iPhone controlled QuadRotor Helicopter with onboard cameras

WOW... That's a seriously stable flying platform. Auto takeoff and landing, auto stabilizing flight, augmented reality games, controlled by WiFi.

I think it may cost a bit more than the $30 RC helicopter I just bought, but it's got some serious tech.

[via slashgear a bunch more videos of it in action there]

Product website

Amazing step forward in technology - and I suppose one step closer to Skynet taking over and giving big brother a helping hand. How long until we see these flying around town video-graphing everyone's faces and running them through face recognition programs on the fly (pun not intended). I think the only part of the technology left here are the batteries. Batteries are heavy and don't store enough power for the prolonged flights needed for proper surveillance.

Edit: An, why is this in SiftTalk?


>> ^gwiz665:
If you have a good reason to discuss this, ant, you have to state it.
For now return

Sorry about that. I accidently pressed discuss link. Now, to think about it. That's a bit scary to click on.

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