paul4dirt NL

Member Profile

Real Name: Paul van Dijk
Birthdate: March 16th, 1984 (40 years old)

Member Since: October 7, 2008
Email: paul4dirt at gmail dot com
Favorite Sift: LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH-open your eyes(original video)
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Last Power Points used: July 6, 2015
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Power Points at Recharge: 1   Get More Power Points Now!

Comments to paul4dirt

choggie says...

Hey p4d....been going thru yer pqueques vids perusin'....looks like you share a similar fate with other creative folks here on this site-Your tastes are far too refined for most monkeys-You have an eye for the less than mundane which folks walking a straight line can't seem to process-I found some rare gems in yer bucket bother.....cheers

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