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UPDATED! EURO S⇧FTUP 2009 now with confirmed location! (British Talk Post)

punk225 says...

Sounds cool I'll come along, my schedule is pritty empty after dropping out of uni anyway . I've been to the odd pub or two in london and if people are a bit pushed for money i could try and sneek the more youthful of you into kings college's waterfront bar (very nice views of london as well).

A video project sounds cool as well

New technique to make shaky cam videos stable

Female Genital Mutilation is Not a Question of Culture

mickd1337 says...

I studied female genital mutilation at uni, the problem is that it is so much associated with the culture (mainly in africa) that the women choose to do it knowing exactly how painful and debilitating it is to them. It is similar to a peer pressure kind of vibe, when you have the procedure done you are more accepted in the community and also have the ability to form a sexual relationship. Girls who have not had the procedure are frowned upon by boys. The worst thing about it really comes down to sanitation and what methods and tool are used in the process. Check out the WHO site.

Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes Trailer

RhesusMonk says...

I don't know when y'all read the Holmes stories, but Holmes is most definitely a fucking badass. The only reason he's not a womanizer is that there's never any time in the stories to let him be, but Doyle does suggest it more than once. Further, Holmes was a champion boxer at Uni, and never avoids a fight. This update is fine. You bony nerds are just bitching cuz this Holmes doesn't fit the self-projection fantasy you created when you were sniveling teenage bony nerds. Btw, I'll go toe-to-toe with anyone on Holmes trivia anytime. Also, please no one be offended by being called a bony nerd; clearly I am a pretty big nerd myself. *promote

Corky & The Juice Pigs - Gay Eskimo

Raaagh says...

well i err on the side of they were trying to destroy stereotypes by saturating us with them.

But I need to qualify that, because I fell in love with this song in uni. Someone gave me the mp3, and i used to study, 60 hours without sleep, and play this song (and a few others of course) over and over. I must of listened to this a few hundred if not a thousand times. So glad I have FINALLY SEEN what happens in the oasis parody

Pirate Bay: Guilty

dannym3141 says...

I've wasted so much money from buying games that look good in the store/on the box/in a magazine, because they know how to make a game look or sound good, or they pay a reviewer to give a good review, and it turns out to be the biggest piece of utter trash ever. I even bought one gay for FORTY QUID that had a few good visuals (which they pasted onto the box it came in), and the rest was almost like a beta version of a 3rd rate uni project. The voice overs were done by 1 guy (and i mean, you could tell he was putting on a falsetto voice for girls and a deep voice for boys).


Take EA - i trust them about as far as i can throw a car. They are a perfect example of why people pirate software so much nowadays. It's not because they're dirty thieves, it's not because they can't afford it, it's because they're sick of being taken for a ride and i can totally understand (even if i don't do it myself) what they do. They wouldn't even have bought 99% of that bullshit they download, and i know a LOT of people who buy what they download if it's good enough to deserve it. It's like the ultimate penance for companies who make bad products, and they all deserve it.

A company like EA has a massive fat whore sat in a barn somewhere out at EA enterprises, and she eats cardboard/porridge conglomerate, and takes a massive shit at the end of every week. So EA scoop it up, and put it in a box, and send it out to the stores.

I know i bought "in rainbows" and i payed 4 quid for it cos that's exactly what it was worth to me. At the end of the day if 1 million people bought it, that's a million quid for every member of the band for producing 1 album. The costs were negligable to them (bandwidth & i think they have their own studio and if not, what, 50 thousand?) I could live off a million quid for the rest of my life, so i think that's pretty fair for what i got.

No Cycling - a short about mountain unicycling

westy says...

the resin thay are a bit crap for mountain riding is because the whele is directly connected to the pedals so your are completely limited to how fast you can rotate your feet. id find it far more enjoyable to run and jump over thins than to unicycle them. basically a unicycle dose not add much to your perception of your world as it is reasonabley close to say walking ore pogo sticking. which is fine just as learning how to ride a chair ore any other random skill but the single worse thing with a uni cycle is that it smacks you in the balls when you fall off it.

I can ride a uni cycle and i cannot see what would compel sum one to take it to open maintain tracks , i could understand doing like tight triles on it like on tree stumps and beams ,ore doing random things in a city but riding a uni cycle on bike tracks seems a bit stupid to me. be like using a pogo stick in a swimming pool .

How Do You Pronounce Your Screenname? (Howto Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

spoco2: Spock Oh 2 (Although for the most part, the 2 is silent.)

Origins: My login to the university computer systems, automatically generated and is created from my actual name.

To this day there are people (in the real world) who only know me as Spoco... it's just what I was called in Uni.

Modern Candle Wicks Are a Marvel of Engineering

McCain the Socialist

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^Raverman:
Lets take a step back.
Is it fair that your father the doctor can charge hundreds of dollars an hour for consultation - basically sitting on his ass and giving an opinion...
... when a working class family has to work 2-3 jobs, work 16 hour days just to get enough to keep a house over their head and food in their children's mouth.
He deserves it because he got educated? How is it fair that his parents were rich enough for him to get that education when others have to drop out of school to work simply to live?

