from y/t:Workers are again trapped and burned to death behind locked exit gates...
The tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire struck a nerve in the American people, who demanded reforms which remade our industrial landscape and guaranteed the rights of workers. Today these rights have been wiped out in the race to the bottom in the global sweatshop economy, where workers in the developing world toil 14 hours a day,
seven days a week for wages just one tenth of what the Triangle workers earned. Workers are again trapped and burned to death behind locked exit gates. One hundred years ago, the outrage over the Triangle fire
led to the rallying cry, "Who will protect the working girl?" Where is that cry today?
Sign the petition!
legacy0100We all must remember the triangle shirtwaist factory fire. My parents happen to be in the garment business and they get to see first hand just how manipulative these companies can get. And the companies in turn are pushed by ever demanding customers who always want better quality for lower price.
Market is skewed. It must be regulated.
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EMPIREsays...This sort of thing just pisses me off beyond reasoning.
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RaaaghWhy does he call it murder?
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Opus_Moderandisays...You want to save those women? I have 3 words for you: Mail. Order. Brides.
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