Yearly Kos '07: Dennis Kucinich

Reel of Dennis Kucinich's remarks during the Presidential Forum at the Yearly Kos 2007 Convention in Chicago, IL on August 4, 2007.

The reason why U.S. health care is in "trouble" is government. Everything government touches turns into a square wheel.

Government is a necessary evil, not Santa Claus.

When will this phony "rights" nonsense end? Today it's a "right" to "free" health care. Tomorrow will everyone have a "right" to free shelter and a free working automobile, paid for, of course, by "everyone"?

Yeah, pure free market systems are unstable and unruly, regulation is needed--to a point--but these guys are waaaay off.

There are no solutions, only trade-offs. And Kucinich-brand wussy "diplomacy" is a great way to encourage would-be Hitlers.


Government is a necessary evil?

Hey man, just because they've screwed things up doesn't mean they're DESIGNED to do evil things. We got good ppl in there, along with very bad ppl. Just depends on who gives the good ones and evil ones the power really, and that's us.

We're the stupid ones here whining about our own mistakes. Don't be so harsh.


Wow, OK, so he's against the only conceivable alternative to oil, which is nuclear. He is also extremely naive when it comes to healthcare and the war. His ideas are . . . nice, but they are just that--ideas. I don't think he has any real plans to implement this stuff and he just wants to make people feel good and then vote for him.


That quiz is terrible. It linked Kucinich to me as the most similar candidate even though he opposes drilling for oil in wildlife preserves, wants to establish Kyoto in the US, supports No Child Left Behind, and supports universal healthcare, which is the complete opposite from me, and I marked all of these issues as "key", i.e., of the utmost importance. I guess none of the candidates even come close to having my set of views.


Government is a necessary evil?

Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

--George Washington

We're the stupid ones here whining about our own mistakes. Don't be so harsh.

Dude, we're not harsh enough. The reason guys like Kucinich tick me off is, there are important decisions to be made based on historical realities (e.g. give tyrants the smackdown, don't coddle them) and guys like this just gum up the works.

"Do we really want far-left Congressman Dennis Kucinich to be chairman of the subcommittee on national security?

This is the same Dennis Kucinich who once introduced a bill 'to abolish all nuclear weapons,' who has refused to condemn Hezbollah terrorists, calling instead for us to have a 'recognition that connects us to a common humanity and from that draw a flicker of hope to enkindle the warm glow of peace.' Poetic but dumb."

--T. Sowell


What? You people are against universal healthcare? It costs less and everybody is entitled to health care. What's wrong with that? Also you have to remember that even if the government runs its own healthcare system, there's still room for private hospitals and health insurance companies. Those who have money can use them to get faster and better care.


Tomorrow will everyone have a "right" to free shelter and a free working automobile, paid for, of course, by "everyone"?

Yes, all thanks to those bloody commies in the fire department who started the whole evil downward spiral of socialism.

Seriously dude, get out of your trailer park and the noise of Fox news and visit a country with universal healthcare, not only can it be done, but it is being done, in every civilized nation except the US. You've been fed this anti-communist propaganda for 50 years now, and yet you are living in a similar system. You know that when these private companies get filthy rich, someone is always paying for it, and most usually, its the masses of people who need to suffer so that the few can enjoy luxury. You could do well with some socialist thinking, but since you cant see the big scaly corporate pecker being shoved down your throats, it might be time to turn off the TV and turn on the brain.

The whole reason things like rights and constitution and government was established, is that if everything was just left to everyones private interest, that shits gonna run amok, and thats excactly whats happened to your healthcare.


If your house is burning, and you call 911, government-paid firemen will come and put out the fire, for free, immediately. They don't ask to see insurance paperwork first. But if your internal organs are "burning", and you call 911, whichever hospital is closest gets to extort an arbitrary sum of money from you if you're uninsured, because there is no such thing as shopping around for emergency rooms. It's "Pay whatever we want you to pay, or we'll let you suffer". It's absolutely unconscionable.

Canada, England, and France have great universal healthcare systems. Every reason for employing firemen by the government also applies analogously to employing doctors by the government.

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