choggie US

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Member Since: July 28, 2006
Last Power Points used: May 1, 2010
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Comments to choggie

kymbos says...

Probably way too late, but here's a way to get educated on the type of douchebag described in the video:

In reply to this comment by choggie:
Representative of a certain type of douchebag??

I don't understand-I consider most of the people on VS who have labeled others douchebags to be authentic douchebags themselves. Help a brother out. Is there a solid set of parameters which makes codification simpler?
^this diagram did not help.

xxovercastxx says...

I thought it was a simple point, really. If he had down voted without watching the clip, people would be up in arms over it. Since it was a "positive" rules violation instead, nobody cares.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
This heroin doesn't seem to get me off. Then why did you shoot up?
Why do you use a fork to eat your gelatin? It glows better that way.
Why do you scratch your dog's back instead of his ears? Because he's hungry for Kittenchow.

Why respond to a statement eliciting simple, human interaction with a smart-ass question?

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Then why'd you vote for it?

In reply to this comment by ant:
Video doesn't seem to play for me.

Throbbin says...

Ok. That helps.

I don't speak omniswahili (you from Lesotho?).

In reply to this comment by choggie:
It means that the YT crowd answered the question of Thai or Chinese-The bag o' suds??...the detergent package in the viddy-My statement about the veracity and enthusiasm of information given on both sites I compared to that of a fan...y'know, like a baseball fan.
Some baseball fans have brains fulla stats, others have the stats and a passion for a particular player. If you let one loose on wikipedia or You Tube, they might just plug in some slanted information. Trying to decipher my babble can be difficult-I have a tendency to free-associate and speak in om Omniswahili.

In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
What on earth does this mean?

In reply to this comment by choggie:
the bag o' suds reads USA.....YT users say its Thai...the fervor of YT comments are not unlike that of a fan of a particular subject on Wikipedia-good bet it's Thai-

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