the parts of the brain (anatomy song by pinky & the brain)


"NOOOOW1? Yall' kin sang louder n' that!?, Here;s the words t' foller' aloooong!"
BRAINSTEM (Episode P3)
Lyrics by Tom Minton.

Sung to Camptown Races by Stephen Foster.

Pinky: And now, the parts of the brain, performed by The Brain!
Brain: Ye-e-s!

Brain: Neo-cortex, frontal lobe
Pinky: Brainstem! Brainstem!
Brain: Hippocampus, neural node
Right hemisphere.

Brain: Pons and cortex visual
Pinky: Brainstem! Brainstem!
Brain: Sylvian fissure, pineal
Left hemisphere.

Brain: Cerebellum left!
Cerebellum right!
Synapse, hypothalamus
Striatum, dendrite.

Brain: Axon fibers, matter gray
Pinky: Brainstem! Brainstem!
Brain: Central tegmental pathway
Temporal lobe.

Brain: White core matter, forebrain, skull
Pinky: Brainstem! Brainstem!
Brain: Central fissure, cord spinal

Brain: Pia mater!
Menengeal vein!
Medulla oblongata and lobe limbic
Pinky: Naaarf!

Brain: That ought to keep the little squirts happy. Ye-e-s!


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