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Advert for CSI Miami ~ Bikini Interrogation


Well, actually I did mean it somewhat seriously. We are all aware of the numerous, actual occurrences of this type of behavior today. A commercial like this just appeals to the despicable individuals who partake in it, and by making light of it as a humorous situation, it desensitizes all of us who'd otherwise see how fucked it is.


You are aware this was an advert for a t.v. show, and not real, right? Because even through a sarcasm filter, it makes it sound like you're taking this video seriously.


I don't like the sarcasm button. If someone can recognize sarcasm, they get the point, if they can't they think I'm an asshole or doofus but I'm OK with it being lost of them. Labeling a post sarcasm is like popping your kids balloon she just got.

Ravenijokingly says...

Well, I'm okay with popping your kid's balloon.


I don't like the sarcasm button. If someone can recognize sarcasm, they get the point, if they can't they think I'm an asshole or doofus but I'm OK with it being lost of them. Labeling a post sarcasm is like popping your kids balloon she just got.


This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by chicchorea.

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