nVidia - Stereo Rendering 3D - Left 4 Dead In 3D Glasses

The system was talked about last year, and is still going strong, now, showing off duel rendered on a host of titles. This system is not dependant on specific support, and any application, can be supported

Obvious downside, is rendering the scene twice (left and right) will require more gpu horse power, but thats not too big a problem :)

Lets hear it for new huge price on 15 year old tech. Shutter glasses aren't new, they used to be given away with 3d cards back in the late 90's.

>> ^spoco2:
And my, hasn't Hollywood gone friggen 3D crazy? (Obviously in an effort to get people to come to the cinemas more)

They should try lowering ticket and concession prices, it might have more of an effect. Cost me $12.50 for a medium soda and a medium popcorn last week.

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