henry giroux-we have lost the language of compassion

"In a special interview, Truthout contributor Henry Giroux takes us back to the basics of what can be seen as an ongoing and accelerating war between the rich and everyone else, an event that has resulted in a mass inability "to translate private troubles into larger structural public considerations."

"We have no way of understanding that link anymore," Giroux says, "because what we've done is we've defined freedom in a way that suggests it's the freedom to do anything you want and screw everybody else."

"You can't do it alone, you have to do it collectively..."

Remember the way they tried to eradicate any sense of collectivity from the cultures in the Southern Cone? How even group presentations in schools were outlawed as a danger to individual freedom?

Who are "they"? The Chicago Boys, of course.

Everything Giroux mentions can be read about in the truth commission reports from all those South American countries that had their culture upended in order to enforce the economic ideology as taught by Friedman in Chicago. Same thing, just imposed by external players and condensed into a rapid series of shocks.

Same ideology.


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