He probably paid for those 13 years of Uni with loans and grants subsidized by tax money.

Should have told the stuck up little priss that Daddy could be a doctor in Europe that makes 80,000$ a year, and really does pay nearly 60% in taxes. It's disgusting that someone so young can already be so greedy.

Obama and "Joe the Plumber"

NetRunner says...

>> ^spoco2:
And you know... not all of us are on the same timezone, so don't think that we're all staying up late because we don't have jobs... I have a full time job that supports me, my wife going through uni and my three kids thanks very much...

Speak for yourself pal, I do all my sifting from a cardboard box in an alley next to a Starbucks where I use a stolen laptop and that delectable free Wi-fi to come online and promote Obama so I can get free stuff at the expense of hard-working fools like Joe the plumber.

Mr. OriginalUsername, it sounds like you have a lot in common with Obama, raised by a single parent, and believe in the value of work.

Regardless of what you believe about Democrats, we're not socialists. We don't think we need to have government seize the means of production, and make all salaries equal. We believe in encouraging the growth of business and prosperity by using tax money to build an infrastructure that business is conducted on.

Republicans demagogue about choking business with taxes, and maybe that was true 40 years ago, but it's not true today. Democrats aren't philosophically wed to growing government, and we won't shy away from killing programs that don't work, even if we're not shy about trying new ones.

Our goals are to get as many people working as possible, through improving education, healthcare, and our infrastructure (e.g. roads, networks, and energy).

I never assume Republicans are rich -- there aren't enough of those out there to ever win elections. Most of their supporters seem to misunderstand what the Democratic party is about these days.

Obama and "Joe the Plumber"

spoco2 says...

>> ^OriginalUsername:
I can't write a long comment because I have to get up and go to work tomorrow, unlike most of the people here who believe that Joe should pay for those that don't want to help themselves. The irony is that the beer is on the working class. That's what bums spend their money on anyway....anything else would be responsible.

>> ^OriginalUsername:
Oh, and for those that believe Joe is selfish. Yeah, and those who don't do anything but sit at home, play dominoes, steal electricity and cable, and go pick up a check every two weeks aren't. We should give those selfless Americans more. After all, they're decreasing the demand for gasoline, therefore, putting country first! The lower class rules! Hey, let's get them a computer so they can see how awesome Obama is. Wait, they've probably already stolen one. Is that how you got on here?

Ahh, the right wing mantra "Why should we give money to lazy bums"?

It's a friggen cop out, you lot TRY to believe that it's really the case, that everyone but you and those who make stacks of money are just lazy... heck, even if you're getting disadvantaged by the current government because they're giving tax breaks to those who earn shiteloads more than you, you still bend over and take it because you believe that one day you'll make squillions of dollars.

The thing is... if you do start earning that kind of money... you wouldn't notice a 3% change in ONLY THE MONEY YOU EARN OVER $250K.

Everyone earning under $250K ARE NOT BUMS. You selfish, closed minded, ME ME ME dick. And how can those earning under $250K be getting this tax cut if they're not working to earn the money to get the tax cut in the first place? You make no sense.

You really are absolutely delusional, and I hope that you end up out of work and unsupported by family and then see how much you might be thankful for any kind of social security there may be... WHILE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A JOB.

(And you know... not all of us are on the same timezone, so don't think that we're all staying up late because we don't have jobs... I have a full time job that supports me, my wife going through uni and my three kids thanks very much... )

Prostitutes in Nottingham talking about their lives

Informal Poll: how do you determine a "siftworthy" video? (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

I always upvote anything when the people that post it get really excited about in their comments, like their fav song, etc.....Then I watch it-

Sometines I vote someones whole queue up, pqueue up, specially for milestones....Sometimes I forget to vote at all, cause I'm too busy musin'

like water, no shape, conform to the landscape-works for me-makes for some quality users, too-videos posted for most, reflect their inner world- associations, affirmations, convictions, when any become stale, is when ya start tweaking the user to think about the whys and hows of the motivation, and direction-can't stand the uni-dimensional, gotta have curves and lines, or it's simply a tired script-Go back and look at your old viddies 250's and above, and see how you have changed.....embrace the change-feel the burn, push the further into the mailbox before someone steals yer identity....

What Mormons Believe

thepinky says...

Why, how belittling of you to say so. I actually don't have a heck of a lot of time on my hands and sacrificed sleep in an effort to make you all see that you are intolerant, but I'm never going to win against such blatant and blind egocentrism, so it was a waste of my time.

I don't see how your arguments against the Bible relate to the topic at hand, so I'm not going to give a rebuttal. We aren't trying to legitimize religion here. We'er trying to make people realize that they don't know all that they think they do about Mormons and that they need to be more tolerant.

I agree that creationists who deny the scientific facts are blinding themselves to truth. Not all Christians believe that Creationism and Darwinism are mutually exclusive. There are many books on the subject of justifying the two ideologies. Pick one up if you care.

