He stopped yelling but still didn't want to lose the girl. "No don't walk away, come back here," he said. So i said "No, if she wants to go she can go where she likes." At which point, she legged it, clearly scared.

So the guy turns his attention to me now and said "She's just walked right into me!" So i say "No, i saw the incident, dickhead, you're meant to be a lot more careful."

He said "So who's going to pay to fix my bike then?" So i told him i'd take a look at it for him, cos i'm a cyclist myself.

This is when the reason for him not wanting the girl to walk off became apparent - it was a reasonably expensive racing bike, and where he'd fallen, he was going so fast that the handlebars which normally look like -.- (best i can do) had been COMPLETELY bent over so it almost touched the other side, so it looked like this =.

My solution? I laughed and said "Oh i can't fix that hahaha." And off i went.

the story of your decade in 3 paragraphs or less (History Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

I grew up.

My grandparents died, my uncle died, I found love, I've found my profession, I woke up and smelled the coffee.

I went through high school and on to the university. I've dropped out of uni (computer science) once in 2005 and started on a new path in 2006 (information studies, game development). I almost have that finished now. I've been a slacker in school since forever, but now I'm better at it, so I keep up while slacking too.

I've had all the jobs I've ever had in the last decade, as a delivery guy for a lumber yard, selling fish to tourists, working with web development 2 separate times, have just gotten 2x internships as a game developer.

I've been depressed and overjoyed, luckily the last is lately. I've made a few enemies and a whole lot of friends. I've been disappointed by people and pleasantly surprised by others.

McDonalds manager to applicant - "We do not hire faggots"

knobbyvarden says...

This makes me extremely angry. I'm a manager at McDonalds in England (it's a good job for a uni student), and this sort of thing is taken very seriously within the company. My store manager is gay, so from my perspective I have never seen the kind of discrimination in my job. Hope this dick head gets taken down, and fast.

This Guy Is Angry

Many sifters are extremists when talking about religion (Religion Talk Post)

choggie says...

"What i hope for is to see less videos about religion and atheism and for people to loose interests in this retarded war. I got tired of all the video spam on these subjects long ago, but they seem to keep returning."

As long as there be unfulfilled, frustrated, bitter, and uncreative folk, there will be arguments "for" or "against" anything and everything.

Religions make Semolians....greenbacks...MONEY. Including the 21st Century religion of Atheism. Both sides will always profit in our current paradigm, where money reigns supreme. YES! Has not the choggie been spouting from day 1 here on the sift (with a chambered downvote shotgun at the ready) that the rabid, sophomoric, finger-pointing and name-calling by both sides is a circle jerk of mammoth proportions?

The sift has enough video wreckage-those who play here and show up to look, usually have a brain with a solid handle on a take on God. Personally???...If ya wholesale rule out a creative force in the uni/multiverse that may or may not be a benevolent omni-being or catalytic observer/initiator, well, you simply ain't had a third-eye opening experience, and ya need to have yer pineal gland fibrillated!

Praise Bejesus Mary Magdaloin!

When no one's looking: the lives of runaway teens

Raaagh says...

Once when I was in Uni I came up with a plan to save money for a party by eating probably ~70g pasta, and a 1 cup of porridge a day for about 4 days.

By the 4th day I was just lying on my bed starving and exhausted - and utterly demotivated. I had about $2 in change handy, and decided I wanted to walk to the shops to buy something - but I couldnt be stuffed because I felt so ratshit.

Going a week without food would be ROUGH. You'd feel shakey whenever you would stand, let along walking somewhere.

INCREDIBLE video of space shuttle ascent

Doc_M says...

As ABSOLUTELY AMAZING as this is, my first question remains. Why is NASA not videoing at insanely high resolution. We should be seeing this in 1080p at a 10x compression from their original video files... not blurry 640x480 crap. Video technology has come a LOOONNNGGG way since 1970 and we should see that. If (read "when") there is another trip to the moon, I expect to see perfect video... On top of that, EVERY SINGLE VIDEO we see from the ISS should be in absolutely perfect HD with HD quality sound. Why, in 2009, are we still seeing fuzzy video with telephone-quality sound from our astronauts? Better, why are our astronauts apparently communicating via completely low-rez, almost incomprehensible quality CB-style radio? It should look and sound like they are in the next room... heck, our webcams are better quality than what we get from the ISS. As it appears to me, that would seem to be an additional 1 pound of technology in terms of the cams and only maybe 1000x the bandwidth they sent to earth in the 70's, and if they can't send that amount of data down today, than they need to rethink things a bit. psh. psh I say. I simply unimpressed by NASA's PR department. As a scientist I'm profoundly affected by their work, but as a citizen AND a scientist, I'm uni pressed with the way they've presented what they've been doing to the general public.

For goodness sake, SHOW US SOME COOL STUFF!! It's not that hard. Show us video from the moon. Show us video from the probes, show us video from deeps space. Show us ANYTHING! It is not that hard people. Think of us curious folks who just want to see things and know things. No more of these "artistic renderings" of everything you discover. Plug some damn HD video cams on your dang equipment for goodness sake.

Disclaimer: I recognize that I know jack-shit about space technology, and that I don't understand how exactly we get information direct from from outerspace installations and etc... but seriously, come on. 30 years and no improvement?

Mac Geek - Dag finally comes to his senses

NaMeCaF says...

Haha, after using a Mac for the first time this whole year at my uni, this guy just summed up exactly how I feel about Macs too. PCs have their issues sure, but Macs are just as damned bad.

Absolutely FANTASTIC Animation

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