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Two guys speak a dozen languages in a mall

Friesian says...

Moses' French accent is pretty bad, but it's still understandable. The Irish dude has a pretty good French accent though. Having said that, this is coming from a Brit, so I'm not a native French speaker. At least to me the Irish guy sounded pretty good.>> ^lucky760:

I'm envious. I've always wished to be fluently multilingual.
I wonder how poor his accent is in all those other languages because his Vietnamese is pretty bad, not that I can hold that against him.

Blunder at the Olympics After Serena Williams Wins Gold

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^Deano:

Does anyone stop to think why the hell are we staring at flags like they're amazingly important and significant. I'm beginning to feel abnormal seeing the number of wide-eyed flag-waving Brits on the tv. They really buy into this nationalistic crap.
Makes a change from all the wide-eyed flag-waving nationalistic Americans that saturate the media the rest of the time.

Blunder at the Olympics After Serena Williams Wins Gold

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Deano:

Does anyone stop to think why the hell are we staring at flags like they're amazingly important and significant. I'm beginning to feel abnormal seeing the number of wide-eyed flag-waving Brits on the tv. They really buy into this nationalistic crap.

The reason to wave a flag is to support your "team" at the olympics, and perhaps for the home country to show the athletes how welcoming and encouraging we are towards their efforts. We're there, we're making noise, we're helping people get to events. Foreign friends are telling me "You're welcoming and friendly even if you don't know the answer." This is the most british i've seen britain in years and i'm loving it.

We're a small country and we're 3rd in the tables and top based on relative size. That's something to be pleased about and we've not had much to be pleased about recently. We also come from independant countries, and that makes us even smaller and more divided so when we wave a british flag, sometimes it's to show that we've come together and we're there to support each other.

I see people chatting to each other about the olympics in the street, and why's that a bad thing? Anything that brings us closer together has got to be good. I want people to take pride in this country because i want it to stop being a shit hole.

Blunder at the Olympics After Serena Williams Wins Gold

A10anis says...

>> ^Deano:

Does anyone stop to think why the hell are we staring at flags like they're amazingly important and significant. I'm beginning to feel abnormal seeing the number of wide-eyed flag-waving Brits on the tv. They really buy into this nationalistic crap.

So, in your opinion there should be no national boundaries and no national teams? We should be just a huge dispassionate group, representing nothing but ourselves? Your comment makes you sound as if you have no loyalty, affinity, or pride for the country where you were raised. Very sad

Blunder at the Olympics After Serena Williams Wins Gold

spoco2 says...

>> ^Deano:

Does anyone stop to think why the hell are we staring at flags like they're amazingly important and significant. I'm beginning to feel abnormal seeing the number of wide-eyed flag-waving Brits on the tv. They really buy into this nationalistic crap.

Look, you can go the pessimistic route and say that the games are just the Colosseum all over again, placating the masses by entertaining them with a grand spectacle.

OR, you could enjoy it and see it as encouraging some pride in achievement, hopefully showing some good sportsmanship (almost every games there's some great example of someone being a great sport over winning), and getting kids excited about sport. Considering obesity these days, anything that gets kids excited about participating in sports is a good thing.

My kids have been running race after race after race around our house during these games as the eldest is obsessed with Usain Bolt. There's also a lot of basketball being played as the Australian basketball teams are doing well. And the kids are also going extra hard in their swimming lessons the last two weeks.

So lighten up a bit, let yourself get carried away with the moment. I for one have been getting almost tearing over OTHER country's victories, and our competitors close victories moreso than wins by my country (maybe because Australia has had ONE gold only so far... amazing!)...

You can bemoan how much money goes into training these athletes, but I'd take money being spent having people compete in games and at peak physical fitness any day over it being spent on military spending.

Blunder at the Olympics After Serena Williams Wins Gold

Deano says...

Does anyone stop to think why the hell are we staring at flags like they're amazingly important and significant. I'm beginning to feel abnormal seeing the number of wide-eyed flag-waving Brits on the tv. They really buy into this nationalistic crap.

America's Murder Rate Explained - our difference from Europe

And Here Come Team Deutschland, Wave Grandad!

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

johncusick2 says...

to me you almost sounded british, i am a brit

it britain, we also call the rear of the car a boot.

we call peppers, peppers

i hear people use the word heaps in sentences lots (like "heaps better")

we call a g-string a thong

our petrol stations (garages) also sell alcohol

This Is England Trailer - SHOULD WATCH MOVIE

KnivesOut says...

Because british skinheads are nationalists, not necessarily just racists (like american skinheads.)

The brits are more concerned with non-christian immigrants, I guess.

This looks like an interesting film, I recognize a number of my favorite British actors from the various Guy Ritchie films.>> ^quantumushroom:

If they're 'skins', why is there a Black guy hanging out in several shots?

Graham Norton - Awful Family Photos

bareboards2 says...

An American urbanite and three Brits can't tell a possum from a ferret or an owl.

>> ^PlayhousePals:

HAHAHAHA!! Loved the pic of the little kid off to the side of the family [we love both our children]. Also, wasn't that a possum [not a ferret] in the pic before? =oD





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