I don't have the energy (or the TIME!) to go too far into this point right now. But, YES, many, many, many Christians are hypocrites. I completely and utterly agree. We should all be tolerant of each other.

Many people believe that there are safeguards against following and believing implicitly in the words of others. Some but not all of which are:
1. Personal revelation
2. Agreement with already existing doctrines and morals
3. Intellect
4. Rationality

Why not get the same health benefits from non-addictive substances? Caffeine in addictive and in tea. And who said that rationality has to justify the interworkings of religion? Pah-lease! Have you ever heard of faith? What's the difference between doing what the Bible says and doing what Joseph Smith says? I don't know why you're even bothering to bring this up. Like SDGundamX said, he was taught WHY he did things. I think that most Mormons know why they do the things they do.

What's wrong with tithes? They aren't forced out of anybody. They go to good causes. Members of the church do not get paid for their service, and church members can easily find out where their money is going. I don't see the problem, honestly, or why it seems important to you.

GAH! If anyone uses anything akin to the term "forcing beliefs" one more time, I THINK AM GOING TO VOMIT.

>> ^spoco2:
Holy crap pinky, you've got an AWFUL lot of time on your hands! That's a lot of comments! (Still, that's the way of uni students... At least it was for me)
Ignoring whether you believe in a supernatural being or not, my issues with pretty much all religions, but especially the Christian ones:
The belief that the bible is the word of god... even though it is:
a) A bunch of things written by a group of different people, all with their own points to get across and axes to grind.
b) Proven to have been altered and changed over time by whoever happened to be in power at the time (the Romans changed it, it's been changed during translations etc.)
c) That it's full of things written by the people of the day which reflects the beliefs of the time and includes things like slavery being ok, and so Christians pick and choose what they wish to believe from the book while still trying to say that it's all god's word.
The attempted forcing of what they believe onto the rest of us:
This forceful pushing of Creationism and refuting of the proven facts of Evolution is damaging the countries where this is becoming mainstream (the US in particular). Creationism was a way for people who DID NOT UNDERSTAND how things worked to explain them, now that we do, it should be relegated to the history books as where we've come from.
The heinous hypocrites that most of the organized Christian churches are:
Do unto others as you would have done unto you... except if you're gay, or of another faith, or believe in something we don't believe in, then we're going to treat you like dirt and try and pass laws to stop you being YOU.
Believing that there are those that have 'authority from God':
Under what proof? That the existing ones who have authority from god give them that authority? Who gave them it? Those before... and so on until you get to someone who just said 'Yeah, you know, God spoke to me and kinda told me I speak for him...' It's an utter cop out in general life to hand over your entire moral code to someone who just says that they speak for some being that you believe in, and so anything they say goes. 'I don't like gays, they're unnatural'. 'Why is that then?' 'Well, because my pastor says so'... 'Riiiight'.
Issues with Mormon's in particular from this video:
The excluding or including things in your life just because someone said so
With nothing to back it up other than that Joseph Smith said so, you're going to give up all alcohol, coffee and tea? Why? Tea has antioxidants, as does coffee. Red wine has been shown time and time again to have many positive health benefits. Sure you can overdo any of these, but that's MODERATION, not outright shunning of something with no rational reason behind it.
Handing over of 1/10th of your income for the 'work of God'
So, really, you're handing over a HUGE amount of what you earn to those that have self proclaimed themselves to be in communication with god to do with as they please... wonderful
But most of all demonstrating their amazing gullibility in believing the charlatan that was Joseph Smith. Even from a LDS website itself, which is obviously PRO him, the story comes off as just plain ridiculous.
And it mentions the hat and if you read that, then watch South Park THEY TELL IT LIKE IT IS. That is truly the insanity of the beliefs.
But hey, if people want to believe that, good on them, just DON'T COME TO MY DOOR TRYING TO MAKE ME BELIEVE IT.
But the good thing about Mormons... because so many more people can see their beliefs as being pretty ridiculous, it allows us to say, "Really, so a guy who puts a hat over his head and rambles off things from 'sacred stones' is a pretty insane thing to follow? OK, what about people who believe that there really was a Garden of idyllic majesty with no sin, and a talking snake with a magic apple? What about believing that you can fit two of every single species of animal onto a wooden boat built by ONE GUY and then live on it without them all dying for 40 DAYS? That doesn't sound a bit loopy to you? Good luck with that."
Surely religion should be about passing on a GOOD moral code, to teach a 'right and wrong' way to treat people. As SDGundamX said he received from his Mormon church, teaching WHY things are not good to do to people from a humanistic point of view, not just because some book says so.
I think one should invest more time in organisations that aim to help their community with NO bias as to beliefs at all, but just aim to treat everyone fairly and equitably.
If you believe something that I don't, and if it doesn't mean that you treat myself or anyone else in a poor manner, then go for it. But when you try and force you beliefs on others, try to tell others that they are wrong, try to force people to change who they are (no, you've only CHOSEN to be Gay, repent now), THAT IS WRONG.

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